Wednesday, 17 December 2008

A Genuine Good Night

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today has been a bittid day of 'challenges'; and am glad it is now evening. It is full winter here! The forecast looks as if we may have a 'White Christmas'.

During these tough times, I believe more people are looking to being more 'genuine'; and that 'material' items are not as meaningful, in the total scheme of tidbit things.

Today, we have experienced some people who are totally 'genuine'; and others who appear to be 'greedy', and only concerned with their own tid self 'image'; ie 'What would others think?' Methinks, with the current state of the global financial market, 'pride' should be tossed out the window; and that a compassionate 'heart' should prevail! Very dismaying to see the avid and avarice preoccupation for 'appearances sake'; having no apparent concern for the plight of others. UNLESS, the selfish bit thought may be: 'What is in it for me?' (Greed comes strongly to mind). 'It is hard for a leopard to change its spots' as the expression goes, may apply here.

We are 'working' towards 'fruition'; eventhough various bittidz 'setbacks' still abound. However, at the same time, we believe we will make it through these challenging times; and we are totally grateful for all our Blessings of each and every day.

Earlier this evening, we watched Trevor Linden, an ex Canuck hockey player, being honoured for his wonderful career, as well as his #16 Jersey being retired forever. He is such a gracious and humble man; and methinks, he is an excellent role model / mentor for many. He is one who has made a powerful impact and a positive difference in the world!

On that note, am going to say 'Good Night'; as it has been a rather long and hectic day; with a lot of unexpected tidbitz 'curves' thrown our way. However, that is okay; we are grateful for a good night's rest. Love the above photo image; that is us tonight!

Tidbit - Keep on trekking in your FAITH in Him; BELIEVE that He will Provide Solution.

Bittid - Appreciate your home, your family, your friends; and / or whatever matters to you the most.

Good Night again, and God Bless.

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