Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Here is to Good Neighbours!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Another gorgeous Fall morning; however, it is a chilly crisp 52 degrees F. Amazing how quickly the morning temperatures drop; now that Autumn is here. Our fresh produce garden is still thriving; and the cherry tomatoes from the six tomato plants have been a wonderful Blessing; both to us and to our neighbours. Our neighbours have been taking 'childlike delight' in the harvest as well; particularly, our immediate next door neighbours, who have enjoyed almost a daily supply of cherry tomatoes! Our other neighbours have also been recipients of 'tomato treats' and veggie herbs, delivered by Alan to their doorsteps.

One of our other neighbours, loves cucumbers; so I took the tid ripest one we had, over to her early yesterday evening and ended up having a nice visit with her. She will be making a cucumber / pickle relish; and she offered to give us a small jar, when made up. Our immediate neighbours have also provided us with awesome homemade marmalade each year.

Tidbit - 'Generosity of spirit' is so rewarding; a genuine give and take between others. In our case, we have been Blessed with wonderful neighbours!

Bittid - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. We enjoy giving; just for the sake of mere giving!

Our 'cucumber' neighbour shared a bit of sadness with me yesterday; so methinks He directed the Holy Spirit to be a 'sounding board' and an uplift to her spirits! We enjoyed a few cups of tea, and some almonds. An odd 'snack' food combination, but it was 'good for the soul'. When I returned home, Alan had a delicious dinner prepared; and all I had to do, was to make up a Casear Salad as an accompaniment.

Have to go and attend to a few tidbitz matters; may be back a bittidz later. Hopefully, there will be some good news to share! In the meantime, here is wishing you a great day.

Peace and God Bless

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Better Blessings

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been an active day; putting out various bittidz 'brush fires' etc. Am going to quote a few of the illuminating and comforting Biblical insights from Charles Price, of 'Living Truth' (, that he shared on the Vision Channel, this past Sunday.

"I, in a pillar of cloud will be before you in the day and a pillar of fire at night" - Exodus 13:21

"The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still" - Exodus 14: 14.

"God’s testing will lead into bitter blessings in order to build us, mould us and teach us to depend on Him and from that, comes the far greater blessing of a deep and abiding relationship with Him."

"Life has as many deserts as it has green pastures. Chris Thomas, son of Major Ian Thomas, said, “Material loss and spiritual gain so often seem to be served on the same plate.” We can turn to God or turn to grumbling but it is incredibly awesome to have turned to God and, in retrospect, look back on the trials and hardships, not for the bitter experience, but for the experience of God, Himself, in the midst of them. We all visit the bitter waters. None of us are exempt but with the indwelling Spirit of Christ, we camp by the Springs of Elim and rest in His sufficiency."

Also, in the 'Living Truth' free monthly booklet we receive, there is a section on 'Hope For Uncertain Times', and one of the subtitles: 'Place your confidence in the Lord'. - Matthew 6:25-34 - The Cure for Anxiety. I love that restful and reassuring Biblical passage; particularly v 34 - "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

We have experienced a number of 'trials and tribulations'; and culminating within these last few weeks. So when we were listening to Charles Price, we have an empathy and identify very strongly with his message. We have a further understanding of 'Bitter Blessings; Better Blessings.'

First thing this morning, I spent several minutes Praying to Christ; Asking Him for His Guidance, Understanding, Wisdom, Grace, His Holy Spirit to Infill us, and to direct our path. Plus, saying Intercessary Prayers for all those we care about; as well as seeking forgiveness for our foes. I also asked to be fully equipped with the Armor of God, for Him to carry our Burdens, and to be recipients of His bountiful Blessings. Having read the 'Living Truth' booklet, and referring to the Bible verses, this has encouraged us to strengthen our Belief, our Faith, our Hopes, and our Trust in Him. Knowing that He has an awesome Solution in Hand; and that He will Provide our needs, according to His Will and Purpose. We have literally 'thrown our concerns upon His Shoulders of Governance' to Help us in our walk.

In a tidbitz, many ephifanies have been happening all at once! ie. Bitter Blessings / Better Blessings! We say all the more - 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' and, we continue to Give Him genuine THANKS! Each and every day to us, is like a 'mini Thanksgiving!'

For those of you, who have concerns etc, once again, do your due dilegence and check into 'Living Truth'. Charles Price is abundantly clear with his interpretation of the Biblical messages. It will be easier to understand too, if you tune into his teachings, as per the Biblical quotes etc.

Will keep you posted, when I have more bittids to share with you. Am looking forward to enjoying a delicious semi international dinner of Alan's creative version of sauteed prawns (bought frozen from Costco, at encouraging prices!), my 'homemade' habadasherie of a Classic Caesar Salad, and an appreciative glass or two of South African Red Vino. We will thank Him yet again, for another day; as well as joyfully anticipating His Divine Intervention!

In the meantime, here is wishing you Peace, a Confident Calm, and a Restful evening.

God Bless.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Thanks for Blessings!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Was up extra early this am. A nice feeling to be up before most people, who were still asleep at that hour. Enjoyed opening up the blinds, putting the coffee pot om, and puttzing about our home. Another gorgeous Fall morning! Another Blessing! Will take some pictures; however, will not be able to post them until our computer friend is back from his holidays. As previously mentioned, I am not able upload any photo images; strange; but am sure there is a bittid explanation. It may even be that we need a new Video Card; however, at least there is the picture of the exquisite purple Iris that my friend took, from her abundant garden.

Last night, we watched the heartwarming movie, 'The Express' and WOW! Methinks, it is an empowering movie that everyone should see; a true story about the life of college football hero, Ernie Davis. ie. Facing trials and tribulations, and overcoming adversities / obstacles. Eventhough, Ernie died of leukemia at age 23 in 1963, he brought honour, integrity, respect, and victory to the game; and his inspiration and legacy lives on. God Bless Ernie Davis.

Yesterday, forgot to mention in 'Hour of Power', that Robert Schuller says: "Make the downtime, to an uptime". I like that upbeat tidbit! He is also offering his book:

Knowing God Through the Psalms.

"We have chosen 30 Psalms from The Holy Bible for this terrific book. Each of these 30 Psalms uses the word JOY at least once.

All these JOYFUL Psalms are accompanied by an outstanding Panograph© taken and specifically selected by our great ministry friend, Ken Duncan, just for YOU."

'Enjoying Everyday Life' is always such a breath of fresh air to me! Joyce Meyer shares the message of ENCOURAGEMENT and how much better it is to be 'proactive' in helping / encouraging others. 'By helping others, Praying for those who need encouragement, God will help you. Compliment people, even a smile' uplifts. Joyce is saying 'when you smile, you also put a smile on God's Face'. 'Sow good seeds - ie encouragement; and Reap the harvest of encouragement!' Joyce also suggests to not get caught up in the negatives; but to Praise God instead! (You can refer to my Sept 26th post, 'Giving Thanks!'; there are NO coincidences and I enjoyed a tidbitz ephifany!). I always feel enlightened by Joyce's teachings. Also Joyce refers to the Bible - Isaiah 61:1. I just read the chapter; and wow, what a wonderful encouragement of JOY etc! Joyce adds the Bible IS the WORD; and that the TRUTH sets you free. Thank you, Joyce, for uplifting me, as well as 'sharing the message of the good news' to millions of people around the world. For that tid matter, thanks to all those, who provide Biblical teachings and encouragement.

Have a full bittidz day lined up. We are hopeful for some good news bittids; will keep you posted, when we hear!

Tomorrow, I look forward to posting some tidbits from 'Living Truth'. Charles Price is excellent with his insights and teachings. Alan and I experienced a few more ephifanies! Three is always something new and refreshing to learn! ie. 'Bitter Blessings lead to Bigger Blessings', as Charles wonderfully shares. However, for those of you who wish to know more and / or have questions, here again, are their exciting websites!;; and

To all those, who peruse my posts. Eventhough, they are a journal / uplift to me; I hope they offer a genuine encouragement. That you feel a bit better and have a more joyful day, after you have read them!

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 27 September 2009


Good Evening,

We have not been home all that long; and it is such a beautiful evening. Hard to imagine it will be dark within the next half hour. We will be seeing our bed soon; inasmuch as we have an early start and a full tidbitz day tomorrow.

We also visited our friend in the hospital; and he looks pretty pale (understandable); however, he is doing okay and is out of the ICU. He can speak (coherently); whereas approx ten days ago, he was considered as 'brain dead' and was revived by 'brain scans'. A number of us have been saying several Intercessary Prayers for him; and we are hopeful that this second go around of inserting a pacemaker, will stay the course.

Going back to the Vision Channel this morning, I will share a few tidbits, I learned from the 'Hour of Power' (Robert Schuller Snr - Derek Fisher of the L.A. Lakers, was a guest and his book, 'Character Driven' covers much. 'Young' people (I think of myself as a 'young person' LOL!) would appreciate his book about Character, Faith, Purpose, Inspiration. Leadership etc. As Derek says, 'It is not uncool to stand up and ask Him for help'. Plus, 'be a 'light (of encouragement) to someone.'

Hour of Power, Guest Pastor Tony Campolo, shares that 'JOY' (a Gift from the Holy Spirit) keeps you going; his message being 'The Kingdom of God is a Party!'. TRUST in Him to bring you something GOOD! Tony shares: "It's a joy that comes from forgiveness of sins. It's a joy that comes when you spread it to others by the grace of God. But lastly, it's a great joy that is able to permeate your life even in the midst of hard times. Even in the midst of suffering. That's what makes it different from happiness. Happiness depends on what happens. Joy is something that keeps you going even when what is happening isn't going well at all".

Tony tells a couple of wonderful, and with humour, stories. ie. About a special birthday party, and a 'celebration' Wow! Well worth hearing; empowering methinks!

In yesterday's post, 'Giving Thanks!', I shared about the interaction of JOY that I experienced with others. ie. "An ephifany; when we were out this afternoon, I felt like a 'kangaroo' bounding with unbridled enthusiasm! Well, everyone I met, started smiling, laughing, and being genuuinely joyful! Wow! I thought, this is awesome! The Holy Spirit works through us all to reach out and touch others! Just like my friend (see yesterday's post) who encouraged me". There are NO coincidences!

Tomorrow, I will share a few bittids from 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer - and to mention again, there are NO Coincidences!

Here is wishing you all a 'Good night', and a restful sleep.

Peace and God Bless.

A Restful Sunday

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Another splendid Fall day! Wow! Blessings abound!

Last night (late) I watched the Vision Channel re: 'Tomorrow's World', with Roderick C. Meredith and he provides such wonderful explanations of the 'End Times'. We ordered our free booklet, ''Who or What is the Anti Christ?' over the phone (1-888-318-8080); so we look forward to receiving this invaluable info. All the more crucial for us all, to be equipped with the full Armor of God and be ready.

This morning, I joyfully embraced the Vision Channel - 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. These special programs offer encouraging insights as well as solid teachings / Truths from the Bible. I will share a few tidbit 'ephifanies' a bit later, as we are presently heading out the door to visit our friend, who is stabilizing in the hospital. He was the one who had been in a coma for a week; (You can refer to earlier posts, if you wish a tid of background); and things are 'looking up' for him; albeit on a gradual recovery basis. He will literally be 'living one day at a time'.

For those of you who wish to know more a bittid more, best to do your own due diligence, and check into the websites of these 'special' International Bible Teachers; and hear / watch / read what empowering messages they have to impart and impact. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life'.

Hope you are enjoying the day!

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Giving Thanks!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a bit of a whirlwind! The hours have 'zoomed zoomed zoomed!'. We are relieved it is the weekend; and what a gorgeous 'Indian Summer' we have all been Blessed with here! The Autumn leaves are exquisite with all their intoxicating rich Fall colours! Eventhough, we are presently experiencing gale winds; brilliant sunshine and cloudless bright blue skies abound!

We have been working on our tidbitz projects; and are anticipating this Monday will bring us some hearty good news. In the meantime, we are going to continue to be of 'good cheer'; and simply believe for a positive outcome! There is truth re: how 'inner thoughts' can attempt to gain a stronghold and manipulate negative thoughts. To try to control and get the better of you; particularly during challenging and perplexing moments. However, keeping a calm and cool head, and turning to Him asap, one's resolve is strengthend all the more! We KNOW that He (Christ) will Provide Solution for all those who inquire genuinely of Him. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

As per my tid post yesterday, it is simply a matter of just 'turning it all over to Him' to work all the bittidz out. Easier said than done at times; however, the more often one Relies upon Him, it becomes 'second nature' to do so! Also, if things appear to be 'overwhelming' to you, just step back, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Even jubilantly shout it out loud! Plus declare, 'THANK YOU!' Amazing how immediately uplifted you feel! Ask Him to Encourage you, to Carry your burdens (which He does!), and Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you Guidance, Understanding, Wisdom, Grace, etc. He Gives you Refuge etc; and your spirits once again, are calm, confident, and joyful!

An ephifany; when we were out this afternoon, I felt like a 'kangaroo' bounding with unbridled enthusiasm! Well, everyone I met, started smiling, laughing, and being genuuinely joyful! Wow! I thought, this is awesome! The Holy Spirit works through us all to reach out and touch others! Just like my friend (see yesterday's post) who encouraged me.

Alan is preparing our dinner and it smells delicious throughout our house! 'Shake and Bake' Chicken, baked potatoes sprinkled with parmesan cheese, fresh buttered corn on the cob, sauteed juicy pea pods, Mmmmmmmmm. We are thankful for each and every day; and we look at each day as if it is a 'mini Thanksgiving'. There is so much to be thankful for! We are glad we are home for the evening; and we are looking forward to watching some good movies. A glass of red vino (South African) or two, won't hurt either! LOL!

We have received abundant bittids of harvest from our fresh grown garden produce of cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, and mulitude of veggie herbs. Our wonderful neighbours have also delighted in this Blessed bounty!

Looking forward to embracing tidbits of messages on the Vision Channel tomorrow morning, with the following International Bible Teachers! For those of you who wish to learn and absorb info more directly, here are their insightful and inspirational websites. - 'Hour of Power' (Robert Schuller Snr -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price -

Am now going to go and enjoy our evening; here is wishing you a nice night as well.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Happy Autumn and turning new leaves!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It feels like an age, since I last wrote; but we have been on the tidbitz go. We have really fallen into Fall! LOL! We have been Blessed with beautiful sunny 'Indian Summer' days; and another gorgeous one is greeting us today! Autumn is here; but Summer is still trying to hang on - no bittid complaints from me!

We have had a full plate; tied up with our regular business, as well as being a 'retread' in a new home based business. Will say that the associated products (safe eco cleaner friendly, a joy to use) have really added a major fresh 'sparkle' to our home. ie. Cleaned out our bathroom shelves / cupboards / drawers; (amazing how three years of dust creeps in). If you wish you can refer to my Sept 4th post and you will see the shiny sheen (which has remained) on our dining room table to this day. An awesome difference, methinks!

We have been falling into our bed rapidly; as we have had early starts for most mornings. A sound sleep does wonders. Will share too, that I am not really a 'vitamin' person; however, since the natural vitamins were offered with the pak, I have been taking these vitamins twice daily. That being said, the vitamins need to be taken with a meal; and that really has encouraged me to establish better eating times, as well as enjoying even healthier meals. Recently turned an exciting age; so we are all the more upbeat about maintaining and nuturing a quality life from all perspectives. I should also add, that I have noticed a gentle difference, for the better!

Tidbit - 'Turn it all over to God' to help you through the ups and the downs for each and every day.

A good friend of ours recently said to me, 'I have turned everything over to God'; and those words spoke to me. Methinks, Christ used him to give me an extra tidbit of encouragement! We all need encouragement!

Bittid - Rest in the Lord, Knowing and TRUSTING He is our Refuge and our Comfort.

Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God".

Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path". These two wonderful messages are in our downstairs bathroom; and I thought very appropriate; given all the turbulence in the world.

In a tid, if we 'Keep Things Simple'; and, 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you", the world would be a far happier place.

Still strange, that I am not able to upload photo images; however, our computer friend is away on vacation; so when he returns, things should be as 'right as rain'. Pictures do add a bit of 'specialness', don't they?

Here is wishing you a good day! Choose to make it such! 'Praise Him In All Things!'

Peace and God Bless.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday came and went! I also made a bittid error; in that not yesterday, but today's date is officially the 'First Day of Fall'. However, it would appear that the blue skies from summer have Graced this first autumn morn. As mentioned yesterday, there is something extra 'special' about this Season; and with my elixir of coffee, I raise my cup and say 'Cheers to today!'

We have a number of commitments / projects on the go. Speaking of the word, 'commitment', it is more than just a word; it is a committed action one folows through with. At times, when 'life gets in the way', it is easier to procrastinate with 'excuses'.

Was listening to a conference call last night; and the major topic was encouraging 'commitment'; and to get out of the comfort zone and simply 'Do It!' Words are 'nice', but do not cut it; however, steadfast committed efforts provide beneficial results! This is true of any type of business, endeavours etc.

However, that nuturing tidbit renewed my focus; ie In my case, a home-based business I have just joined; and it is, indeed, a Blessing, a 'Gift', if you will. Wonderful products, and a great opportunity for all, methinks. It is a bit of work at the beginning; but anything that is worthwhile, requires committed action. Excuses hinder success. Do not dwell on 'disappointments' or 'perceived failures', simply do your best. You learn and grow with 'let downs' etc. Also, it is not just about 'you'; but about helping others achieve a healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle.

Just thought I would share a few tidbits re: 'jumping into this first day of Fall'. We have some challenges on our platter (who doesn't?); BUT, 'commitment' wins against 'excuses'.

Hope some of these bittids have refreshingly encouraged you to reflect, rethink, and recharge whatever commitments you have begun this Fall etc. I am a 'retread' in this particular home based business; and I am both joyful and thankful that I am 'coming back' (hence a 'retread' LOL!), and starting afresh!

Praise Him In ALL Things!

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 21 September 2009

First day of Fall!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

First Day of Fall! It is a gorgeous morning here! There very definitely is an autumm chill in the air, and the leaves are glowing everywhere in colourful majesty. In a tidbitz, we all have many Blessings to be Thankful for!

Before I got up, I Prayed and asked for the Holy Spirit to direct our paths today. To give us Guidance, Wisdom, Understanding, Grace; and that we throw all our burdens upon Christ; TRUSTING in Him to Provide Solution. Also, asked for the full Armor of God; and to be equipped and protected by Him. Immediately, felt / do feel a calm, a peace, and a confident joy!

Forgot to include in my earlier morning Prayer, An Intercessary Prayer; so am writing it now. For all our family members, friends, neighbours, colleagues, people we do not know, and last but not least, our foes.

I liked and appreciated what John Maxwell said; and here is a quote from my post of yesterday to better illustrate his message of encouragement. ie. "On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', John C. Maxwell, author of many books, including 'Encouragement Changes Everything' is awesome, as is Joyce Meyer! Compliments are totally appreciative; however, when they come straight from the heart, it is more so! John Maxwell refers to a meaningful quote, 'Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul'. He also adds that God values everybody. ie. If we dislike a person (particularly if they have done us a disservice), it is still better to forgive / encourage them with a kind word and or a genuine compliment"

Methinks if we all encourage ourselves to be a bittid more compassionate to others, and to genuinely forgive those who have been unkind, malicious, greedy etc, by words, actions, and / or deeds, the world would be a tidbit happier place.

Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'. Treat others well. Prevail with a 'Generosity of Spirit', which comes from the Holy Spirit.

Bittid - Anticipate daily Blessings and expect good outcomes! Thank Him for each and every day; as each day is like a 'mini Thanksgiving celebration!'

That being said, we have a full day ahead of us; will keep you posted, when we know more bittidz. Still do not have access to upload photo images / pictures? It may be the video card; however, when our 'computer' friend is available, he will assist us.

Here is wishing you a wonderful 'First Day of Fall!' I love the uniqueness of each season; however, Fall is an extra 'special' time of year to me! Am sure a lot of you can relate!

Until later.

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Fall Blessings!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have enjoyed a really nice Sunday, along with some more tidbit epifanies! Been 'vegging out' with the Vision Channel, appreciating Alan, our Blue Heeler Blue, and our home / garden. We are taking a bittid 'rest' today. More reassuring and encouraging endorsements, is KNOWING, that He is our Solace and Refuge, and our 'Answer to Prayer'.

Embraced 'Hour of Power' (Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - this morning. Wow! They are all so enlightening and a breath of fresh air to us!

On 'Hour of Power', a lovely woman, Ginny Owens shares her story as well as her beautiful voice. She is blind; yet that has not discouraged her, with her encouraging and helping others. Her experience has given her more Faith; and she is not undaunted; because she knows He has a wonderful Plan / Purpose for her. This actually is true for all of us. For those of you who are feeling a bittidz disillutioned etc, check out the 'Hour of Power' website (and the other websites) and you will feel instantly refreshed and encouraged!

Also, Pastor John Ortberg, also on 'Hour of Power', with his insightful message, 'How Big is God?' and he best says it, in his book, ' If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat'.

On 'Enjoying Everyday Life', John C. Maxwell, author of many books, including 'Encouragement Changes Everything' is awesome, as is Joyce Meyer! Compliments are totally appreciative; however, when they come straight from the heart, it is more so! John Maxwell refers to a meaningful quote, 'Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul'. He also adds that God values everybody. ie. If we dislike a person (particularly if they have done us a disservice), it is still better to forgive / encourage them with a kind word and or a genuine compliment.

Also enjoyed 'Living Truth' with Charles Price; he is 'right on!' with his teachings! If we are able to, we would love to be a part of the group going to the Holy Land in November, 2010! A majestic trip of a lifetime, methinks! We have been working on our tidbitz projects; and once there is 'fruition', we will heartily make our reservations!

Am going to go and enjoy the late afternoon / early evening fall sunshine (68 degrees Fahrenheit!) with Alan and Blue! 'Praise Him In All Things!'

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Good News!

Good Afternoon!

It has turned into a beautiful warm sunny day;(about 68 degrees Fahrenheit)! We dropped off the books, several catalogued tapes, some womens' clothing, a few tids of jewellry, and excess kitchen utensil / dishes to the Union Gospel Mission.

Alan 'found' tons of tapes in our complex' garbage bin and the strong sentiment, 'Waste Not, Want Not' jumped out at him. The tapes were 'discarded' by a neighbour, whose husband passed away recently. Apparently, his passion was to catalogue all the shows, the theatre events, as well as taping all sorts of musicals and songs. He had a special 'sound / music' room set up for his enjoyment.

There are NO bittidz coincidences here; because the UGM had recently acquired two tape players; but had no tapes to go with them! So, this was tidbitz perfect! We will be going back next weekend with some more items. ie Mens' clothing is in much demand. Alan has a few bins of clothing that he has yet to unpack (sweaters etc); so he will choose what he can still wear; and give the rest away. Since we moved here, some three years ago, we have yet to unpack / unearth all the many boxes etc in our garage / basement. We will make a good dent in eliminating excess and creating more space!

Also, we just learned that our friend has shown 'life signs' re: brain activity. He is still on the life support system; and will come off it, when it is felt, he is stronger and better equipped to breath on his own. Thank God! Literally! We think our good friend will heed this 'wake up call'.

Will keep you posted on any bits of news. For us, each and every day is like a mini Thanksgiving!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

God Bless.

'Better to Give, than to Receive'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

For a rainy dark Saturday morning, I was up at 6:30. I was wide awake; so put my energies into cleaning up the kitchen, opening up the house; and last but not least, enjoying my elixir of coffee. Very quiet and peaceful time of day! Most of our neighbours are sound asleep! LOL!

Still am unable to access photo upload; and eventhough, I have followed the various directions, it is still to no avail. Trust that the issue will be resolved; as quickly as it appeared.

We have been also going through many books to unload / give away; as they are taking up unnecessary bittids of space etc. Amazing that the second hand bookstores have told us that these books are out of date; eventhough they are books of wonderful inspiration and entrepreneurial tidbits. So, instead, we will give away these books (as well as old clothing) to an organization, who is appreciative of 'anything that comes their way'. Puts a bit of a different perspective on tid things, doesn't it?

Tidbit - 'Waste Not, Want Not' was an expression my Mum always said. It is very true. In our case, we would not ever dream of throwing out old clothing, books, etc that would be heartily welcomed by others; particularly those less fortunate.

Bittid - The words, 'It is better to give, than to receive' is at the heart of the message.

Still no word on our friend; we sense it may not be good news. However, we are saying Intercessary Prayers for him.

May be back in a tid. In the next short while, we are going to load our car up with these books, boxes of old clothing, extra dishes etc; and happily give these items away to the integrity driven Mission we have in mind. This group (United Gospel Mission) also provides meals and shelter to the hungry and homeless; however, people still need clothing and nuturing uplifts of encouragement.

The cooler weather is fast approaching; and this same organization provides a 'special' Thanksgiving Dinner each year, to the men and women who turn to them for help. Eventhough we have our share of attended difficulties and have to 'watch our pennies', we will budget to give a 'Thanksgiving' modest donation, as it will help feed many mouths. It just breaks me up; as I can feel the pain, the hurt, and the sadness in these peoples' eyes and hearts. Hopefully, everyone chips in, even if just a little bit; as it will a long way!

We have much to be Thankful for! 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' There is always someone worse off and or, in more need, than most of us.

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Friday evening!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been awaiting news of our good friend; and thus far, we have heard nothing. Weird feeling. If you wish, you can refer to my tidbit post of yesterday.

Am sure you can identify some of those you know, who were / are on a constant, never ending 'treadmill'; and working themselves not only to the bone, but deep into the ground. Sadly, this is what our friend has done. He is such a lovely guy; and a 'straight shooter' to boot; which is refreshing! We have been saying Intercessary Prayers for him; and I guess, if his time is up, then c'est la vie. On the other hand, if he recovers from his coma, and his brain is alive, then he will need to follow another approach to provide him with a healthier, more balanced quality of life. He is a total quality person; albeit, a 'diamond in the rough'. Alas, there are too few of him, in this world.

We have been making more bittidz inroads with our projects; but as it is the weekend, we will leave tid things rest til Monday; continuing to Place our Trust in Him (Christ) to Guide our path. Furthermore, He is our Refuge, our Strength; and in Him, we rest.

We have discovered a wonderful produce store (nearby us!) and the prices can not be beat for the superbe fresh vegetables and fruit they offer. The store owners know how to create movement; by providing low / reasonable prices, and moving the fresh merchandise both quickly and effectively.

We are thankful it is Friday night and that we are home for the night. We have made a number of phone calls; so we look forward to receiving response / input. However, we will continue with our calls again on Monday and simply take this bit time out to recoop from a busy week. Although yesterday (my son's birthday), was a total treat / mini holiday for us; when we spent a few hours with him on the Pitch and Putt Golf Course, followed by the best hamburgers and 'fat free' fries served in the city! Every once in a bittid while, this type of 'hunky' food hits the spot!

Have also attempted to upload photo images (including the pictures I have taken) onto my blog; however, without any success. My apologies. However, am sure that the 'powers at be' are looking into correcting this issue; as I gather there are a number of others, who are having the same difficulty with posting photo images to their posts. I followed various steps; but to no avail. Am Prayful that this matter will be cleared up before too long; as pictures do have an added nice tidbit touch.

Here is wishing you a good weekend. Will keep you posted on our friend etc. We Pray that he pulls through.

Peace and God Bless.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Slowing down

Good Evening,

Am glad it is the evening; we will be seeing our bed shortly tonight. Had an early start. We had a full tidbitz morning, and then we ended up going out with my son to play 'pitch and putt'. I have never done that before; as well as being a non golfer. In February, I pulled my right arm / shoulder muscles; so I tweaked some more 'owies' today. 'Pitch and Putt' is a fun sporting activity; inexpensive; and we look forward to enjoying the 18 rounds again with him. It is my son's birthday; so we juggled our day around to spend a few hours with him; including a bite of lunch afterwards. My son and a group of 25 friends are going out for dinner tonight to celebrate his 'special' day!

We also received some sad news about a dear friend / business associate of ours. We had wondered why he had not returned our calls? Apparently, he has been in a coma for a week; and because he is not that old, he is having brain scans to confirm his grave situation. Presently, he is on life support in the hospital; and as we are not family members, we are not privy to any info. Thus, we are 'standing by' for any news. Our other good friend (who will be calling us), says that the outcome does not look good; and that depending on the test results, our friend may be pulled off the life support. That would be a tough decision to make, methinks. Regardless, Alan and I have said Intercessary Prayers throughout the day for him; and we will Pray some more tonight.

Also, we have been working on other options with our endeavours and again, we have to have the trust, the courage and the patience to 'wait' upon Him to Provide the Solution. We think it was just as well that we had a 'change of scene' today. Fresh air, warm sunshine, celebrating a 'special' day, being with loved ones, was a wonderful boost to our spirits.

As mentioned earlier, I have newly become involved in a home based business; and in time, this will help to supplement our income. Best to be prudent and have a 'Plan B' during these uncertain times, methinks. I have embraced these products; and am in the process of 'learning the ropes' as a newcomer. Am familiarizing myself with presentations / approaches, appreciating the products more fully, and understanding the business plan.

Tidbit - When you are experiencing 'down times' / challenges, channel your energies into accomplishing other matters. Once you start, it is amazing how much better you feel; even if it is tackling new and / or unfinished bittidz tasks. Or just taking a complete 'rest' for a bit; to recharge the tid batteries!

Bittid - There are times when one has to 'slow down', and heed the 'warning' signals.

Our friend literally 'overworked' himself; so, if he survives, may this be a 'wake up' call to alert him to 'slow down'. It is so easy to fall victim to 'stress'. My Dad did. In my Dad's final days, when he was too weak to speak, he scribbled a somber note to me, saying 'Stress Kills'. I have never forgotten those words of wisdom.

Sorry, for some tid reason, am not able to access any photo images. Talk / write about 'slowing down' for a bit. Well, am going to 'give it a rest' for tonight; and wish you a 'Good Night, and hope you receive a good night's rest.

May Peace be with you, and God Bless.

Special moments!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Was up early, and 'fall' is quickly approaching. There is heavy condensation on our windows; and fresh shiny dew outside on all the flowers, plants, bushes, shrubs, and trees. Could not but help take a couple of photos to 'catch and savour the tidbit moment!' There is a majestic mixture of green summery leaves / floral colours, and autumny shades throughout. Wonderful Blessings! The morning can be such a tranquil time; with absolute quietness; no traffic, no nothing. A wonderful and special time of day, methinks!

Put on the coffee pot (Alan prepares the coffee the night before; so in the am, it is just a 'flick of a switch') and the smell of fresh coffee is percolating throughout our home. I love 'opening' up the blinds and thus our abode; and particularly this morning! There is so much to be thankful for! We appreciate the 'litttle' things; and each and every day is a bit of a 'mini thanksgiving' to us!

We did receive some tidbitz 'clarity' yesterday; and it was not practical. The detrimental 'delays' we have experienced, were possibly part of a 'wearing down' strategy to compromise us, and to increase others' gain, at our tid expense. We believe in a 'win / win' scenario; but with honour, integrity, and fair play. We have another option or two; and upon reflection, this is by far the better route. In other words, what may appear as a 'setback', turned out to be a Blessing! 'Praise Him In All Things'. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Tidbit - Lay all your burdens upon Him (Christ); as He will carry them for you. 'Lean not upon your own understanding'; instead Rely upon Him to Guide you, with Understanding, Wisdom, and Grace always. He has a Solution; and He wants the best for us all.

Bittid - 'Keep Things Simple'. When there is 'clarity'; it is much easier to focus; maintaining a confident calm and exuding genuine good cheer.

Have also read a bittidz of the Bible this morning. ie The Psalms are so awesome and uplifting. A great start to one's day, methinks!

Today is my son's birthday; so in a bittid, we will give him a call to wish him a 'Happy Birthday!'

Will keep you posted, when we know more. Here is wishing you Hope, Encouragement, and Peace for today and always!

God Bless.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Celebrating moments and momentos!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have not written for a few days; seems like an age. The time, however, has just 'zoomed zoomed zoomed' by us.

We have been involved with various projects; and it is just a simple matter of 'waiting' for confirmation. Eventhough, there have been some added delays; we have faith that everything will come to fruition in the next short while. Also, I am participating in a home based business; and apart from loving the products, there is a sound business enrichment as well.

Had my son over for a 'Birthday' celebration dinner last night; and we really enjoyed seeing him! I set our dining room table; now wonderfully polished / restored by one of the products as per my Sept 4th post: 'Flowers say and do much'. I went 'all out!' ie. Exquisite handmade embroidered green and white placements that my parents used to enjoy, as well as their beautiful silver place settings. Also, their antique blue/white/gold dishes (they are no longer perfect; but lovely nonetheless). Appreciated the gorgeous green crystal Bohmemian cut glass wine glasses, and an ancient silver Norwegian vase with our freshly picked garden yellow roses. (The vase has been in some of my previous posts; ie with pink roses from our 'Queen Elizabeth' Climbing Roses bushes).

The delicious dinner was tortellini (with Sweet Basil from our veggie / herb patch) and seasoned prawns (prepared by Alan), my 'creative' Caesar salad (including bittid cherry tomatoes from our garden), fresh buttered rolls (Mmmmm!) AND, chocolate double fudge cake (one of my son's favourites!) with French Vanilla ice cream for dessert. To top the fun evening, we lit a cosy fire, and had a couple of nightcaps! We may be seeing my son this Thursday evening (his actual birthday), either to play a bit of 'pitch and putt'. or to see a movie, with our free movie passes!

Tidbit - Building and nuturing genuine relationships is what it is all about. Appreciating family, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc.

Bittid - Keep things simple! While you 'wait', be of 'good cheer!'

Have been reading many of the wonderfully uplifting Psalms; and they have been an encouraging refuge to me; particularly during these times of 'waiting'. Eventhough Alan and I have been proactive; we are also 'resting' in steadfast Hope and Trust that He will Provide Solution.

Watched the Vision Channel this past Sunday; nnd I experienced a few tidbit epifanies from 'Hour of Power' ( - Dr. Robert Schuller); 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( - Joyce Meyer); and 'Living Truth' ( - Charles Price). There are NO coincidences and I appreciate their insightful messages. ie. Dr. Sheila Schuller Coleman speaks about a 'Faith Lift' etc (she is just great!); and Joyce Meyer (also great!) shares about how to handle disappointments; and referred to David (in the Psalms) who constantly laid his burdens before Christ. To maintain Joy and to have the 'Fruit of the Spirit' indwell within you; and that 'Patience' is developed from trials and tribulations etc. We also appreciate Charles Price, as he is so enlightening with his 'down to earth' perspectives. Methinks, for those of you who want to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', and / or have questions; best to tune into their refreshing yet, empowering teachings about Christ.

The photos are of our exquisite yellow roses, as well as another 'treasure' from our complex's garbage area. ie. the plant as well as the pot; both were separate 'finds'. The pot may look a tid grungy; but it is solid; and in time the plant will be growing over this stone planter. 'Waste not, Want not' an expression my Mum always said, comes to mind at this moment!

Also are pictures of my childrens' 'bronzed baby shoes' / book ends, that have been in my 'safekeeping' for all these years. With a bittidz more of polishing, they will look as good as new! Heartfelt memories is also what matters; and I gave my son these tidbitz momentos yesterday and will do the same with my daughter for her upcoming birthday.

Repeating re: my September 10th post: 'Cherish 'special' moments!', re: the two birthday cards I received from both of my children. "Believe it or not, both cards were exactly the same! No coincidence here, folks! I thought, Wow! Apart from the nice handwritten greetings, the cards had these empowering words:

"Cherish the past
embrace the present
and welcome the future.

Celebrate life!"

Methinks there is a lot of sense in that message!

Peace and God Bless.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Appreciate the Bloom!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a beautiful day; not a cloud in the peaceful blue sky. Eventhough the trees are definitely heralding Autumn; it is a warm 74 degrees Fahrenheit. I love the season, Fall, but also am embracing these last days of Summer. It is more like an 'Indian Summer'. Am also glad it is the weekend!

Am appreciative for the coffee (my morning elixir!) that Alan made and brought to me; and, for some reason, the coffee is tasting extra good this morning! It is also perhaps a bit of a comfort, as I just found out that a 'special' friend recently passed away (cancer). She was not much older than me; and eventhough we did not see a lot of each other, when we did, we always enjoyed a good banter! A tidbit thought immediately comes to me. Appreciate each and every day you have. Be joyful for the good times, as well as being thankful during the tougher times. 'Praise Him In ALL Things' comes strongly to my mind and heart!

The last few days have been extra full. Have been involved too, with a new business; actually I have returned as a 'retread'. 'Coming back' is an accurate way to describe things and I am delighted to be a 'retread!' LOL! I am basically tid 'new'; because I never gave the opportunity a proper chance a few years ago. Methinks with all the financial turmoil going on around the world, that home based businesses are more appealing than ever! The wonderful thing is, that I am committed to enjoying unbeatable, safe, and affordable products for life; as well as increasing our 'family larder', and helping others do the same!

Have mentioned the word, 'good' a few times in this post. It also confirms in my heart, that Christ has a GOOD plan for each and every one of us. We too, have experienced our challenging bittid moments; and yet, we give Him Thanks for each and every day! We know and Trust that He has a Purpose for us all; and that ALL things through Him, work together for the common GOOD.

Am lifting my 'pug mug', and saying 'Absent Friends' to this 'courageous' friend; who lived life to the fullest!. Her 'good cheer' impacted us all. She was like a special bloom on a beautiful rose; a breath of fresh air. I know she is at Peace.

This picture was taken in June (You can refer to my earlier posts, if you wish); and the pink roses are from our exquisite 'Queen Elizabeth Climbing Rose'. We have been Blessed with two intertwining rose bushes; and they are reblooming, as we speak! This photo reminds me of our refreshing friend. She loved 'all creatures great and small'; and she enjoyed her garden.

'Absent Friends' is a Norwegian custom, in that glasses are raised, to all those who are absent.

God Bless.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Cherish "special" moments!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We had a full day yesterday; and made it an early night, as we have a number of tidbitz things to attend to in the daytime. For some reason, I am awake at this hour; and immediately thought about the two birthday cards I received from both of my children. Believe it or not, both cards were exactly the same! No coincidence here, folks! I thought, Wow! Apart from the nice handwritten greetings, the cards had these empowering words:

"Cherish the past
embrace the present
and welcome the future.

Celebrate life!"

It was a 'special' birthday; and I am all the more appreciative of this thoughtful and warm message from my children. This teaching holds true for each and every day for all of us, methinks.

Am Thankful too, for our Blessings of the day and the days to come. Also, grateful for His Guidance, His Wisdom, Understanding, Grace, and His Holy Spirit to direct our paths in all endeavours we are embarking upon. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'. Simply Rely upon Him and have complete Trust in the Lord to Provide your needs.

Am also reflecting upon the 'cherishing of past memories'. ie. The happier times. Today when I played with my grandchildren (I am a young Grandma!), it felt as if it were yesterday that I was doing the same with my own children. It even took me back to when I was a child and was similarly playful and full of laughter! These types of bittidz moments are so fleeting; so make the best of them and enjoy! Or better still, 'Celebrate and cherish these special times'.

Am also thinking that 'forgiveness' is playing a gentle part here as well; thus a sense of calm and quiet contentment radiates. Blessings abound!

Last week we enjoyed a wonderful restaurant dinner with my son, and yesterday we appreciated a delicious home made lunch with my daughter. Methinks, we have the best of both worlds!

Well, methinks I had best return to my bed, as daylight will be here soon enough.

Given the hour, will say 'Good Night' and 'Good Morning'.

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Be thankful for the 'little things'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Feel like it has been ages since I last wrote! Yesterday came and went. We were tied up with various tidbitz matters.

This morning we are off to my daughter's home for lunch; and it will be fun to see her and our two tid twin grandsons. They are starting to speak more clearly, with a greater expression of vocab and personality! Rather exciting, methinks! Made mention in a recent post, that Alan found some fun toys in our garbage compound. One ball needed batteries; and with the push of a bittidz button, the ball rolls around, lights up, talks. laughs, and sings. Very interesting toy! The other ball is a 'squeezy / squeaky' toy; more of a toy for a dog. They have a four year young pup called 'Pedro'; who is a cross between a British Bulldog and a Pug. He has the tenacious and fiesty nature of a British Bulldog! He is dear and knows no fear!

It is literally pouring with rain; a good day to stay home, methinks. The brightly coloured flowers though, all look awesome in this fresh downpour! However, it will be nice to get caught up with my daughter and the little ones. My son gave us some free movie passes; so he and us may go to a show this weekend. Have not been to the theatre for a long time; we have been so spoiled by the TV paperviews etc. My son recommends we take our snacks / candies with us; as the snack prices are not cheap.

Tidbit - Be joyful and anticipate a good day, with Blessings. Be a Blessing to others as well. It is amazing to see what Blessings transpire!

Bittid - Be thankful and appreciative for the little things (flowers in the rain etc); as well as remembering to 'Keep Things Simple' in all that you do, each and every day.

Love the above message on the photo image -'Love Conquers All'.

Have to go and get ready. Hope to be back a bit later today.

Peace and God Bless.

Monday, 7 September 2009

From the heart!

Good Evening,

Felt I had to 'share' a tidbit from last night. The T.V. was 'on'; and I happened to switch the channel to the Vision Channel. 'In Touch Ministries' by Dr. Charles Stanley appeared! I thought WOW!; because I have heard him once before and in fact wrote a tid post about him and his program in an earlier bittid post! I was not disappointed the second time either! In fact, the sermon, 'Training Our Children', hit a chord, deep within me. I will telephone tomorrow to see if there is a book(s); methinks there is. At any rate, I started to immediately reflect a bit.

Was a single Mum for many years; and to all of you, who were / are 'single parents,' this may be of help and encouragement; as I am sure, you have all experienced your 'moments'. I did the best I could; however, I was not the best; but certainly, not the worst parent either. If nothing else, I know my heart was in the 'right' place; evnthough, I made my fair share of mistakes.

My parents brought me up and taught me values, morals etc. but you know, nobody is perfect. Save for Him!!! (Jesus Christ). I will not lament past problems; no point. 'Crying over spilt milk, does not solve anything'. However, looking to today and to building a better future, it is paramount to return to the 'old fashioned' values and getting back to the 'basics'. I know I gave my children a good start; however, 'life happens'. Will say that those who were brought up in the wonderful way that Dr. Stanley teaches about, they received a special 'grounding'; and most likely, are 'exceptional' human beings today and so forth, with raising their families etc. So as a young grandmother, I feel these teachings have major merit to help shape young lives and to steer them onto the right path.

There are 'NO Coincidences!' A heartfelt thank you, Dr. Stanley!

Will also add, that I am very Thankful that my parents adopted me and they did the best they could. They were not able to have children; but they WANTED children! It is not easy being a parent; but perhaps some of us, will be better equipped as grandparents! Lest we forget, we all learn at least 50% of everything we are ever going to know, by the time we are 5 years old! 'Children' are a 'gift'; and it is incumbent upon us to nuture, guide, uplift, and protect them.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Stanley (

"Training Our Children
Charles F. Stanley

Scripture: Proverbs 22:6

I. Introduction: What is your goal in raising children? The Bible teaches that parents’ top priority in child rearing should be spiritual. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Our primary task is to prepare our sons and daughters to walk according to God’s plan, will, and purpose for their lives. We are to instill in them an unshakable faith that will protect them from the assault of the Devil.

II. What does Scripture say?

A. Parents should talk daily to their children about the things of the Lord (Deut. 6:7).

B. God has trusted parents with a unique role in their kids’ lives. You might feel too busy with your career, chores, and hobbies to invest in your children. But don’t leave this important task to someone else.

III. How should you teach your child?

A. By investing quality time. There is no substitute for a mother or a father. Be sure to invest in your kids early and often.

B. By listening to them. When your children are ready to talk to you, give them your undivided attention. They will be more likely to do the same for you when the time is right.

C. By admitting when you are wrong. Don’t let pride keep you from being transparent. You’ll be surprised at how confession removes barriers to intimacy and trust. And your kids will have an easier time admitting when they’ve sinned too.

D. By loving them unconditionally. Don’t make your acceptance contingent upon their appearance, personality, or performance (1 Cor. 13:8). Shower genuine affection on your kids, and they will do their best to please you.

E. By disciplining your children. Many modern parenting books discourage correcting, punishing, and spanking children—even when they willfully disobey. This idea is diametrically opposed to the clear teaching of Scripture (Prov. 3:12).

F. By encouraging them to fulfill their potential. Time after time, my mother said to me, “Charles, you need to look your best, do your best, and be your best.” Without criticizing or shaming your kids, challenge them to rise to their full potential.

G. By teaching them to be accountable to God. Until your children understand that their heavenly Father watches everything they do, they are likely to rebel when you aren’t around.

H. By emphasizing the importance of a relationship with Jesus. Through your words as well as your lifestyle, teach your children the importance of committing to one-on-one time with the Lord.

I. By encouraging them to read the Word. Daily Bible reading and prayer will give your children a strong moral compass. Unless the light of God’s Word shines on their paths, your children will stumble through life (Ps. 119:105).

J. By teaching them that God has a plan for their lives. I told my kids that the Lord had the right spouse, a particular career, and a specific calling for them. When children are raised knowing that God has planned their future, they are motivated to seek Him for direction.

K. By telling them to obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. In this one statement, you are teaching them to recognize the sovereignty of their Creator and His personal interest in them—this principle will help them know that they can trust Him to take care of the consequences.

IV. Conclusion: Train your children in such a way that they will follow Jesus all the days of their lives (Prov. 22:6). With your guidance and support, they will be ready to overcome attacks from the Enemy, courageously defend their faith, and take a stand for truth. Despite a world that is hostile to our faith, they will be able to reach their full potential—not just spiritually but also in every other way".

Love the above photo image. 'Seek and Ye Shall Find'.

Peace and God Bless.

Be prepared!

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

A quick bittid for now; hope to be back with a tidbit or few later!

Last night, after watching a movie, we turned to the Vision Channel; and the show, 'Tomorrow's World' was on. Roderick Meredith was sharing insights about 'When Will Christ Return'. ie. To quote him: "Do you understand that a very real God is about to send Jesus Christ back to this earth as King of kings? Were it not for God's intervention, humanity would very soon destroy itself. But God is about to intervene—and there are nine specific events you can watch for, so you need not be taken by surprise!"

'Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ's Return', is a little booklet that one can order for free; which we thankfully did last night, over the phone. It is very indicative of what is presently happening around the world. The website is: www.tomorrow's and Roderick Meredith's message is right on! ie. To quote: "Do you know what events will signal the biggest event of all time—the return of Jesus Christ to this earth? Learn what to watch for on the chaotic world scene so you will not be confused or caught unprepared".

Hopefully this will encourage those of you with questions etc, to check out 'Tomorrow's World' and order the booklet!

Tidbit - As it is said: 'Knowledge is power'.

Bittid - Best to be 'ready'; and it is never too late to genuinely invite Jesus Christ into your heart. 'He Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life'.

Love the above photo image re: the 'Armor of God' and the empowering message from the Bible!

"Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins
with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be
able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. And take the
helmut of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God".
(Ephesians 6: 14-17)

Here is wishing you all a nice R & R Labour Day Monday holiday.

Peace and God Bless.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Refreshing perspectives!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

My apologies for not writing a tidbit post yesterday (see Sept 4th post); however, we ran out of time and when evening came, we were grateful for a good night's rest.

Apart from working on our projects, I am now participating in a home based business that is 'douable' for young people, the 'in between' (that's me; although I always think 'young at heart!' LOL!), and the older folk. A tid of background. I joined a few years ago; however, I did not see it through; too many other 'things' got in the way. Particularly, this past year! No doubt, a lot of you can relate!

Have embraced the 'gift' of 'coming back' as a 'retread'; and I am delighted at the warm welcome I received in the company. During these tough and uncertain times, it is very prudent to have a supplementary income, because you just never know. I am looking to also replacing my current income; and to be actively 'set up' for the rest of my life. It will take a bit of 'work' at the beginning; but I know that with starting off on the 'right foot', and with a solid support / mentoring team, I will realistically fulfill my goals and also, help interested others along the way, to achieve their dreams as well. So, that it is a joyful 'win win win' for all those concerned! There are also wonderful 'tools' available; and I am encouraged by this refreshing new perspective / renewed hope for each and every day! For those interested, feel free to comment. I LOVE the products, and I have enjoyed putting them to good use, for the last few years. They are absolutely fantastic; and they can not be beat; as they speak and show for themselves! This time around, my heart is also 'in synct' with a very exciting business!

Today I watched some of the Vision Channel; and eventhough I missed the first half of the 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -, I was able to hear a bittid of John Maxwell's encouraging message about the perspectives re: 'failure?' His words are NO coincidence!

We had a few phone calls this morning; so we were interupted with 'Enjoying Everyday Life' and 'Living Truth' as well. Briefly, Joyce Meyer in 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( says that 'we have to have Him ALL the time'; and, He wants us all to enjoy our lives, with GRACE. Joyce shares her own experiences; very heart warming, methinks! Also, she adds, that 'My Who, is not based upon my Do'; and that women are highly regarded in the ministry.

Charles Price ( parallels and refers to the Biblical story about Moses and all the plagues; as well as the 'hard hearted' (ie. the pharoah) versus a 'soft heart'. The pharoah hardened his own heart for the six first plagues; and then God hardened the pharoah's heart in the remaining set of plagues that followed. Finally the pharoah 'allowed' everyone to leave (which they did!); but then 'changed his mind'. At the end of the day, the Red Sea drowned the pharoah's army. 'A soft and pliable heart, and to be receptive to God, will help one grow in God'. Basically, 'it is the state of one's heart; - disposition, attitude, outlook, perspective'.

Tidbit - Always be Guided by His Holy Spirit, and feel His Goodness and Blessings upon you! Be genuinely appreciative for renewed hope and thus refreshing perspectives. Act with Grace and a joyful confidence, knowing he will Provide.

Bittid - 'Keep Things Simple'. Rely upon Him and He will Bless and Direct your choices and your Path. 'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

Within the next few days or so, I will share some of my ephifanies from today's uplifting teachings / messages from the 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. However, for those of you who wish to 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', you can access them online directly!

Love the lush green ambience of the photo image! It looks as if there has been a fresh downpour of rain. In our part of the world, it rained heavily throughout last night; with today being very cool (56 degree Fahrenheit), with showers, and dark skies. We are extra glad to be home for this long weekend holiday!

We would have been going to my daughter's this afternoon / evening for my birthday celebration dinner (another one! see September 2nd & 4th posts); but one of our wee twin grandsons, has a double ear / eye infection. Thank goodness for antibiotics; the other little guy had a bout of it earlier; but fortunately, has fully recovered now. He had been on antibiotics as well. We have postponed things to later in the week. Also, Alan 'found' some more 'treasures' from our garbage complex today. Two hard plastic balls that 'talk?'; batteries is all that is needed; so, we think these bittids of toys will be tidbits of fun for our 3 year young grandsons!

Here is wishing you all a wonderful R & R Labour Day Weekend!

Peace and God Bless.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Flowers say and do much!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Have not written until now. Things have been on the tidbit go for us; and we are glad it is the weekend! Again! LOL! Where does the time go! We have been out for most of the day; so am happy to be home for the night!

Had a really fun birthday celebration. My son took us out for a delicious dinner; and we appreciated a wonderful evening. I was not too hungry yesterday; inasmuch, as I had joyfully partaken in several tid courses! LOL! It was a perfect way of turning a new decade!

Tidbit - You are only as 'young' or as old as you feel. Methinks, best to be 'young at heart!' Having a giving and youthful spirit! A genuine smile always helps; as well as an encouraging word, and / or a random act of kindness. Be grateful for your Blessings; yet, also be a Blessing to all those you meet.

Bittid - 'Say it with flowers!' So true! Flowers always add such an uplifting touch! Maybe someone you know, would be cheered up with a nice bouquet of fresh flowers! Hand picked from your garden or store bought!

Here are two bittid pictures of the beautiful flowers my son gave me. Our florist friend also gave me the large gorgeous orange sunflower; and it is a great addition to the mix.

Have also just started to clear out cupboards and shelves, and inasmuch, as I am on a 'roll', I would like to finish before this evening, doing a bittidz of 'pre fall cleaning' in our second bedroom. Before I forget, in the photo, you can see our dining room table, which now appears to have a new restorative sheen to it! I have been applying a wonderful furniture liquid; and with gentle polishing persistence over the last few days, our table has taken on a 'new life'; same with our end tables! Have some other exciting eco environmentally friendly products that are presently on route to us; hence the bit preparation of creating some extra space in our guest room / libary etc.

Will be back later today or tomorrow, to share some of my tidbitz epifanies re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' ( and 'Living Truth' ( Have not forgotten! However, still best if you check out their websites for the direct info first hand! 'Seek and Ye Shall Find!'

Peace and God Bless.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Beauty in bloom!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting for you, in your part of the world!

My tid apologies for not writing a post yesterday! I had planned to do so; but time just plain ran out. We were tied up with a number of bittidz matters; which needed asap 'hands on' attention!

This morning, we were involved with an issue, that we hope to have 'put right'. Not delving into things, but there is a company who appears to be 'ripping us off'(as mini clients); as well as the large institution, who hires them. This particular institution appreciated our call of concern; thus this other company is now 'under tidbitz review'. And, so it should be!

Tidbit - Do not be fearful of taking a stand for what you know is 'right'.

Today is my birthday! A pretty major one at that. Have also received many cards and telephone calls. A heartfelt thank you, to all those who have been in touch. My son will be taking us out to dinner tonight; and we are looking forward to spending a fun evening with him.

Bittid - Age is only a 'number'. Fortunately, there are many more years left on an 'age calendar' for me. However, one never knows; thus make the most of each and every day! Also, 'Praise Him In ALL Things!'

Am also reflecting, that regardless of all the 'screw ups' one experiences in earlier life, what matters more, is 'how well' we all go out. 'Finish well', so they say. Also, it is through our bit experiences, our ups and downs, our tougher moments, etc that the 'champion' (Holy Spirit) arises within us all.

Will be back to share some bittids re: 'Enjoying Everyday Life' and 'Living Truth'. However, here are their websites, should you wish to 'jump start' and receive some encouraging and knowledgable tidbits. - and

The picture is of the beautiful orchid Alan gave me today. Apparently it flowers for a few months; and we will cultivate / nuture it, as we have done with our other orchid, which is now thriving with exquisite white blooms. If you wish, you can refer to some July & August posts, showing pictures of the rebirth / rebloom of our white orchid. Alan even thought of giving me a dozen red roses; however, this purple cherished orchid will give us pleasure for many days!

Have to go and get ready for the big night! Til tomorrow!

Peace and God Bless.