Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Our Answer to Prayer

Good Afternoon, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world.

Today is Blue's birthday; instead of 3 years, he is a 4 year young 'puppy'. Plus, my daughter's husband proposed to her on this date, a year after they met. It was pretty much like Alan and I - quite quickly. Plus my twin niece and nephew are 11 years today. Kind of a neat day!

Have picked up a bit of an allergy, methinks; as both eyes are very swollen; to the point when I was out last night, I wore sunglasses. I only wear sunglasses when necessary; however, the glasses were most beneficial! LOL! Just made a Doctor's appt for 2:00 pm today; you do not fool around with your eyes.

Today, am going to write a bittidz on 'Our Answer to Prayer'. You can refer to various tidbitz posts for background if you wish; ie 'Let it Go' Dec 3/07; June 10/08; and June 11/08. Perhaps, this will be of encouragement to you, or some others that you know.

To recap a bit, the 14 yr relationship tragically ended in the fall of 2000, plus I had pneumonia; and in a tid, I have experienced better times. However, made it through; and the previously mentioned posts, can give you more 'Cole's Notes'.

Now Our Answer to Prayer. It was on a Sunday night in June/02 (approx June 5th); and it was later in the evening from my bed, when 'all of a sudden'; I spoke out loud, as, in the form of a Prayer? No one was more surprised than me! I was lying there; and I was stating strongly, "You know, I am 52 years young; and I would like to get married again! I know there is someone out there for me. Lord, I am going to ask you for Your help; and also for my earth Dad's input". (I never really followed my Dad's advice; (some expressions, yes) so this was, indeed, most unusual? Hmmmmmm.) I had made a few other 'requests' along with a few single females from time to time; 'visualizing' whatever; but this was DIFFERENT.

I started by saying, "THIS IS WHAT I DON'T WANT!" ie no 'fence sitters', no wimps, not a 'yes' man (my Dad was never a 'yes' man; he was a leader; and he was most efficient in whatever he did). I went on to say that "I want someone to genuinely love me; and to love me more than I love them". (Do not mistake me there; I would love genuinely back too; but I wanted the 'old fashioned way'; whereby the man does the chasing, the pursuing, the courtship, the whole 9 yards). I also stated, "I do not want to be the one, that always GIVES; I want to RECEIVE". Then I went right into the description that would apply to my tastes. ie "Dark hair, blue eyes, handsome, intelligent, a good sense of humour, an athelete, 6 ft or about 6'1"?". "For all I know, he could be from the Highlands of Scotland, he could be like a 'Braveheart'. (To me, that says much). I did not ask for wealth or for a non smoker; not this time; I asked for QUALITY / Character. I was in earnest. And, I asked my Dad for his help too; because I wanted his positive assurance / reinforcement. I also asked to have the type of wonderful relationship both my parents had enjoyed with one another; my Dad adored my Mum; and she him. He always treated her like a 'Queen'.

As mentioned earlier, we have the makings of an outstanding screen movie; and it involves the history, the families, espionage, adventure, AND the parallel love stories. This post is very brief as it is meant to be as an encouragement to those who want an 'Answer To Prayer'.

When I met Alan for that bittid of a moment, little did I know the rest would be history. Going back to my Prayer, I ended it by saying,"Well, Lord, if you have someone out there, great; I believe there is someone out there, that will love me for me, unconditionally; however, if that is not in Your Plan, fine. But I am READY. I surrender it all to You; and Thank you". The tidbit being; that I was 'Ready' and I surrrendered it all to Him. As a tid aside, I was not wishing to get married for the sake of being 'Mrs. Married'; it had to be with the 'right' person; period; otherwise forget it!

I met Alan on the Tuesday (June 7th approx). After a few weeks of us going out, Alan shared some 'stuff' with me. ie his Prayer. He was (is) a Christian; and so he Prayed many a time to Him. This particular time, he threw in at the end of his Prayer, that "By the way, send me my woman". Also, Alan said, "I want someone to RECEIVE, because I can GIVE much". Guess when Alan said his Prayer? The SAME Sunday night! I believe there are NO bit coincidences. Please forgive the brevity (we do have a lot of meat) but suffice to say, that we both had our PRAYERS ANSWERED. Alan proposed to me on August 10th, and we married on Dec 10th; the same day as my parents' wedding; so it is all that much more special and meaningful to us.

At the time (June/02) both of us were faced with financial challenges (Alan from 911, a few things went sideways for him; and me, as a single Mum). And my Dad always told me, "NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVERS". I am so thankful that I followed by Dad's wisdom there. That is so richly true. Alan had long hair; (now he has cut it; his choice), and that was not necessarily the type of guy I would seek out. However, I was not seeking him out; it just 'HAPPENED'; on the 'Way to the Forum' - change it....'On the Way to the Baseball Field'. At the time, it was most interesting the 'concerns' that 'so called friends' had of our blooming relationship. There were some, who were disingenuous towards us; and we / they know who they are. I find now, that those that point fingers, or have their 'concerns' (because of a)b)c)reasons) are projecting their own inadequacies, insecurities, fears, hurts, jealousies, etc. And, as I mentioned in a recent post or two, 'Same S - - T different day'; is still very applicable today. There are some who had their queries, however, have come to appreciatively know Alan and I; and are genuinely happy for our happiness. This is really the way it should be!

If someone meets the 'right' person, be happy for them; end of story. When my parents met, fell in love, married (yes, there was a war on), they also had 'fingers pointed at them'; and my Mum shared with us, that 'these certain people' would tell her that 'it would never last'. Well, she and Dad proved them wrong. They had one of the greatest love adventures of the century! Little did my Mum know that when Dad asked her to dance at one evening military function, that she would be waltzing the rest of her life with my Dad; and they, never looked back. She did add, 'he looked so very handsome and dashing in his uniform!' When I asked my Mum, 'who were 'those' negative people who criticized you and Dad?' Her reply was much like ours....'Same S - - T different day'; which rather amused us. In short, 'those certain people' continued to live out sour and empty lives; primarily as single people. Mum and Dad just ignored them and their untruths, moved on; and enjoyed genuine friendships; which is what life is all about. When my Mum first met Alan (I was totally surprised!), when she outrightly said, "You have nice feet, and you smell nice". She adored Alan; and he her; and my Mum often said that Alan was just like my Dad; and that Dad and he would have been great friends. And, we know that would have been so.

So for those of you, who want to try Praying to Him, have a genuine and open heart. He is there to help you; all you need to do, is just invite Him in; and He will provide the rest; as in An Answer to Your Prayer.

And Charles Price is right on with what he was sharing about Marriage this past Sunday. His message in turn, encouraged me to write the TRUTH and to be of an uplift to others.

Alan and I have found that we have accomplished a lot together; and we are a wonderful team, with many a dream to embrace. We have much to be thankful for, Our Individual Prayers, were ANSWERED; right to the T. I was most 'specific'; and He simply supplied the 'specifics'. We are grateful for our Blessings of each and every day.

Tidbit - 'Dream Big, and Come Boldly Before Him'.

Bittid - Praise Him In ALL Things.

God Bless.

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