Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday came and went! I also made a bittid error; in that not yesterday, but today's date is officially the 'First Day of Fall'. However, it would appear that the blue skies from summer have Graced this first autumn morn. As mentioned yesterday, there is something extra 'special' about this Season; and with my elixir of coffee, I raise my cup and say 'Cheers to today!'

We have a number of commitments / projects on the go. Speaking of the word, 'commitment', it is more than just a word; it is a committed action one folows through with. At times, when 'life gets in the way', it is easier to procrastinate with 'excuses'.

Was listening to a conference call last night; and the major topic was encouraging 'commitment'; and to get out of the comfort zone and simply 'Do It!' Words are 'nice', but do not cut it; however, steadfast committed efforts provide beneficial results! This is true of any type of business, endeavours etc.

However, that nuturing tidbit renewed my focus; ie In my case, a home-based business I have just joined; and it is, indeed, a Blessing, a 'Gift', if you will. Wonderful products, and a great opportunity for all, methinks. It is a bit of work at the beginning; but anything that is worthwhile, requires committed action. Excuses hinder success. Do not dwell on 'disappointments' or 'perceived failures', simply do your best. You learn and grow with 'let downs' etc. Also, it is not just about 'you'; but about helping others achieve a healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle.

Just thought I would share a few tidbits re: 'jumping into this first day of Fall'. We have some challenges on our platter (who doesn't?); BUT, 'commitment' wins against 'excuses'.

Hope some of these bittids have refreshingly encouraged you to reflect, rethink, and recharge whatever commitments you have begun this Fall etc. I am a 'retread' in this particular home based business; and I am both joyful and thankful that I am 'coming back' (hence a 'retread' LOL!), and starting afresh!

Praise Him In ALL Things!

Peace and God Bless.

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