Sunday, 18 January 2015

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

The days are going by very quickly. We have also had a full tid plate and in between everything else, I am sticking with the 30/30 Challenge; of which I have made reference to in earlier posts. I am totally enjoying reading, or should I say 'studying' and then 'meditating' upon the Word, found in the Bible. Very awesome!

As per the Kenneth Copeland Ministry Calendar, I am following their tidbitz outline of suggested Chapters to absorb in the Bible. Then I apply those to Joyce Meyer's 30/30 Challenge and the 30 minutes becomes closer to an hour. I have had to play 'catch up' a couple of times; but have made the commitment to just DO it. I thank Joyce for taking the initiative for having put together the 30/30 Day Challenge. When the 30 days are up, I will continue to read the Bible in this manner every day for the rest of my life.

The stories in the Old Testament are totally awesome! They are so full of life to me! I feel as if I am there. Then in the New Testament, I can feel the Power of Christ's teachings and His Parables are empowering to my soul!

An experience that Alan had today was truly amazing! We had need of help for our car battery and a passer-by stopped by to aid. The man and Alan apparently had a good conversation; and Alan asked him what part of the world he was from. He did have an accent, and he replied that he was Palestinian, from Bethlehem. He was not sure whether Alan knew where Bethlehem was. As it happens, he originated from the West Bank (the larger Bethlehem). Here is a bit of an intriguing tidbit! There are 2 'Bethlehem's'. The larger one in the West Bank, and then the smaller Bethlehem near Jerusalem, the town where Christ Jesus was born. Alan told the gentleman that he is a Christian, and the man extended his hand in friendship. I think that is pretty wonderful!

It made me think how vitally important it is that we 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' If there was more of that today, the world would be a far better place. The experience that Alan had with the man, who kindly pulled over (reminds me of the story of the Good Samaritan), really adds more light to the Bible and its teachings.

Alan then decided that it was appropriate to replace the bittid battery. Fortunately, they were not busy; so it was a good day to have this done. We knew our car needed a new battery but kept putting it off.

That bittidz being said, it is vital that we make the time for God's Word. Make Him a priority, and place Him first in your hearts! When you Honour Him, He Honours you.

So, this 30/30 Challenge has been a real eye opener / epiphany to me and a THANK YOU of good cheer to Joyce Meyer (Enjoying Everyday Life) and to the Kenneth Copeland Ministries for funnelling and channelling my spirit to joyfully 'study' the Bible on a focused DAILY BASIS.

When you read the Bible, Ask and Depend upon Him for His Help; and the Holy Spirit will thus Provide you with Understanding. The teachings become alive, as the Word is LIFE! There are various verses. passages, chapters, stories, parables that will simply jump out at you! 'Seek and Ye Shall Find.' The more I seek Him, the more I find! Remember the story of Joseph? How he was wonderfully prospered by the Lord. Well, the same goes for us too!

I love this photo image; and I refer to it often. I always feel such an abundance of peace, of grateful contentment, and a comforting calm!

Peace and God Bless.

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