Thursday, 22 May 2008

Good to have a calm and a peace within

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

And, no I am not crazy! Just reread my tid post of yesterday; and what I saw, was what I saw! And, very clearly! Have had some other bit out of the ordinary 'experiences'; however, this one was very 'poignant!' And, for what it is tidbit worth, I felt a whole lot better, as if a ' huge weight had been lifted from my heart'.

Today has been a most 'strange' day. It would appear that the closer one gets to the 'truths of various matters'; more bittid 'stuff' hits the fan; like all the notches are turned up!

Tidbit - When you 'Discern' (I like that word) the TRUTH, there is also more 'heat' directed towards you. Take solid comfort in knowing that He has already WON the battle! 'Praise Him in ALL things!'

Bittid - Have a 'calm' and a peace 'within', knowing that He is your Advocate!

Love the above bittidz photo image of the Queen Elizabeth Pink Rose! We are looking forward to the beautiful blooms from our 2 climbing Rose bushes, we have in our tidbitz garden / patio.

God Bless.

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