Tuesday 8 July 2008

Take time to smell the roses and savour fresh coffee

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Today is going to be a hot one! It was already 60 + degrees before 6:30 am! Summer is here! Inasmuch too, that our 'puppy' dog, Blue let us know that he needed to 'go out'. When that occurs, we pay prompt attention! Alan took him for his 'constitution'; fed him his breakfast (at this tid point, Blue was WIDE awake), and then brought me a freshly brewed bit cup of coffee! Love the aroma of fresh coffee, first thing in the morning!

Thank you, Alan! Much appreciated! We have been married for 5.6 years; and he still 'treats me like a Queen'. It is a second marriage for both of us; and we are very Blessed to have 'found one another'. I will write about our 'Answer to Prayer'; the fact we both said a powerful Prayer and it was ANSWERED wonderfully by Him. We feel it was / is all 'predestined'; so we are extra thankful! Will refer to my earlier posts, (makes it an easier read for you) when I continue to share 'Our Answer to Prayer'.

Am now up; as it is a beautiful sunny morning. May as well, enjoy the peace that an early summer morning brings! Love the above photo image of the pink Queen Elizabeth Rose. We have these in our garden; and this am, they look all the more lovely, with the morning dew on them.

We have a lot of tidbit projects 'dovetailing'; and remember (in the July 4th post) I mentioned that we had some bittid decisions to make? Well, we still have not made them! Sometimes, 'things just take time'; and because we RELY on Him to Guide us, we are just 'waiting' for His Direction / Solution. Amazing how that happens! I tid you not!

Tidbit - While you 'wait', you may as well enjoy the journey! 'Fear Not', as He says. Thus, we are calmly awaiting His Leadership; as 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'. The upcoming decisions are important ones which will affect our life; so we have FAITH and TRUST in Him to help us with the 'right' choices.

Bittid - Do not rely on your own understandings. 'With Him, everything is possible'. It becomes easier to have complete Dependence on Him, when you 'surrender' totally to Him. Leave it all to Him, to handle.

That is just a bit of bittidz. Will be back with more tidbitz later.

God Bless.

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