Monday, 5 May 2008

A 'unique' Monday

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Before I forget a tid; here are a few bit messages from Joyce and Charles from yesterday! ie. Joyce Meyer and Charles Price; if you wish, you can refer to my earlier posts about them. We enjoy listening to them on the Vision Channel on Sundays, when we are in town.

Joyce illuminated how important it is to 'Keep it Simple'; and enjoy your life. As far as Prayers; there is a difference between Righteous Prayers and 'self righteous' Prayers. The 'self righteous' Prayers are when you feel you have been 'good'; and thus you feel 'entitled', or have 'earned it'. In a Righteous Prayer, you are genuine within your heart; and when you have LOVE inside, the Prayer is a sincere one.

Charles was speaking about 'Walking by Faith, Obedience, and Trust". He referred to the Biblical story of Abraham; and how his Faith was sorely tested; when offering his son, as a human sacrifice to Him. Basically Abraham, at the 'burnt offering', laid EVERYTHING before the Altar of God; and at the last moment, God intervened; and the son was not slaughtered; a lamb was, instead. The message is, that we must genuinely Trust Him; and let go, placing everything before Him for His Solution; not relying on our own understandings. The testing of FAITH, produces an ENDURANCE, and you are 'stronger' at the end of it; and it is WHO you are going with, not where you are going, in these trials and tests of life. It is a never ending process; and He is constantly molding and re molding us, so that we can be more like Him!

The above tidbits / bittids are very true; and life is a lot simpler, when one follows His Guidance; and remember He has already WON; when it comes to the Spiritual battles. For those of you, who may be / or are under 'attack', FEAR NOT.

Today has been a fully 'unique' one; and I will share more illuminating bittidz when the tidbitz is all assembled and the TRUTH is brought to bear. Very 'interesting stuff' (the 'sibling saga') that is becoming more clear, with each passing day; and as He says. 'Fear Not, I have Overcome the World'. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'; and in that message, we rejoice!

Tidbit - PRAY for your enemies.

Bittid - Lest we forget, 'Absolute Power corrupts absolutely'; and / or 'you reap what you sow'. 'Generosity of Spirit' is good; and the TRUTH ALWAYS PREVAILS.

We went to Costco on Saturday (See post of May 3rd, if you wish); and we enjoyed some wonderful tidbit savings, including a few bittid racks of delectable spareribs. Am cooking them all up now; and our house is filled with such a delicious aroma! Mmmmmm.Yum. This is, indeed, a special treat! The sun is now out in full force; a lovely Spring afternoon!

Here is wishing you a nice evening. God Bless.

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