Thursday, 10 July 2008

'Best laid plans of mice and men'

Good Afternoon now!

To share a quick bittidz, we are not going to Pasley; due to terrific wind storms on our coast. Very chaotic seas; and all Pasley boat traffic is in limbo, until there is more of a gentle breeze, less waves, more of a safer calm. The winds are Southeastern and Southwestern; not the ideal times to travel on this ocean. As mentioned earlier today, we are experiencing very strong gusts here; so can relish remaining here, rather than there at this time.

If the winds would subside, (not looking too likely) we could have gone later this afternoon or early evening; however, it is rather 'silly' for us to go up tomorrow, only to return on Saturday am. So, the 'best laid plans of mice and men' is in effect. Also, who knows what the forecast is for tomorrow?

There have been some tidbitz matters that we need to attend to anyway; so this works out for the best. Plus, my 'headache' (which is gradually easing)has slowed things down a wee bit for me. Perhaps a 'Blessing in Disguise'.

Eventhough it is all wonderfully worth it, there is a lot involved with getting to and fro re: Pasley. If we had our own craft (nothing fancy; just seaworthy and reliable), it would be a lot simpler; because there would be less reliance on the ferry system and consequently, another boat ride across to the opposite island. Then you walk for a good 1/4 of a mile, til you reach our place. Fortunately, we have a 'buggy' that enables you to pull all the luggage behind you; and that makes life a whole lot easier. However, once we do arrive there, we are always so appreciative of the beauty of our tid Bohemian spot.

With this change in plan, we can be of more help to my daughter prior to the birthday party, should she need us. We will be taking our Blue (Blue Heeler) with us; along with his fresh water and food supplies; in the event that the celebration goes on into the evening.

Tidbit - Always be 'ready' to roll positively with the punches / changes. There are times, when things work out for the best.

Bittid - Make the most of whatever your situation is; and enjoy the journey / new plans.

'Well' (you can refer to the post of June 13/07, if you wish re: 'well'), am going to go now and get on with various other things that need 'doing'. Am thinking that a barbecue would be great tonight and tomorrow; however, it depends on the severity of the wind. Love the above photo image.

God Bless.

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