Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Tuesday Afternoon

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been on the go since the bit 'crack of dawn' practically; home for a short tid while. Much tidbitz all at once! Why is life like that! We have also been dealing with a lot of 'sibling saga' bittidz; as the court date is drawing nigh. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Tidbit - Look to Him for SOLUTION and He will Provide. ENDURE and have FAITH.

Bittid - 'The Art of War' (an Illustrated Edition SUN TZU and Translated by Thomas Cleary); is an excellent resource; and the ultimate purpose of War, is Peace.

However, from this empowering book, I would like to quote a passage; which I feel is illuminating! "Weapons are inauspicious instruments, not the tools of the enlightened. When there is no choice but to use them, it is best to be calm and free from greed, and not celebrate victory. Those who celebrate victory are bloodthirsty, and the bloodthirsty cannot have their way with the world."

'Praise Him in ALL things.' The aftenoon has turned into a sunny one! Love the above photo image of Spring flowers!

God Bless.

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