Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Beauty in bloom!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting for you, in your part of the world!

My tid apologies for not writing a post yesterday! I had planned to do so; but time just plain ran out. We were tied up with a number of bittidz matters; which needed asap 'hands on' attention!

This morning, we were involved with an issue, that we hope to have 'put right'. Not delving into things, but there is a company who appears to be 'ripping us off'(as mini clients); as well as the large institution, who hires them. This particular institution appreciated our call of concern; thus this other company is now 'under tidbitz review'. And, so it should be!

Tidbit - Do not be fearful of taking a stand for what you know is 'right'.

Today is my birthday! A pretty major one at that. Have also received many cards and telephone calls. A heartfelt thank you, to all those who have been in touch. My son will be taking us out to dinner tonight; and we are looking forward to spending a fun evening with him.

Bittid - Age is only a 'number'. Fortunately, there are many more years left on an 'age calendar' for me. However, one never knows; thus make the most of each and every day! Also, 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Am also reflecting, that regardless of all the 'screw ups' one experiences in earlier life, what matters more, is 'how well' we all go out. 'Finish well', so they say. Also, it is through our bit experiences, our ups and downs, our tougher moments, etc that the 'champion' (Holy Spirit) arises within us all.

Will be back to share some bittids re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' and 'Living Truth'. However, here are their websites, should you wish to 'jump start' and receive some encouraging and knowledgable tidbits. - and

The picture is of the beautiful orchid Alan gave me today. Apparently it flowers for a few months; and we will cultivate / nuture it, as we have done with our other orchid, which is now thriving with exquisite white blooms. If you wish, you can refer to some July & August posts, showing pictures of the rebirth / rebloom of our white orchid. Alan even thought of giving me a dozen red roses; however, this purple cherished orchid will give us pleasure for many days!

Have to go and get ready for the big night! Til tomorrow!

Peace and God Bless.

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