Tuesday, 9 December 2008

'The Christmas Card' - A wonderful message!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a miserable rainy day; even our Blue balked at the pouring rain of 'cats and dogs'. He could not get back indoors, from his morning walk soon enough! LOL! However, I am appreciative of the rain; better than snow! The rain also helps one get things done (some tasks long overdue), as well as to enjoy a reflective CALM.

In yesterday's post, I made mention of the movie, 'The Christmas Card'. It really is a warm and 'fuzzy' story; and it touched me to the tid chord of my heart. Lots of tidbit lessons to be learned from that show! For those of you, who are feeling 'out of sorts', or a bit 'down', whatever bittid emotion, the movie is very uplifting and 'real'. The characters even are perfect for the parts; and I thought the parents and the uncle were great! My parents, alas have passed away; and I genuinely miss that type of warm family 'gathering'.

However, we are not to mourn the past (for too long); but to take gentle comfort and joy in the present! To be appreciative of the good memories from the past, as well as creating new memories for today, and genuinely building upon or 'nuturing' hopes for the future. I do have a bittidz lump in my throat that my parents are not physically here with us; however, I know they are in Heaven and are at Peace. That being said, we are daily reflecting upon All our Blessings.

Eventhough a lot of us have been affected by the financial 'mess', we are choosing to enjoy this Christmas season all the more! We are happy that we have Christmas decorations to put up! Our 'Charlie Brown' tree (You can refer to my post of Nov 30/08), 'glows' and the wonderful tidbitz decorations really brighten up our home. We think this particular Christmas (Birth of Jesus Christ) will be more meaningful than past Christmases. Also, more people may embrace the Light of Jesus, because "He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life". Faith is a 'Beacon of Light'; and He says, "FEAR NOT".

Personally, I am feeling a tid 'discouraged'; however, I repeat, He says, "FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD". Methinks, I feel a bittid invigorated after writing my post; so hopefully, this is a tidbit of good cheer, hope, and encouragement.

We have a good friend coming over in an hour; it will be refreshing to see him. Am thankful too, we have a beautiful fireplace; so a warm crackling fire will be all the more appreciated by us on this dark day! Between him and us, we may be able to shed a bit of light, on the refinancing of our various longterm projects.

Bye for now; perhaps there may be a tid of tidbitz later; as well as a bit of bittidz good news.

God Bless.

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