Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Illumination and Letting it Go!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies; did not write a post yesterday. The day came and went in a bittidz!

The morning found us doing our business, and in the afteroon, we 'planted' our garden herbs in our tid garden patio, as well as our colourful geraniums on our bit balconey's planters. The weather was fluctuating back and forth; as in pouring rain, dark skies, cold, sunshine, warmth. Go figure.

Have a bittid of a tidbitz to share with you. About mid day, when I was soaking in our bath tub, and gazing up through our wonderful skylight, and in the midst of Prayer (I was feeling a tidbit weary and needed an uplift); all of a sudden, the rather gloomy sky brightened. Kid you not! AND, I saw 8 to 12 glowing Crosses in amongst the clouds, each illuminated by a light in the centres! Then I saw on the edge of some clouds, (as you would see on a map of coastline edges) with soft pastel blues and pinks; almost a 'rainbow' effect. Also then saw a wee tid of a rainbow by 'itself' out in front, with all the 7 spectrum colours! I thought WOW! I Praised Him then and there in ALL Things! And immediately felt a lot better; I think too my bit foot has 'weighed me down' a bittidz as well. After that, I 'hobbled' into action; and starting the planting; and yes, it was raining on and off.

My son came over for dinner; and we had such a fun visit! The 'Mother's Day' flowers I received on May 11th, have lasted for quite a tidbitz of time. I was able to rearrange the living ones into 2 cheerful displays; and there is a 'therapy' in working with your hands; be it gardening, cooking, whatever.

Also, was able to finally work out an equitable fair family use of our summer cabin; and I believe this is the start of better relationships between our family and my brother's family.

Tidbit - Do your best to do what is fair, right, and equitable; and have a Generosity of Spirit. However, always leave it to Him to Provide Solutions; just by 'letting it all go!' I did that very thing; and left it in His Hands to work things through for all of us. And, He did! ie Our summer schedule is now 'streamlined' to ensure a win / win 'give and take' decorum between us; so that we can all enjoy our 'cottage by the sea' for many many years to come.

Bittid - Always have a thankful heart; even during challenging and or fatiguing moments. Think positive thoughts; Pray for Solutions to the GOOD; and Keep things SIMPLE.

Love the above photo image; the message says it all!

Good Night and God Bless.

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