Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Back from the Doctor

Hi, am back for a moment.

Went to the doctor; I do not go out of my way to see him unless totally necessary; but I feel relieved for having done so.

Long story made short; I have an infection on my outside eyeballs (not within the eyes - which is good!). Hence, the 'poofy puffy eye ball look'! LOL! He feels it is a reaction to a 'cosmetic' cream. Now that I think about it, I did put a different sunscreen / protective cream on, and that may have been it. The doctor suggested no eye wear for the time being; until things clear up. Well, fortunately, I do not wear eye cream or whatever; the odd bit of a black mascara lash; but nothing else around the eyes. So, that makes a tid of sense. I normally would have not used that spare cupboard cream; but I had run out of my usual; which is on order and should be arriving momentarily. I told the Doctor, that I looked as if I was the 'perfect candidate' for eye lift cosmetic surgery!' LOL! He laughed and agreed! LOL! However, I will never ever have that done; good on others; and if they have no reoccuring problems, great. A few of our friends, have had a little tweak here and there - eyes mainly; and unfortuantely, you can tell. The eyes are 'wandering', look different; out of balanced proportion. So, I am going to not touch a thing; and just appreciate aging gracefully. However, it does help to be 'young at heart', being 'calm and happy' within, and enjoying a positive outlook on life. Stuff that is 'negative' or drains you, just focus on the positives instead. I guess that was a tid of a tidbit.

Also, my Doctor just remarried; he is in his late 60's! I wished him all the best and much happiness to them both, from Alan and I; and he BEAMED literally! When he smiles, he has such a happy kind smile! He knows about 'grapevines'; however, I said, 'forget about any negative stuff, just enjoy your lives together; and again, way to go!' He heartily agreed; perhaps his day was made a bittid better with my tidbit comments! He is not my favourite type of guy; but he was completely taken aback by my genuine congratulations. And as I said to Alan, I may have 'misjudged him' (we have had our fair share of 'battles' over the years) a tid. And perhaps, he has been 'transformed' or 'softened' by finding a bit of happiness again. We are happy for him! Be happy for others' good fortune and happiness. I guess that is another bit of bittid.

One tidbit thing I did forget to include in the previous post, was that I asked for someone closer to my age. For 14 years, I had dated someone 5 years younger (people occasionally upon introduction, would ask him if he was my Dad; I always thought that was quite hilarious!) Apart from 'playing the field' (which I was weary of), I also briefly dated someone 10 years older. Well, this time, I asked for closer in age and presto! As I mentioned earlier, I asked Him for the 'specifics' and He gave me the 'specifics!' I still ended up marrying a younger man! LOL! Six months younger. However, my Dad was 11 months younger than my Mum and they looked great together.

Well, we have a few projects / appointments to tidy up, before we leave on Friday afternoon; and this tid 'eye thing' has slowed me down a wee bit; thus not a lot of stuff being accomplished today. So inasmuch as tomorrow is the day that everything will be happening, methinks I am going to go and 'chill out' in preparation.

And once again, it is our Blue's 4th Birthday. I love the above photo image of him; and that is how he still looks today! HAPPY AND CONTENT! We are so Blessed to have him in our lives. Happy Birthday Blue! Also, we will be singing to him 'Happy Birthday' when we serve his special dinner tonight! LOL!

God Bless.

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