Sunday, 2 March 2014


Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are very fortunate to live in Canada, where there is democracy, freedom of speech, and choice. We have much to be thankful for. Many Blessings!

Today's bittid however, is a different TIDBIT that I am COMPELLED to share! - WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE UKRAINE, IS WRONG AND EVIL!

We thought the Olympics held in Sochi, was to be a good starting point for Russia to reinvigorate its ties with the rest of the world!

Boy, were we wrong!

Putin has thumbed his nose at the whole world and unfortunately, he has forgotten the tidbitz 'Golden Rule.' "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." ???
Did you hear that Putin got his maurading rogue biker gangs to set up the initial roadblocks in and around Crimea?

It would appear that the President of Russia, has an insatiable LUST FOR POWER! It also appears that he has a Napoleonic complex and unfortunately, his latest move on the world's chess board, belies his motivation and greed. He has given the rest of the world THE MIDDLE FINGER!

It is imperative that the WORLD stand up against this meglamaniac that has incited an ACT OF WAR against one of its neighbours. THE UKRAINE! Let's not forget Chamberlain!

What is to stop him from doing this again to other neighbours / countries???

Look what happened in Georgia! THIS could happen in the Balkans or anywhere else! We MUST stop the aggression NOW! We are or should be 'OUR BROTHER'S KEEPER?'

For example, there should be a united front to expel Russia from the G-8 and the G-20, as well as being expelled by the IOC. The WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION should sanction Russia and potentially exclude it from any future discussions!

All nations should NOT allow any Russian and / or Russian corporation into their air space. All of their assets should be frozen and any other punitive measures to bring them to heel, should be ENFORCED!

NATO and all its members, should be sending their NAVAL assets to the Crimea in support of Ukraine. It should also take immediate measures to include any Eastern European countries that are not presently in NATO membership!

The United Nations, eventhough it is not as strong a forum as we would like, should also take a vote of all its members so that Russia is fully aware as to how few allies it really has, or which ones! Also, there should be discussion after the vote, to expel them from being a PERMANMENT MEMBER of the Security Council!

We feel for those who are literally being threatened by this evil, including the majority of Russians!

We have seen evil in various disguised forms, wearing different cloaks. DECEPTION and GREED being the worst! If this is not acted upon ASAP, there will be grave consquences to the world, going forward!

We should never forget that the past President of the Ukraine, fled under the 'cover of darkness' last weekend to his overseer (Putin) in Russia!

And by the by, He also appears to have absconded with $39 Billion U.S dollars! As well as leaving $13 Million behind at his residence! Duh!
Again, all those who oppose evil, must act NOW and take a stand for what IS right; NOT wrong! What IS good, NOT evil!

We implore any and everyone who reads this, to contact their MP, their MLA, anyone in authority to encourage them to take all necessary bittidz measures they can, to implement all of the ABOVE!

Our hearts go out to all the magnificent peoples of the world and the citizens of the world, that unfortunately are ruled / manipulated / abused by DESPOTS or egotistical POWER HUNGRY DICTATORS!

Our Heavenly Father KNOWS ALL. Remember there IS an etermal address. HEAVEN or HELL. Which address do YOU want, for your self, your loved ones, and your treasured famlies and friends???


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