Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
It was a lovely morning with a bit of sunshine; albeit rain has been forecasted for today. The geese have been flying overhead and I was appreciative for my elixir of morning coffee!
Well to recap and reflect upon, the last few days have been an interesting tidbitz. Received a number of calls from various friends that we had not heard from or seen for a bittidz while.
One of the calls was to let me know about a childhood friend, who had passed away, within the last ten days. The tid thing is, I had recently thought about her, and was wondering how she was doing etc. I had not seen her for several years; albeit we did run into each at a memorial service app 5 years ago. We both heartily thought we should get together for lunch. Well, that never happened. However, when we saw each other that day, it was as if no time had elapsed at all. Rather special to have friends that you can just pick up the conversation, as if no bit time had passed by.
Reflecting upon friends and family. My Dad always told me: " You can't choose your family; however, you can choose your friends." Methinks, one is Blessed if one has a few good friends. Of course, one is Blessed too, if they have a good family.
Also a thoughtful neighbour (the special elderly gentleman, who I think has much wisdom), brought us over a dish his wife had cooked. White rice and curried chicken and shrimp, with potatoes and so forth! It was delicious and I enjoyed having that for two meals! The leftovers were even tastier! In the bittid meantime, Alan had prepared something else for our dinner, so he was content to have that for two dinners. I have mentioned earlier, that Alan makes the best soup! This particular gentleman loves Alan's soup(s); and Alan has given him many a bowl! This was an unexpected surprise visit by our neighbour!
We have been Blessed in having 'good' neighbours, and we have become friends with a few of them. We are very appreciative of each and every bittidz day, and all the tidbit Blessings that a new day brings!
We have now moved our clocks forward; so there will be more tidbit hours of daylight to savour. Eventhough we had a bittid of snow recently, there are many signs to show that Spring is on its way!
Yesterday it poured with rain, but the downpour did not deter the different species of birds, chirping and singing in chorus in our magnolia tree. No weather complaints from me; considering there are so many other areas of the world that are engulfed with far worse conditions.
We are continuing in the good fight of 'staying the course' and again, 'Praise Him in ALL things!' The 'wee laddie,' Hamish, went home yesterday morning to his Scottish owners. He is a real little 'sweetheart' and he knows he has me wrapped around his little bit paw. LOL! He will be back with us for a few days in April.
We are glad it is the weekend; and we are chilling out; particularly with the time change. It was also a perfect tid evening to stay at home last night; and we enjoyed a couple of good movies on our T.V.
Tidbit - Be thankful for your family and your few special and trusted friends; whether they are close by or far away.
Bittid - Life is fleetingly short. Like my friend who recently passed away; just like that! She's gone! She left behind her family and her fiancee. I was made aware that their family had their 'ups and downs' and their difficulties. I hope they resolved their differences before she died. If not, then that is a sad state of affairs; as in "too little, too late." I hope and Pray that that does not happen to our family!
As Christ says: "Love one another, as I have loved you."
In this tidbitz regard, our door has been and is always open; and we continue to Pray for a loving reconciliation amongst family members. Before it is "too little, too late." We are learning life is going by far too quickly; and with the sudden death of my friend, this really sends this message home!
Again, Alan and I would like to be included and genuinely accepted in the family circle; but it would appear that our optimistic attempts thus far, have not been successful. As my Dad used to say: "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." He was right. It has to be a two way street; as in 'the gate swings both ways.'
We will no longer condone falsehoods, false accusations, malice, and / or divisiveness. We have already forgiven those who have been deliberately mean spirited and unkind towards Alan and I. However, may they reflect upon their present / future course of conduct and behaviour towards us both.
'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' is so very true. We would prefer to be involved in their daily lives, and be an ongoing source of joyful TLC encouragement to them. To enjoy our grandchildren etc!
Therefore, because of our steadfast Faith, we will continue to Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort and touch ALL of our hearts. Christ LOVES us all; and He has forgiven us of our sins. May the Holy Spirit take away all anger, resentment, sorrow, discord, or whatever laments, and / or burdens that tug at our tid heart strings. Simply, may He put all our hurts and cares to rest; and heal all brokeness and sadness. Instead, to love and appreciate one another, and to be kind and uplifting to one another. To be appreciative of all things!
I love this photo image!
Peace and God bless.
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