Saturday, 24 May 2008

A Tranquil Saturday Evening

A quick P.S.

We heartily enjoyed the ribs! You can either use 'barbecue sauce', or make your own mixture for the marinade; and then add the various tidbitz spices. Did not have room for the salad and veggies; hence the picked bittidz herbs will be fridge fresh for tomorrow!

It is a beautiful sunset tonight! We are glad it is Saturday evening; that we are home, and can 'bohemianly' chill out.

Alan had a call from a good friend, who needed some tid sage advice (the herbs are on my mind! LOL!). Hopefully, he will follow Alan's helpful bitful suggestions. The long distance call happened during our dinner; thus our appetites were somewhat lessened; which was fine; as the ribs were extremely tidful filling! However, did have room for a glass of red wine (South African!). Skal!

Tidbit - Roll with the bit punches.

Bittid - The TRUTH always appears in interesting and mysterious ways. Our friend, who telephoned, further endorsed 'things'. There are NO coincidences.

Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

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