Saturday, 26 September 2009

Giving Thanks!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a bit of a whirlwind! The hours have 'zoomed zoomed zoomed!'. We are relieved it is the weekend; and what a gorgeous 'Indian Summer' we have all been Blessed with here! The Autumn leaves are exquisite with all their intoxicating rich Fall colours! Eventhough, we are presently experiencing gale winds; brilliant sunshine and cloudless bright blue skies abound!

We have been working on our tidbitz projects; and are anticipating this Monday will bring us some hearty good news. In the meantime, we are going to continue to be of 'good cheer'; and simply believe for a positive outcome! There is truth re: how 'inner thoughts' can attempt to gain a stronghold and manipulate negative thoughts. To try to control and get the better of you; particularly during challenging and perplexing moments. However, keeping a calm and cool head, and turning to Him asap, one's resolve is strengthend all the more! We KNOW that He (Christ) will Provide Solution for all those who inquire genuinely of Him. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

As per my tid post yesterday, it is simply a matter of just 'turning it all over to Him' to work all the bittidz out. Easier said than done at times; however, the more often one Relies upon Him, it becomes 'second nature' to do so! Also, if things appear to be 'overwhelming' to you, just step back, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Even jubilantly shout it out loud! Plus declare, 'THANK YOU!' Amazing how immediately uplifted you feel! Ask Him to Encourage you, to Carry your burdens (which He does!), and Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you Guidance, Understanding, Wisdom, Grace, etc. He Gives you Refuge etc; and your spirits once again, are calm, confident, and joyful!

An ephifany; when we were out this afternoon, I felt like a 'kangaroo' bounding with unbridled enthusiasm! Well, everyone I met, started smiling, laughing, and being genuuinely joyful! Wow! I thought, this is awesome! The Holy Spirit works through us all to reach out and touch others! Just like my friend (see yesterday's post) who encouraged me.

Alan is preparing our dinner and it smells delicious throughout our house! 'Shake and Bake' Chicken, baked potatoes sprinkled with parmesan cheese, fresh buttered corn on the cob, sauteed juicy pea pods, Mmmmmmmmm. We are thankful for each and every day; and we look at each day as if it is a 'mini Thanksgiving'. There is so much to be thankful for! We are glad we are home for the evening; and we are looking forward to watching some good movies. A glass of red vino (South African) or two, won't hurt either! LOL!

We have received abundant bittids of harvest from our fresh grown garden produce of cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, and mulitude of veggie herbs. Our wonderful neighbours have also delighted in this Blessed bounty!

Looking forward to embracing tidbits of messages on the Vision Channel tomorrow morning, with the following International Bible Teachers! For those of you who wish to learn and absorb info more directly, here are their insightful and inspirational websites. - 'Hour of Power' (Robert Schuller Snr -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price -

Am now going to go and enjoy our evening; here is wishing you a nice night as well.

Peace and God Bless.

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