Friday, 5 December 2008

Be thankful!

Good Evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Am saying, 'Good Evening', eventhough it is only late afternoon. It is dark now; and methinks, it could snow any minute!

Am thankful that it is Friday and the weekend again! Where does the time go! This week has been an extra tough one for us; however, we are doing our best to 'survive' amidst all the economic and political storms. We know there are a lot more people in worse situations; so we are grateful for our Blessings.

Just reread my bittid 'notes' that I wrote re: 'Hour of Power' (the Schullers), 'Enjoying Everyday Life (Joyce Meyers), and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price) from the Vision Channel that I enjoy most Sunday mornings. I have been 'away' from things a bit; and I will write a tidbit post tomorrow on what I can ressurect or 'decipher' from my 'scribblings'. LOL! However, the best tid suggestion, is to check them out for yourselves; as you will directly gain a better understanding from their insightful teachings and inspirational messages of encouragement. Particularly, during these turbulent times of turmoil and unrest around the globe.

We have had another full day; and am looking forward to a tender bittidz steak (Costco) that has been marinating for most of the day; along with sliced tidbitz potatoes (you can 'stretch' the potatoes further, when sliced) absorbed in olive oil, salt & pepper, & a generous grating of parmesan cheese! Mmmmmm! 'Cooks say Cheese'; as the expression goes! LOL! Also, fresh brocoli with lemon & butter; a small green salad; and last but not least, a glass (or two!) of South African red wine! Hope there is a good movie or two on tonight! A perfect Friday night to stay indoors and appreciate being home for the night!

Tidbit - Am referring to my post of Nov. 29th, re: The Rope. It is true; in that when you 'Let Go' and place your FAITH 100% in Him, He does Provide your needs. Maybe not as quickly as you would like; but then that is where 'PATIENCE' is also the key, while you 'wait' for His Solution.

Bittid - While you 'wait', CHOOSE to enjoy your life; rather than being brought down by all the 'doom and gloom' and fearmongering throughout the world. He says 'FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD'. That is enough for Alan and I! 'Waiting' can be difficult to do; particularly when you are wishing things to happen, sooner rather than later. However, it is all in His Time, and according to His Will; so simply 'let go' and leave it all to Him, as He will Provide what is best for you. Plus if you find that 'everything' appears to be 'caving in' all around you, just do your best to 'shrug it off'; 'FEAR NOT', and continue (like the Energizer bunny! LOL!) with a quiet calm and a bold resolve. Even 'step back' from your obstacles; have a nice evening, a sound sleep, and things are ALWAYS better in the morning.

Here is wishing you a peaceful R & R weekend. Love the above cosy photo image!

Good night and God Bless.

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