Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Message in a bottle

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This morning, it is pouring with rain and I was extra appreciative of my coffee. No reason why; just some mornings can be like that! Our magnolia tree is blossoming forth with many beautiful white blooms. It is amazing what a bit of sunshine can do! We are Blessed to live in this part of the world!

As I have shared in past posts, it is so important to remember and to follow through with the 'Golden Rule.' "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." We have a wonderful example of that, in a very special neighbour; who gave us a 'message in a bottle.' However, to recap a bittidz first.

The elderly gentleman that I have mentioned, well, on Sunday afternoon, he came by to specifically tell us that he thought we are very special to him. That he really thinks Alan is very special. ie. He discerned that eventhough Alan has had darts thrown his way, he has a wonderful big heart. He basically said to Alan, that he had been thinking that 'there is more to this man, than him making soup.' He also added that he feels we have 'given him a jump in his step' and that his life of 88 years, has been prolonged because of our kindness and generosity of spirit towards him. We are touched by his genuineness.

As the tid expression goes: " You shall be known by whom you are, and therefore, those like-minded, will be drawn to you" This man has had his share of suffering and again, those who go through 'trials and tribulations', are generally those who have more empathy and compassion towards others. Because 'THEY HAVE BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.'

On Sunday evening, I watched a few of the ministerial programs on our T.V. One of the messages that Joel Osteen shares: 'Have a Spirit of Honor' is right on!

There are NO bittid coincidences here folks! I recommend you listen to his message as he suggests to honour others. It is more Blessed to give than to receive. Pour out the honour, and give out the compliments and encouragement to others. When you uplift and make others' day, it comes back to you. That basically is what happened to us with our neightbour and he uplfited us by his heartwarming words.

Yesterday early evening, Alan noticed a plastic jar (the container that we use to give away the soup to our wise friend) with a note inside, that was left on our doorstep. Inside the bottle, were the words: 'Alan and Gina. Thank you for your uplifting friendship and most delicious soups." Well, that one compliment made our day, in fact our week! We do our best to uplift and encourage all whom we meet, but it is a tidbit treat, when we receive a few kind words of uplift.

The ministries also were sharing about 'character.' Well, as one minister says, being wealthy is one thing, but it is the character of the heart, inside your soul, that God looks at. (It is the stewardship and the guardianship of the sharing and caring of the wealth).

Another minister shares that 'character' is having an 'attitude of gratitude' and that the ones who endure with a positive attitude of Faith and Trust in the Lord, 'earn their stripes' to have their eternal residence paved before them.

In tidbitz short, Invite Christ into your heart. If you accept Him genuinely into your heart, your life is forever changed and the Holy Spirit, who now resides within you, will Guide and Direct your path, as per HIS WILL, HIS PURPOSE, AND HIS PLAN. Know that He wants the best for each and every one of us; because He LOVES us so. That includes you / all of us! It is not too late to invite Christ in (He IS a Gentleman and waiting at the doorway of your heart, to be invited in). However, if you have had chances to invite Him in, and have chosen not to; this will have serious consequences, with regards to your permanent address.

A little tidbit - Be a daily Blessing to others. Everyday, go out of your way to compliment, uplift and encourage at least one person. You never know what a kind word can do.

A further bittid - As Joyce Meyer .joycemeyer.org/ shares her wonderful teachings about having a positive atttitude and to say out loud: THANK YOU to God for Blessings etc. Tune into her as well!

Methinks, this is an uplifting photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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