Monday, 12 May 2008

' Groggy foggy '

Good Afternoon, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world.

My apologies for not writing a bit sooner in the day; but I have literally had my foot elevated; and applying tid ice packs diligently; or Alan has. He has had to go out re: our Monday tasks; but when he has been here, he has been a great 'nurse'! LOL! It has been a tidbit of a 'rest'; although there are a muriad of bittid thngs to do. However, am going to the Doctor's this afternoon; so he will check out the foot and most likely will suggest X rays. The foot is full of lovely, amber, yellow, black, blue, red, whatever comes to mind....Probably nothing can be done; save to just 'rest' and elevate the foot. Have also taken the odd painkiller, plus tidbitical anti inflammatory pills; however, not a hugely visible bittidical difference from the onset of the injury.

Am going to go and 'get ready' to go to the Dr's appointment. Am feeling a bit 'groggy foggy' ; so will write a tid later (hopefully later today) re: the wonderful visit yesterday with my daughter; as well as a few tidbits / bittids from the Vision Channel.

Love the above photo image; kind of describes how I am feeling; plus there are dark clouds looming overhead; a good day to stay home.

Tidbit - Praise Him in ALL Things.

Bittid - Just keep having the FAITH; even in the 'unseen' Faith.

God Bless.

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