Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Faith in The Word!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a good day and it has gone by quickly! Am truly appreciating Joyce Meyer's tidbits of teachings in the 30/30 Challenge. It is taking more tidbitz time than I had envisioned; however, anything that is worth doing, takes a tidbit of time.

Apart from reading / studying the Bible, (as referred to in recent posts), Joyce has wonderful resources such as videos and audios to help study the Word. In one of her audios, 'In Christ - The Living Word', Joyce emphasizes that the more we lean upon Christ, the greater His provision for us. If we worry or experience a lack of resources, we must not let our tid circumstances short circuit our Faith inTrusting Him to Provide. What appears to be a 'hopeless' situation, is NOT; as All things are possible with God.

Perhaps one has to experience being out or stranded in the 'wilderness' for a bittid. Before one finally realizes that He IS faithful and that one needs to lean upon Him in everything! He wants a personal relationship with each and every one of us. Also when one has received a bounty and things are going well, we must always remember to continue to rely 100% upon Him. Praise Him in ALL Things!

One of the many miracle stories in Matthew 8 'spoke' to me today. It is the story of the Centurion's Faith (Verse 13)) whereby Jesus says to the centurion,"Go your way; let it be done to you as you have believed." And the servant was healed that very hour.' That is how Alan and I live each and every day, depending totally upon Him with a 'childlike' Faith. Various bittidz matters are coming to fruition!

To recap a bit this morning, I watched on T.V. Jeremy Pearsons (grandson of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland) as well as Andrew Wommack. I recommend that you also tune into them, as they provide solid bittids of teachings of the Word as well.

In closing, whenever you feel sad, angry, discouraged, hopeless, worthless, turn to the Word. The Psalms offer such a comfort / encouragement and the Proverbs provide Wisdom and Understanding. When you read / study the Bible, the Word become 'alive' and you can apply this to your everyday life!

I like this photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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