Tuesday, 8 July 2008

A quick tidbit bittid!

A quick bittid tidbit of a P.S.

If you wish, you can refer to my post of June 10/08 re: 'Met 6 years ago today! June 10!' I will include that in as a reference, when I begin to write our 'Answer to Prayer' (which we feel is worthy of a special movie; which would also involve our lives, prior before we met and up to present). All we can say, is that He does ANSWER your Prayers.

The above photo image is of Alan and I at our beloved Bohemian Pasley; and eventhough the picture is a few years old, we pretty much look the same. Maybe even younger! LOL!

Tidbit - The secret to 'youth', is being joyful and happy. Smile and laugh often and have a positive attitude! Our friends can not believe how well we both look! Think being at peace, having a calm confidence, and just being appreciative of everything, helps.

Bittid - The saying, "Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone". My Dad used to tell me that; and it is very true.

God Bless.

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