Monday, 12 January 2015

Appreciation for our Blessings!

Good Evening or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Well, it has been an interesting tidbitz of a day! We are now home and appreciative for our Blessings.

We had some bittidz matters that came before us early this morning and caught us unaware. That being said, we are Seeking Him all the more to help us through situations that are not right.

We also had our first tidbit experience with a coin operated laundromat this afternoon. It was quite interesting and while the items were in various washing machines, I chose to make the best of the waiting process. ie. I read the Bible Chapters that were a part of my 30/30 Challenge. I also had the time to 'meditate' on the various verses. Yesterday, I read the story of Isaac and Rebekah and wow, it felt so real! Honour, integrity, and wonderful qualities! Will share my thoughts in another post.

In case you are wondering a bittid, why we went to the laundromat, our washing machine is no more. Has been like that for several months and we have done the tid washing by hand in the tub. Well, time to re evaluate and we did. Eventually,we will get a new washing machine and most likely a matching dryer to replace the dryer (as we do not know how long the dryer will be around and more prudent to find a pair). We are thankful for our Blessings, compared to other less fortunate areas of the world that have NO water and so forth. We are grateful that we have the availability of running water, both hot and cold. We are relieved that we have found a location to wash our items; until timing permits us to take care of the matter.

A dear friend of ours sent us the following awesome message from Kenneth Copeland Ministries this morning. A heartfelt thanks to our special friend! Ironically, today's Bible reading, Matthew 14 was the next Chapter that I was 'designated' to read! TRUE!!!

"Don't Look at the Storm

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

– Matthew 14:30-31
If there's any way the devil can get your eyes away from the Word, he'll do it. He'll cause trouble. He'll make the circumstances around you pitch and roll like a rowboat in a hurricane. He'll do anything he can to get you to concentrate on the realm of the physical senses and the situation around you instead of on the promise of God—because he knows that if he doesn't, you'll take that promise and beat his brains out with it.

That's what he did to Peter. When Peter first jumped out of the boat that day in response to Jesus' word, what happened? He walked right across that water without a problem. His whole being was fastened on that word Jesus had spoken to him, "Come!"

But when he took his eyes off that word, he started looking at the storm. He started looking at the impossible thing he was doing. After all, he was a fisherman. All his training and experience told him when the waves were that high, you were going under. He started to focus on what he knew in the natural instead of what Jesus said. When he did that, his faith slipped out of gear and he started to sink.

Don't let that happen to you. Once you get a revelation from the Word of God, hang on to it. Don't focus on anything else.

The devil will do everything he can to get you to turn loose of it. He'll stir up things around you. He'll try to get you into fear. He'll push every button he can from the past to get you back into your old way of thinking.

But don't let go. Keep your eyes on the Word of God until it's more real inside you than anything else. If you do, you'll be able to walk your way across the water just fine."

Eventhough we have a number of matters to attend to tomorrow, will be back later in the day.

Also, here is what I wrote to an 'anonymous' comment, which I appreciated and the Holy Spirit 'got ahold of me' and this is what came out!

"We are getting better at simply surrendering our will; and 'casting all our cares' upon Him; and 'leaving all consequences' to Him.
We are confident with joyful and BOLD expectation, KNOWING that He not only Provides, but that He Provides with an overflowing abundance! Hurrah for the Holy Spirit!
He wants us all to totally Rely upon Him in all regards. That way, we genuinely Honour God and He will Honour us.
Simply, we turn everything over to Him and are Prayerful and grateful for our daily Blessings.
We know He has a great Plan and Purpose for us all; so we are filled with HOPE and 'good cheer', while we steadfastly obey and wait in Faith and Trust in the Lord.
When we Seek Wisdom and Understanding. we are better equipped by Him to 'weather the wait.' Also, as a comfort and 'peace of mind', He helps / Guides us through the 'storms.'
It is always in His timing; not ours. We leave it all in His Awesome Hands. He IS our BEST Advocate and we turn over ALL matters and troubles to Him.
He Knows what is best for each and every one of us. He wants the BEST for all of us. That makes it much easier to daily act with Grace; and leave all the 'time issues and or factors' to Him.
In other words, not to worry or have angst / fears for tomorrow. We choose to live and appreciate one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
We simply leave it to Him to Provide as per His Promise. And we must always 'Praise Him in ALL Things!' Both in the good times and during the bad times.
Our circumstances are only temporary; nothing compared to our eternity! When one truly Seeks Him and Invite Him into one's heart, things change."

Hope this is all a bit of an uplift! I love this photo image as it gives me such an inner comfort and a peaceful calm.

Peace and God Bless.

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