Friday, 2 January 2015

Further reflections upon 'Food for thought!'

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We woke up to SNOW this morning, but the rain has now melted it. Interesting weather; however we are fortunate compared to what is happening elsewhere in other areas of the world.

Reflected a tid on yesterday's post, 'Food for thought!'. I have edited a couple of spots. It still expresses my thoughts, but in a gentler way; and I hope it is a bit easier to absorb and understand.

When money is abused; as in the 'love of it', it is the root of all evil. Different story, when financial resources are utilized to help others; as well as to genuinely glorify and Honour Him ABOVE ALL ELSE. ie. By making Him 'first place' in our hearts. When one SEEKS the Kingdom of God and is filled within by the Holy Spirit, everything else falls into place. That includes PROSPERITY in ALL regards. Hence Blessings start to overflow in abundance!

Have just enjoyed reading the following chapters Genesis 4 & 5 and Matthew 3. Very helpful Biblical history!

As I mentioned in my post of December 31st ' - 'God Bless us all in 2015!' I just became a Partner in the Kenneth Copeland Ministries! On their wonderful calendar, they have put together a daily Bible reading plan. Also, just received a couple of DVD's, and a booklet, as a gift of thanks for 'partnering' with them. A heartfelt thank you to them, for these wonderfully helpful tools! When I do the Tony Gazelle 'walk', I will listen appreciatively to their enlightening insights on the DVDs!

To recap a bittidz, this morning I watched on T.V. (Joy TV) and listened to the wonderful tidbits given by Jeremy Pearsons (Kenneth and Gloria Copeland's grandson) and Andrew Wommack. I recommend that you tune into their down to earth ministries, as they offer a wealth of wisdom! Thank you to them too!

HOPE is in the 'unseen', so for those of you who need a tidbit uplift, NEVER lose hope. Be encouraged to know that when you are going through trying situations, that you are not deemed 'hopeless' as the secular world tries to suggest.

When you invite Christ into your heart, you change and you think differently. Your walk begins in your daily journeys with Him; and as each day passes, you 'grow' in your 'inner' understanding of Him. You have a special relationship with Him; which IS what He desires with each and every one of us! ie. You can share and talk with Him at any time. He IS always there! All you have to do, is to SEEK Him and ASK Him for Guidance and Direction.

Over time, as you 'develop a steadfast Faith and Trust in Him, you are better equipped in your daily walk. The bittids of fear, the worries, the doubts, the angst, and so forth are replaced by the 'Fruits of the Spirit'.

Simply 'cast everything' upon Him and leave all the consequences to Him. Your life becomes much simpler.

In a bittid, I will start the Tony Gazelle 'walk.' The plan is to gradually work up to a 'work out' regime. As I shared in my Dec 31st post, this will be of awesome good tidbitz cheer to the heart. body, mind and soul!

I like this wonderful photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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