Friday, 9 May 2008

Friday, May 9th.

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

Methinks I am 'ready' for a tid R R, as seen in the above photo image of the bit seaside etc. Please see my post of May 7th, 'Good Morning!', if you would like a bittid background.

Yesterday, we went to the Court House, as 'scheduled'; with one exception. I sorely twisted / sprained my ankle; and could not put even a tidbit of weight on my left foot.(literally, my left foot). I went over in or on my shoe; and down I went for a concrete landing. The Court House Security Staff were all wonderful; ie got me ice, a blanket to put my foot up, and then a 'court nurse on call' came by and 'diagnosed' my injury. So, there I sat in the foyer of the Court House, while Alan was in the Court Chambers. My heart was to be with him; but physically, alas, I could not walk; plus there was quite a bittidical bit of swelling. Quite grotesque actually. And, I was given a couple of extra strength Tylenol. I may have broken a tidbitical tid of tiny bones (I think a break might have been simpler); so methinks I will have to follow the nurse's recommendation to see my doctor and go for some X rays. However, how does one do that, when not able to walk etc. I am literally 'crawling' on my knees around the house; muscles that have not been used for awhile in that manner, are starting to manifest in a few aches! LOL! I was 'told' to keep my foot elevated, ice on and off every 10 mins, and just rest. Well, believe you me, I won't be going anywhere soon. Probably should have an X ray; but feel I should just 'lay low'; and perhaps, it is just a nasty sprain; and one can not do anything for that condition, so I have been told. It is more of a 'drain' and hassle' than anything else. Am not one to readily pop pills; however, am appreciative for the pain killers! They may be helping a bit; but I am only taking them every tid 4 hours. However, I 'Praise Him in ALL Things'.

I feel that the fall is all a part of a Spiritual Battle in this Court case; and yet, perhaps it was just as well, that I was not in the Court Chambers yesterday with Alan and his 3 siblings. 'Their' lawyer took over the 'floor' most of the day. Alan's lawyer will be speaking today; inasmuch as approx a foot high of Affadavits arrived to his lawyer's office late in the afternoon, the day before the court date. Not really enough time to rebut; is there? Under the circumstances, I think Alan's lawyer may have considered to ask for an adjournment. However, the 2 days had already been set aside for the last x no of weeks, as well as a Judge; so today is D-Day. Plus 'their Affadavits' were done in mid March; with a few 'tweaks' added recently. I guess 'they' anticipated Alan's Affadavits; and attempts were made to 'cover their butts'. There is only one thing; their Affadavits are taken out of context, are in 'half truths'; in a bittid - full of malice and old news. The oldest sibling really HATES Alan, and the other female sibling, is not too far behind in that line. The second oldest sibling, the male, is totally complicent. 'Reconciliation' has not appeared thus far in the 3 siblings' vocab; after numerous attempts over the years to work out the differences. This heartfelt wish carried over to Alan's Mum's final wishes; and even the Dad wanted a 'meeting of the minds' with all of his children. Apparently, the Dad now HATES Alan, since he has been placed back in an old age institution, as of the end of Feb; after he had lived quite happily with us for about 5 weeks? 'Indoctrination tactics', possibly? The siblings are stating that 'Dad is now back to normal!' (He has dementia; to boot). Alan has always been agreeable to reconciliation; but with him being labelled, as the 'Black Sheep in the Family'; (he marches to a different drummer) this alas, has been to no avail.

As in the Biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colours, jealousy comes quickly to my mind. My character and integrity have been attacked as well; inasmuch as I am Alan's wife. However, HE knows the TRUTH; and we believe it will be illuminated more clearly today. Wish I was a fly on the wall; and yet my body is simply saying 'just relax' at home. It also is pretty hard in the secular world to defend against lies, innuendos, and malice. Alan bears no malice towards his siblings; instead, he has been desirable of a genuine reconciliation. Forgiveness is what is needed; and he has forgiven them. We still to this day, do not know why the siblings are so full of anger and hate towards Alan. No concrete reasons; heresay; and largely 'third' parties? Also, it is Alan's Dad's birthday today; tragic that Alan can not call him, to wish him a Happy Birthday! Because of the current 'parameters' placed by 'them'.

Will say when I was propped up on 2 lounge seats at the Court House, it was like 'old home week'; as I saw a few tid people I knew. ie my lawyer from ex divorce; a neighbour, and met a few bit others. There was a 'gentleman' (a street person) who was in need; and I guess he was being a bit of a nusiance in the foyer, as he was approaching most people he saw, for coin. Amazing how many people discarded him; as if he was a 'filthy piece of rag' - which we all are. I 'Witnessed' gently to him (and I gave him what $ I could) and suggesting that he should Ask Him for His Help and Solution; and that he might be surprised at the outcome. ie 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'. I would like to think that he 'reached out' to Him.

So, right now, am elevated up in an most awkward sitting stance, attempting to write today's post. Shortly after we had moved here, I found an old hot plate; so now, that is being pressed into service! Very convenient to have the heated coffee pot at hand; rather than placing extra and undue strain on my leg.

Tidbit - Trust in Him.

Bittid - Forgiveness is huge! Have written a few posts re: the importance of forgiveness.

Have to go now and properly plump up against my bed pillows. Am feeling a tidbitz weary; and a bittidz nauteous as well.

Hopefully, will write later today.

God Bless.

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