Wednesday 7 May 2008

Spring temperatures!

Hi Again!

Just finished vacumming; and am about to do a quick tidbit dust, a bittid clean in the bathrooms, and a) our home is a tidbitz tidier; and b) our house is made 'ready' for our dear longtime family friend / cleaning woman tomorrow. Sadly, she recently discovered, that she has been diagnosed with ostereoposis; am really surprised because she is in such great limbo condition! However, it is always a wonderful treat to see her; from a friend point of view, as well as a house cleaning bittidz, every 2 weeks approximately! She does the silver polishing, the heavier duty dusting (crooks and crannies that I do not get to), and the more due diligence in the bathrooms / kitchen areas.

It has turned into a glorious Spring Day; will be going out to enjoy it, in a bit; after I have done the tid above mentioned tasks! The doors and windows are open; airing everything out. Am still wearing a sweater; but there is the delightful transition to warmer weather. We are looking forward to that refreshing change; and to prepare our bittid of a garden / patio! You feel so much better too, don't you, when you have 'organized' the soil, the flower / herb pots, the patio, garden furniture etc. Barbecue season, yes! We ultimately will purchase a barbecue; as our old tid one of many years, is now no more. We are coming up to living here for 2 years; and we have attended to the 'garden'; but we have also observed to see what grows and what best suits this place. This season, we will be focusing on 'getting our bit 'outdoor retreat' into shape! We will be in better shape too, methinks! LOL!

Tidbit - Gardening is such a peaceful endeavour; as well as good therapy, for 'whatever ails you'; or, so they say.

Bittid - 'The Art of War'; the book I referred to in yesterday's post, offers invaluable life lessons. Interesting too, that when one has 'an inner calm', it is displayed outwardly.

Hope this is an encouraging uplift! Love the above Camelia flower; we have a couple of trees / bushes of them; and they are coming out in full gorgeous pink blooms.

Will be back!

God Bless.

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