Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Better Blessings

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been an active day; putting out various bittidz 'brush fires' etc. Am going to quote a few of the illuminating and comforting Biblical insights from Charles Price, of 'Living Truth' (www.livingtruth.ca), that he shared on the Vision Channel, this past Sunday.

"I, in a pillar of cloud will be before you in the day and a pillar of fire at night" - Exodus 13:21

"The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still" - Exodus 14: 14.

"God’s testing will lead into bitter blessings in order to build us, mould us and teach us to depend on Him and from that, comes the far greater blessing of a deep and abiding relationship with Him."

"Life has as many deserts as it has green pastures. Chris Thomas, son of Major Ian Thomas, said, “Material loss and spiritual gain so often seem to be served on the same plate.” We can turn to God or turn to grumbling but it is incredibly awesome to have turned to God and, in retrospect, look back on the trials and hardships, not for the bitter experience, but for the experience of God, Himself, in the midst of them. We all visit the bitter waters. None of us are exempt but with the indwelling Spirit of Christ, we camp by the Springs of Elim and rest in His sufficiency."

Also, in the 'Living Truth' free monthly booklet we receive, there is a section on 'Hope For Uncertain Times', and one of the subtitles: 'Place your confidence in the Lord'. - Matthew 6:25-34 - The Cure for Anxiety. I love that restful and reassuring Biblical passage; particularly v 34 - "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

We have experienced a number of 'trials and tribulations'; and culminating within these last few weeks. So when we were listening to Charles Price, we have an empathy and identify very strongly with his message. We have a further understanding of 'Bitter Blessings; Better Blessings.'

First thing this morning, I spent several minutes Praying to Christ; Asking Him for His Guidance, Understanding, Wisdom, Grace, His Holy Spirit to Infill us, and to direct our path. Plus, saying Intercessary Prayers for all those we care about; as well as seeking forgiveness for our foes. I also asked to be fully equipped with the Armor of God, for Him to carry our Burdens, and to be recipients of His bountiful Blessings. Having read the 'Living Truth' booklet, and referring to the Bible verses, this has encouraged us to strengthen our Belief, our Faith, our Hopes, and our Trust in Him. Knowing that He has an awesome Solution in Hand; and that He will Provide our needs, according to His Will and Purpose. We have literally 'thrown our concerns upon His Shoulders of Governance' to Help us in our walk.

In a tidbitz, many ephifanies have been happening all at once! ie. Bitter Blessings / Better Blessings! We say all the more - 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' and, we continue to Give Him genuine THANKS! Each and every day to us, is like a 'mini Thanksgiving!'

For those of you, who have concerns etc, once again, do your due dilegence and check into 'Living Truth'. Charles Price is abundantly clear with his interpretation of the Biblical messages. It will be easier to understand too, if you tune into his teachings, as per the Biblical quotes etc.

Will keep you posted, when I have more bittids to share with you. Am looking forward to enjoying a delicious semi international dinner of Alan's creative version of sauteed prawns (bought frozen from Costco, at encouraging prices!), my 'homemade' habadasherie of a Classic Caesar Salad, and an appreciative glass or two of South African Red Vino. We will thank Him yet again, for another day; as well as joyfully anticipating His Divine Intervention!

In the meantime, here is wishing you Peace, a Confident Calm, and a Restful evening.

God Bless.

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