Sunday, 18 March 2007

"Zihua, here we come!"

This is where Alan and I are going for our vacation!!! We have not taken the luxury, or been able to appreciate a 11 day holiday; let alone out of the country; save for 4 yrs ago, when we went on our 2 wk honeymoon to the Caribbean. This vacation, will be perfect; and quite literally, what the Dr. (HIM) has prescribed for us!!! Sunshine, here we come; and of course, with our sun block!

ZIHUATANEJO, Mexico, is where we are going. I think I may have mentioned "Zihua", as the locals call it, in tids of blogs a bit ago! The photos are where we are staying.
Have a GORGEOUS view of the bay from our spot; plus our own dipping pool etc.etc. etc.

We hear the news; not the greatest for tourists in Mexico. However, we will do our best to use common sense; as well as enjoying these 11 days. We leave in the tid hours of the 21st (First day of Spring!!!!) and back in the bit hours of April 2nd. With what is going on in our lives presently, 2 weeks is just too long to be away. One week would not have done it justice, either though.

Tidbit - Ask Him for guidance. I do, all the time. Even, when it comes to a vacation! ie where to go; "the whole 9 yards", etc. It is amazing WHAT happens!!!! Just have the faith!

To some of you, this may not be easy to accept, or to believe; for you, to rely TOTALLY on Him; because you do not tangibly SEE Him. He is not visible; however, with our past experiences, I know that He is VERY real; and that, He is THERE! -very much as an endorsement! Alan and I have been given so much! Many many blessings; and we praise Him each and everyday - and, in ALL THINGS! It is just as important to acknowledge and praise Him, when all is well too; not just when things are a tid of a challenge etc. Never lose sight of that. HE IS! - THE ANSWER TO PRAYER! (just Seek, and ye shall Find!)

I genuinely hope that this message also, reaches those that want to know more; and is a wee bit of comfort, as well. It is never too late to inquire etc...It is only too late, if you NEVER accept Him genuinely into your heart. Interesting twist, but it is the truth. Everlasting consequences.

I blog again, "HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIGHT" Just "Let Him In!" I am not "!" ie If you have the chance, watch the vision channel - every Sunday, Joyce Meyers (I just love her! relate to her!) and Charles Price.

You may also ponder and wonder," how do I "Let Him In?"

Tidbit- "THOSE THAT SEEK HIM, SHALL FIND HIM!" He is just waiting for you to accept Him into your heart. All you have to do is ask; knock on His door; and He is there!

For those that are interested in hearing more, please leave your comments; and I will do my best (through Him) to uplift and encourage you.

God Bless.

Another tidbit - Forgiveness is huge!

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