Saturday, 12 July 2008

The birthday party!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We ended up having an awesome tid day in the Park; very lovely summmer weather! It was hot; fortunately, we were all in a shady bit spot, with trees all around our circle of sun / camp chairs / lawn cots. My daughter's husband was presiding as 'chef' at the barbecue, cooking up delicious hotdogs and burgers, sweet onions (mmmmm)and, beside the bittidz barbecue (which a friend kindly brought - rather handy!)a table for all the tidbitz condiments, chips, serviettes, etc. Also, a table set up with a huge salad, cold pasta, olives, pita bread with dips, and fresh in season fruit. Perfect place to have a party; no home mess and lots of space! LOL!

The grandsons are just so dear - being changed constantly into different outfits, baseball caps, and swim trunks. They received many great gifts - sleeping bags, life-jackets, balls, a large playpen, dump trunks, and many other entertaining toys and educational activities. Oh, to be a kid again; except that I am a 'kid at heart'. So, kudos to my daughter and her husband for having pulled off a great family gathering with the grandparents (six of us; lucky grandkids! LOL!), other family members, and close friends. I guess there were about 40 to 60 of us there.

Also, in the same park, there is a 'kids water park'; and the fountains are controlled / coordinated by computers; which have their 'set times' for the water fountains to either go off or on. It was a most refreshing spray; and the little boys loved every moment; laughing all the while! The sleeping bags and life jackets will be major for Pasley! Also myself, Candice's mother-in-law, and a friend enjoyed a walk down to the pier or boat launching ramp. The friend and her boyfriend have a 21 footer old boat; that they got it for the 'bargain of the century'. Good on them! Eventually we will be finding a hoat (not under 20 feet); something seaworthy, safe, and reliable; a second hand boat, nothing fancy, but something that will continuously do the job.

Tidbit - 'Potlucks' work! Various dishes, condiments, supplies given by each of us, helps to not only stretch the food and assist the budget, it is just a 'nice' feeling of everyone contributing to such a happy occasion.

Bittid - Clear communication and organization is best. When direction is simple, and tasks are fairly 'delegated', it is true, that 'many hands make light work'. One of the little guys even was throwing the garbage into the garbage bin; Alan and I thought that was a pretty incredible impressive tidbit feat!

Here is wishing you a good weekend and a wonderful week. We leave early tomorrow morning for Pasley; so there are a bittid of things to do! Love the above photo, taken (of us) at Pasley on the deck. We are looking so forward to getting away!

Good Night and God Bless.

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