Monday, 7 September 2009

From the heart!

Good Evening,

Felt I had to 'share' a tidbit from last night. The T.V. was 'on'; and I happened to switch the channel to the Vision Channel. 'In Touch Ministries' by Dr. Charles Stanley appeared! I thought WOW!; because I have heard him once before and in fact wrote a tid post about him and his program in an earlier bittid post! I was not disappointed the second time either! In fact, the sermon, 'Training Our Children', hit a chord, deep within me. I will telephone tomorrow to see if there is a book(s); methinks there is. At any rate, I started to immediately reflect a bit.

Was a single Mum for many years; and to all of you, who were / are 'single parents,' this may be of help and encouragement; as I am sure, you have all experienced your 'moments'. I did the best I could; however, I was not the best; but certainly, not the worst parent either. If nothing else, I know my heart was in the 'right' place; evnthough, I made my fair share of mistakes.

My parents brought me up and taught me values, morals etc. but you know, nobody is perfect. Save for Him!!! (Jesus Christ). I will not lament past problems; no point. 'Crying over spilt milk, does not solve anything'. However, looking to today and to building a better future, it is paramount to return to the 'old fashioned' values and getting back to the 'basics'. I know I gave my children a good start; however, 'life happens'. Will say that those who were brought up in the wonderful way that Dr. Stanley teaches about, they received a special 'grounding'; and most likely, are 'exceptional' human beings today and so forth, with raising their families etc. So as a young grandmother, I feel these teachings have major merit to help shape young lives and to steer them onto the right path.

There are 'NO Coincidences!' A heartfelt thank you, Dr. Stanley!

Will also add, that I am very Thankful that my parents adopted me and they did the best they could. They were not able to have children; but they WANTED children! It is not easy being a parent; but perhaps some of us, will be better equipped as grandparents! Lest we forget, we all learn at least 50% of everything we are ever going to know, by the time we are 5 years old! 'Children' are a 'gift'; and it is incumbent upon us to nuture, guide, uplift, and protect them.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Stanley (

"Training Our Children
Charles F. Stanley

Scripture: Proverbs 22:6

I. Introduction: What is your goal in raising children? The Bible teaches that parents’ top priority in child rearing should be spiritual. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Our primary task is to prepare our sons and daughters to walk according to God’s plan, will, and purpose for their lives. We are to instill in them an unshakable faith that will protect them from the assault of the Devil.

II. What does Scripture say?

A. Parents should talk daily to their children about the things of the Lord (Deut. 6:7).

B. God has trusted parents with a unique role in their kids’ lives. You might feel too busy with your career, chores, and hobbies to invest in your children. But don’t leave this important task to someone else.

III. How should you teach your child?

A. By investing quality time. There is no substitute for a mother or a father. Be sure to invest in your kids early and often.

B. By listening to them. When your children are ready to talk to you, give them your undivided attention. They will be more likely to do the same for you when the time is right.

C. By admitting when you are wrong. Don’t let pride keep you from being transparent. You’ll be surprised at how confession removes barriers to intimacy and trust. And your kids will have an easier time admitting when they’ve sinned too.

D. By loving them unconditionally. Don’t make your acceptance contingent upon their appearance, personality, or performance (1 Cor. 13:8). Shower genuine affection on your kids, and they will do their best to please you.

E. By disciplining your children. Many modern parenting books discourage correcting, punishing, and spanking children—even when they willfully disobey. This idea is diametrically opposed to the clear teaching of Scripture (Prov. 3:12).

F. By encouraging them to fulfill their potential. Time after time, my mother said to me, “Charles, you need to look your best, do your best, and be your best.” Without criticizing or shaming your kids, challenge them to rise to their full potential.

G. By teaching them to be accountable to God. Until your children understand that their heavenly Father watches everything they do, they are likely to rebel when you aren’t around.

H. By emphasizing the importance of a relationship with Jesus. Through your words as well as your lifestyle, teach your children the importance of committing to one-on-one time with the Lord.

I. By encouraging them to read the Word. Daily Bible reading and prayer will give your children a strong moral compass. Unless the light of God’s Word shines on their paths, your children will stumble through life (Ps. 119:105).

J. By teaching them that God has a plan for their lives. I told my kids that the Lord had the right spouse, a particular career, and a specific calling for them. When children are raised knowing that God has planned their future, they are motivated to seek Him for direction.

K. By telling them to obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. In this one statement, you are teaching them to recognize the sovereignty of their Creator and His personal interest in them—this principle will help them know that they can trust Him to take care of the consequences.

IV. Conclusion: Train your children in such a way that they will follow Jesus all the days of their lives (Prov. 22:6). With your guidance and support, they will be ready to overcome attacks from the Enemy, courageously defend their faith, and take a stand for truth. Despite a world that is hostile to our faith, they will be able to reach their full potential—not just spiritually but also in every other way".

Love the above photo image. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Peace and God Bless.

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