Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Always Give Him Thanks!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday we needed to have our car attended to, as we were without our bittidz blinker signal / lights indicator. Plus our car was on a recall list and so we were most fortunate to have both done at the same tidbitz time.

While we waited for the service on our car, we met with a close friend for brunch / lunch. Eventhough we had a gift card, she ended up treating us to the meal and said: 'Have the Grace to accept this.' My tidbit response was 'Thank you. By your graciousness, we gratefully act with Grace." (Those 'perfect' words just happened to 'come out' of my mouth!) I also wanted to give the waitress a generous tip (as we had taken up the table for some time); but our friend said: "Not to worry, she has been well taken care of and she will be happy."

Also, I saw two friends at the restaurant that I had not seen for years. Upon their leaving, I went up to them and obviously was glad it was them! I said that I decided I would take the 'risk' to come over to them, as I felt if I had done nothing, and had it been them, the opportunity to say hello would have been gone. Plus he is a 'Scotsman' like Alan and I brought them over to our table for a few tid moments, so that the two men could enjoy their heritage. It was a fruitful day!

There are still some other bittid issues concerning our car, and albeit, we are appreciative for yesterday's quality service, we are prudently having the remaining issues taken care of at another reputable company, as the same work can be done for FAR less money. The savings are major!

Yesterday, I did not do my 30/30 as we did not arrive home until later in the day. We gave Him Thanks for the events of the day, enjoyed a simple meal, and appreciated being home. That being said, I was up early this morning and have 'caught up' and I have been meditating upon the Word.

Today too, I kept receiving / hearing the 'thought' to REST. So, this afternoon, I ended up watching Dr. Charles Stanley on T.V. (It is the same wonderful sermon that I referred to in my post of January 11th). It was an extra bit of reassuring 'music' to my ears, because we have had a lot happening all at once. I did not do the Tony Gazelle walk either; just completely chilled out.

Speaking (or writing) of the word 'chill', we are inundated again with thick heavy fog and the damp cold air goes right through you.

In my reading / study of the Bible, this one verse in Matthew 5:11 jumped out at me! "Blessed are you when men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account, of Me." That gave me tidbits of heart and good cheer as we have 'had our bittids of moments.'

To also quote myself from my January 12th post, "Yesterday, I read the story of Isaac and Rebekah and wow, it felt so real! Honour, integrity, and wonderful qualities! Will share my thoughts in another post." In a nutshell, I like the character of the oldest servant of Abraham; he was like his master. As I digest the Old Testament, the stories are 'alive' to me; as if I am right there. I am embracing this history and I am finding also that this is a wonderful background to absorbing the life of Christ in the New Testament.

Tonight, we are going to enjoy and appreciate a special dinner and give thanks to Him for helping us through these recent storms. The more I read of the Bible, the more I SEEK and joyfully so! He does Provide! Simply Trust in Him as per His Promise and do not rely upon your own resources. If you Honour Him (by Believing and having Faith in Him to Provide) He will Honour and Favour your Prayers.
Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you."

I love the Psalms! Psalms 119 is an awesome chapter to read! I like this photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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