Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We arrrived back fresh from Pasley earlier in the afternoon; and will be returning tomorrow for the next couple of weeks.
A good time was had by all; ourselves and our out of town friend. We all felt we had been away for months! LOL! Until we hit the bit traffic in the city today. Back to tid reality and fumes.
Things worked out better for us, re: coming back today; inasmuch as returning later this week prior to the busy start of a long weekend. We have done our banking / bills, laundrey, watering of plants etc. Tomorrow, we will repack and shop for our 2 week R & R. As I mentioned in a recent post, we will be having a full house up there; lots of happy moments to look forward to.
Also, I am a bittid more comfortable in using our digital camera; however, the credit goes to our out of town friend who shared a wealth of tidbit info with me, on how to download the photos to the computer! Hence, these 3 are authentic! The top photo is of our Blueheeler, in the water 'herding' some Canada Geese, who just before sunset, pick our beach for resting, nesting, and nourishment. Blue is becoming quite the 'water dog!' He will be swimming before too long! The second photo is a picture showing the magnificent sunset to the right of our bay; and the other photo is from our deck, overlooking our bay. Perhaps you can see the large old stump on the beach!
Our dear Blue is exhausted; he had a few doggie friends that came by; and they chased each other round and round! Plus running after and retrieving sticks! We saw soaring eagles, swooping right down to the water for their salmon; deer munching contentedly, mink, seals; all very lovely and peaceful.
We even had a bittid of a rescue operation last night. A kayacker was tipped over in his kyack in our bay; and because of the strong undercurrents / tides etc, he had to swim in the cold water, with the kyack. Fortunately, there were 4 others with him. They landed on our beach; and 2 of the 4 kyacks were left behind for them to come back and land portage them to their location. They are one of the families on the island; however, it was a tidbit of a fright, when it first happened. Plus, it was sunset and the ocean was 'freshening up', higher waves, sea breeze etc.
Tidbit - When you have a chance to enjoy a 'holiday', forget everything else and just 'chill out'. We ended up having the best sleeps; inhaling all that wonderful ocean air!
Bittid - Appreciate learning new things. ie picture taking and downloading them; or whatever you joyfully experience!
Here is wishing you a nice couple of weeks.
God Bless.
Monday, 28 July 2008
Holidays are good!
Friday, 25 July 2008
Have a nice weekend!
Good Afternoon or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.
My aplogies for yesterday - ie no blog...We had an unexpected houseguest arrive; so have been tied up a bit with him, our business etc. I still am not feeling up to par with my eyes; however, things are on the tid mend.
Am leaving within the hour for Pasely; our houseguest is coming with us; and we will be back this Monday, stay here overnight, pick up supplies; and return to Pasley the following day for 2 weeks. Looking so forward to spending some wonderful R & R time there! My children, their children, and friends will be staying with us; so it will be a full and fun household! And of course, our Blue will be with us; enjoying the freedom. Love the above photo taken of him!
Here is wishing you a good weekend!
Tidbit - Wear protective sun gear; particularly from the ocean's etc. reflection.
Bittid - Enjoy!
God Bless.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Back from the Doctor
Hi, am back for a moment.
Went to the doctor; I do not go out of my way to see him unless totally necessary; but I feel relieved for having done so.
Long story made short; I have an infection on my outside eyeballs (not within the eyes - which is good!). Hence, the 'poofy puffy eye ball look'! LOL! He feels it is a reaction to a 'cosmetic' cream. Now that I think about it, I did put a different sunscreen / protective cream on, and that may have been it. The doctor suggested no eye wear for the time being; until things clear up. Well, fortunately, I do not wear eye cream or whatever; the odd bit of a black mascara lash; but nothing else around the eyes. So, that makes a tid of sense. I normally would have not used that spare cupboard cream; but I had run out of my usual; which is on order and should be arriving momentarily. I told the Doctor, that I looked as if I was the 'perfect candidate' for eye lift cosmetic surgery!' LOL! He laughed and agreed! LOL! However, I will never ever have that done; good on others; and if they have no reoccuring problems, great. A few of our friends, have had a little tweak here and there - eyes mainly; and unfortuantely, you can tell. The eyes are 'wandering', look different; out of balanced proportion. So, I am going to not touch a thing; and just appreciate aging gracefully. However, it does help to be 'young at heart', being 'calm and happy' within, and enjoying a positive outlook on life. Stuff that is 'negative' or drains you, just focus on the positives instead. I guess that was a tid of a tidbit.
Also, my Doctor just remarried; he is in his late 60's! I wished him all the best and much happiness to them both, from Alan and I; and he BEAMED literally! When he smiles, he has such a happy kind smile! He knows about 'grapevines'; however, I said, 'forget about any negative stuff, just enjoy your lives together; and again, way to go!' He heartily agreed; perhaps his day was made a bittid better with my tidbit comments! He is not my favourite type of guy; but he was completely taken aback by my genuine congratulations. And as I said to Alan, I may have 'misjudged him' (we have had our fair share of 'battles' over the years) a tid. And perhaps, he has been 'transformed' or 'softened' by finding a bit of happiness again. We are happy for him! Be happy for others' good fortune and happiness. I guess that is another bit of bittid.
One tidbit thing I did forget to include in the previous post, was that I asked for someone closer to my age. For 14 years, I had dated someone 5 years younger (people occasionally upon introduction, would ask him if he was my Dad; I always thought that was quite hilarious!) Apart from 'playing the field' (which I was weary of), I also briefly dated someone 10 years older. Well, this time, I asked for closer in age and presto! As I mentioned earlier, I asked Him for the 'specifics' and He gave me the 'specifics!' I still ended up marrying a younger man! LOL! Six months younger. However, my Dad was 11 months younger than my Mum and they looked great together.
Well, we have a few projects / appointments to tidy up, before we leave on Friday afternoon; and this tid 'eye thing' has slowed me down a wee bit; thus not a lot of stuff being accomplished today. So inasmuch as tomorrow is the day that everything will be happening, methinks I am going to go and 'chill out' in preparation.
And once again, it is our Blue's 4th Birthday. I love the above photo image of him; and that is how he still looks today! HAPPY AND CONTENT! We are so Blessed to have him in our lives. Happy Birthday Blue! Also, we will be singing to him 'Happy Birthday' when we serve his special dinner tonight! LOL!
God Bless.
Our Answer to Prayer
Good Afternoon, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world.
Today is Blue's birthday; instead of 3 years, he is a 4 year young 'puppy'. Plus, my daughter's husband proposed to her on this date, a year after they met. It was pretty much like Alan and I - quite quickly. Plus my twin niece and nephew are 11 years today. Kind of a neat day!
Have picked up a bit of an allergy, methinks; as both eyes are very swollen; to the point when I was out last night, I wore sunglasses. I only wear sunglasses when necessary; however, the glasses were most beneficial! LOL! Just made a Doctor's appt for 2:00 pm today; you do not fool around with your eyes.
Today, am going to write a bittidz on 'Our Answer to Prayer'. You can refer to various tidbitz posts for background if you wish; ie 'Let it Go' Dec 3/07; June 10/08; and June 11/08. Perhaps, this will be of encouragement to you, or some others that you know.
To recap a bit, the 14 yr relationship tragically ended in the fall of 2000, plus I had pneumonia; and in a tid, I have experienced better times. However, made it through; and the previously mentioned posts, can give you more 'Cole's Notes'.
Now Our Answer to Prayer. It was on a Sunday night in June/02 (approx June 5th); and it was later in the evening from my bed, when 'all of a sudden'; I spoke out loud, as, in the form of a Prayer? No one was more surprised than me! I was lying there; and I was stating strongly, "You know, I am 52 years young; and I would like to get married again! I know there is someone out there for me. Lord, I am going to ask you for Your help; and also for my earth Dad's input". (I never really followed my Dad's advice; (some expressions, yes) so this was, indeed, most unusual? Hmmmmmm.) I had made a few other 'requests' along with a few single females from time to time; 'visualizing' whatever; but this was DIFFERENT.
I started by saying, "THIS IS WHAT I DON'T WANT!" ie no 'fence sitters', no wimps, not a 'yes' man (my Dad was never a 'yes' man; he was a leader; and he was most efficient in whatever he did). I went on to say that "I want someone to genuinely love me; and to love me more than I love them". (Do not mistake me there; I would love genuinely back too; but I wanted the 'old fashioned way'; whereby the man does the chasing, the pursuing, the courtship, the whole 9 yards). I also stated, "I do not want to be the one, that always GIVES; I want to RECEIVE". Then I went right into the description that would apply to my tastes. ie "Dark hair, blue eyes, handsome, intelligent, a good sense of humour, an athelete, 6 ft or about 6'1"?". "For all I know, he could be from the Highlands of Scotland, he could be like a 'Braveheart'. (To me, that says much). I did not ask for wealth or for a non smoker; not this time; I asked for QUALITY / Character. I was in earnest. And, I asked my Dad for his help too; because I wanted his positive assurance / reinforcement. I also asked to have the type of wonderful relationship both my parents had enjoyed with one another; my Dad adored my Mum; and she him. He always treated her like a 'Queen'.
As mentioned earlier, we have the makings of an outstanding screen movie; and it involves the history, the families, espionage, adventure, AND the parallel love stories. This post is very brief as it is meant to be as an encouragement to those who want an 'Answer To Prayer'.
When I met Alan for that bittid of a moment, little did I know the rest would be history. Going back to my Prayer, I ended it by saying,"Well, Lord, if you have someone out there, great; I believe there is someone out there, that will love me for me, unconditionally; however, if that is not in Your Plan, fine. But I am READY. I surrender it all to You; and Thank you". The tidbit being; that I was 'Ready' and I surrrendered it all to Him. As a tid aside, I was not wishing to get married for the sake of being 'Mrs. Married'; it had to be with the 'right' person; period; otherwise forget it!
I met Alan on the Tuesday (June 7th approx). After a few weeks of us going out, Alan shared some 'stuff' with me. ie his Prayer. He was (is) a Christian; and so he Prayed many a time to Him. This particular time, he threw in at the end of his Prayer, that "By the way, send me my woman". Also, Alan said, "I want someone to RECEIVE, because I can GIVE much". Guess when Alan said his Prayer? The SAME Sunday night! I believe there are NO bit coincidences. Please forgive the brevity (we do have a lot of meat) but suffice to say, that we both had our PRAYERS ANSWERED. Alan proposed to me on August 10th, and we married on Dec 10th; the same day as my parents' wedding; so it is all that much more special and meaningful to us.
At the time (June/02) both of us were faced with financial challenges (Alan from 911, a few things went sideways for him; and me, as a single Mum). And my Dad always told me, "NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVERS". I am so thankful that I followed by Dad's wisdom there. That is so richly true. Alan had long hair; (now he has cut it; his choice), and that was not necessarily the type of guy I would seek out. However, I was not seeking him out; it just 'HAPPENED'; on the 'Way to the Forum' - change it....'On the Way to the Baseball Field'. At the time, it was most interesting the 'concerns' that 'so called friends' had of our blooming relationship. There were some, who were disingenuous towards us; and we / they know who they are. I find now, that those that point fingers, or have their 'concerns' (because of a)b)c)reasons) are projecting their own inadequacies, insecurities, fears, hurts, jealousies, etc. And, as I mentioned in a recent post or two, 'Same S - - T different day'; is still very applicable today. There are some who had their queries, however, have come to appreciatively know Alan and I; and are genuinely happy for our happiness. This is really the way it should be!
If someone meets the 'right' person, be happy for them; end of story. When my parents met, fell in love, married (yes, there was a war on), they also had 'fingers pointed at them'; and my Mum shared with us, that 'these certain people' would tell her that 'it would never last'. Well, she and Dad proved them wrong. They had one of the greatest love adventures of the century! Little did my Mum know that when Dad asked her to dance at one evening military function, that she would be waltzing the rest of her life with my Dad; and they, never looked back. She did add, 'he looked so very handsome and dashing in his uniform!' When I asked my Mum, 'who were 'those' negative people who criticized you and Dad?' Her reply was much like ours....'Same S - - T different day'; which rather amused us. In short, 'those certain people' continued to live out sour and empty lives; primarily as single people. Mum and Dad just ignored them and their untruths, moved on; and enjoyed genuine friendships; which is what life is all about. When my Mum first met Alan (I was totally surprised!), when she outrightly said, "You have nice feet, and you smell nice". She adored Alan; and he her; and my Mum often said that Alan was just like my Dad; and that Dad and he would have been great friends. And, we know that would have been so.
So for those of you, who want to try Praying to Him, have a genuine and open heart. He is there to help you; all you need to do, is just invite Him in; and He will provide the rest; as in An Answer to Your Prayer.
And Charles Price is right on with what he was sharing about Marriage this past Sunday. His message in turn, encouraged me to write the TRUTH and to be of an uplift to others.
Alan and I have found that we have accomplished a lot together; and we are a wonderful team, with many a dream to embrace. We have much to be thankful for, Our Individual Prayers, were ANSWERED; right to the T. I was most 'specific'; and He simply supplied the 'specifics'. We are grateful for our Blessings of each and every day.
Tidbit - 'Dream Big, and Come Boldly Before Him'.
Bittid - Praise Him In ALL Things.
God Bless.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Cooler Tuesday
Good Afternoon or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
The past morning has been cooler and overcast; however we are finding this change of weather most refreshing to us and to our tidbit garden / patio! It is supposed to be sunny and warm later this afternoon; which will be great again! I seem to have 'picked up' a tid of an allergy. My eyes are extremely 'puffy' and I resemble a bit of a 'poof doll' at the moment. LOL!
It was a very quiet bittid morning; you would think it is summer, with people being away on their vacations! We are leaving for Pasley this Friday afternonn. We most likely will be returning for a day sojurn next week, to attend to our banking needs, as well as to replenish our supplies, before returning to our Bohemian island retreat. We will be doing the bulk of our shopping tomorrow; and the fresh produce, poultry / meats, we will pick up on route to the ferry. Keeping things simple is best.
Tidbit - Be thankful for your Blessings; and Praise Him In All Things; each and every day.
Bittid - Live one day at a time; makes life a lot simpler and more enjoyable.
Love the above photo; taken 2 yrs ago, of our wonderful 'puppy', Blue. You may have seen an earlier blog / post picture of him, playfully being alert in the Pasley grass. Our Blue will be 4 years young tomorrow; or 28 years in dogtime; and he looks 'just the same'!
God Bless.
Monday, 21 July 2008
Monday morning insights
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.
This am, is an absolutely gorgeous summmer picture. And eventhough, we love Pasley (and can hardly wait to return this Friday), it is nice to be home too! Am sure you can appreciate being 'home'.
Am certainly not telling anyone what to do (ie marriage); but what Charles Price shared with us yesterday, are wonderful insights; which encouraged my tid thoughts re: Alan and I; and our beginnings. I have written a post (June 10/08) on how we met; and will write / blog about 'Our Answer to Prayer' in the next little bittid. Would like to say, that should anyone 'luck out' to meeting the 'right' person, do not be fearful to take a chance. Go for it! Sadly, so many do not recognize and / or take the opportunity; and it is gone, in an instant. Alan and I had approx a thirty to sixty seconds window to meet; and we are very thankful to have embraced that special moment; and we have never looked back.
When I mentioned yesterday, about those that had (and some still do) 'sour grapes' etc; it really is about their own discontent / dissatisfaction with their past situations and present lives. You may have heard the expression that 'misery loves company'; well they have not changed; and as I said, 'same S - - T, different day' is an appropriate description. Have tried to genuinely 'uplift' them, but it is 'not their time' perhaps. Timing and understanding is all so key.
And, when I write a tidbit post on 'Our Answer to Prayer', I was READY to throw it all away; and to continue to enjoy my life as a 'single' person (and there is nothing wrong with that either). And then, just like that, He Stepped in and Answered My Prayer AND Alan's. I will share that incredible story before too long with you, because it is the Truth.
Tidbit - Be with positive people; so that your energy is always productive and kind. If you feel you are being taken advantage of, 'used', manipulated, whatever comes to your mind, just move away from that 'negative stuff'; and concentrate on the positives. We all have the ability to make choices.
Bittid - He is the most positive. Seek Him out; amazing what happens!
Love the above bittidz photo image; so bright and cheerful. Am enjoying my cup of coffee that Alan brought to me this am. Have to go for now; as we have a full day. May write some tidbitz later; hope your day is a great one!
God Bless.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Good Health for Body, Mind, and Soul!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We are home again! We went to Pasley on Sunday (as per the last post of July 12th) and we returned home early Friday evening and my apologies for not writing a post til now.
We had a great 5 days up there; the weather was outstanding! No complaints. In fact, I have lost about 7 to 10 pounds; due to less glasses of wine, not too many second helpings, and a good 30 min walk per day. Feels very healthy! Pasley (or whatever comes to your heart) gives you that peace of mind and solace; as you can step back and reflect and appreciate the sense of well being(from Him!). You can recharge your batteries, and be thankful for your Blessings / surroundings around you, as well as the wonderful quality of life. Keeping it tid simple is best!
The tidbit reason I have 'cut back' on food and 'libation', is that I want to gracefully and unabashadly fit into my bittid bathing suit (bikini) within the next two weeks, when our family and friends are up at Pasley. I always wear my bikini; but I know that 'less would be best' at the current moment. LOL! And, inasmuch, as I am the youngest 'grandma' on the island, I definitely want to look the part! And, we have made plans to return to our beloved Zihua later this year!
A couple of months ago (May 9th post) I had torn all the ligaments of my left ankle / foot (the second time; but on the other side this time) and thus have been 'careful'. It is mending; and for the most recent time at Pasley, our Blueheeler, Blue, and myself enjoyed a wonderful quiet walk each morning on the trail road, throughout the trees, that overlook the bays, etc. Then, I would return to a cup of coffee that my dear Alan had already brewed for me; and I would savour both the coffee and our beach / bay from our deck.
Eagles, mink, seals, Canada geese, ducklings, all sorts of boatlife & wildlife - fantastic! And our Blue loves playing with / chasing the deer; he even runs and 'hops' like them! LOL!! A writer's / artist's haven / paradise, we think on this private endearing island! Our thought is, that we will be writing our script for our movie from there. We can hardly wait to return; although it is refreshing to be home for a bit. We have been recovering / 'chilling out' from chilling out.
Yesterday found us doing bittidical 'stuff' that had to be attended to; and we happened to run into one of our neighbours in the shopping mall. Long tidbitz story made bittidz short, they invited us over for drinks later in the afternoon. We stayed almost 4 hours!!! Where or where, did the time go! Alan enjoyed one beer; and I was able to make my good sized glass of white wine last; eventhough we were offered generous refills. You certainly receive the full bouquet of wine, when it is in a large glass. Each and every unit in this complex where we live, is unique and different. Quite interesting to see the personal touches that are put into one's home. Their house is lovely; huge patio; makes ours look like a minow; however, 'home is where the heart is', so they say.
Am 'sticking to my guns'; I know what it will take for me to shed (now quite literally) the few extra 'mooching' pounds, that have 'crept up'; and as I say, having a foot injury is not the best. However, I am rebuilding the strength in my tidbitical toes and foot; and will wear an elastomag / magnetic wrap on my ankle, when I 'power walk' the trails at Pasley.
Today, has been a 'vegging out day'; very relaxing. If you are interested in the Vision Channel with the Schullers, Hour of Power, Joyce Meyer, Enjoying Everyday Life; and Charles Price, Living Truth; please feel to check them out - either on line or the T.V. (Nov 11/07 was the start of my posts about their uplifting messages). I lay in our bed this morning, appreciated coffee brought to me by Alan, and watched the Vision Channel. The programs were /are enlightening; however, Charles offered some very interesting pieces of info re: Marriage. Very true; I agree with him totally! His sermon was provocative and thoughtful to me; as seen in my further tidbit / bittid - bittid / tidbit comments.
A tidbit / bittid, if you and your spouse / partner / significant other have queries etc, you may find it worthwhile to hear what he has to share. Understanding is huge! Interestingly, this is how Alan and I choose to conduct our lives with one another; and the happiness radiates right through us both. It SHOWS. People (some we do not even know!) come up to us and ask us 'why are we so happy?'. Well, 'when we got married, we wanted to spend time with each other; otherwise, why get married?' And, it is our second marriage; so you kind of look at things a bittid differently. That is what happened to us; as in OUR ANSWER TO PRAYER. (I know I have yet to blog further on that chance meeting).
A bittid / tidbit, if you are fortunate enough to 'click with the right someone', go for it! If you have a genuine chance of 'happiness', ignore the petty jealousies, bitterness, malice even, 'sour grapes', negative 'stuff' of 'so called friends' who imply they 'have your best interests at heart'. Unfortunately, in some cases, the envy and discontent with their own lives, is still prevalently lurking today. "Same S - - T, different day", so the saying goes; but that is their choice. So be it. If you know what is sincerely right, rise up gallantly to the happy occasion, take the gaunlet, and run fearlessly, and joyfully embrace the opportunity, knocking at your door. We still enjoy smelling the roses! Also, Charles was quite specific today.
Tidbit - Praise Him in All Things daily.
Bittid - He IS your strongest Advocate / Confidant; know that; and when you have accepted Him genuinely into your heart, He 'lives within you' forever. Everything becomes a lot simpler.
Hope you are enjoying a nice R & R Sunday. The above photo image is of a Queen Elizabeth Rose;(sse previous posts if you would like) we have 2 of the plants in our tidbit garden / patio; and we are taking immense delight in all the beautiful pink bittid blooms!
God Bless.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
The birthday party!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We ended up having an awesome tid day in the Park; very lovely summmer weather! It was hot; fortunately, we were all in a shady bit spot, with trees all around our circle of sun / camp chairs / lawn cots. My daughter's husband was presiding as 'chef' at the barbecue, cooking up delicious hotdogs and burgers, sweet onions (mmmmm)and, beside the bittidz barbecue (which a friend kindly brought - rather handy!)a table for all the tidbitz condiments, chips, serviettes, etc. Also, a table set up with a huge salad, cold pasta, olives, pita bread with dips, and fresh in season fruit. Perfect place to have a party; no home mess and lots of space! LOL!
The grandsons are just so dear - being changed constantly into different outfits, baseball caps, and swim trunks. They received many great gifts - sleeping bags, life-jackets, balls, a large playpen, dump trunks, and many other entertaining toys and educational activities. Oh, to be a kid again; except that I am a 'kid at heart'. So, kudos to my daughter and her husband for having pulled off a great family gathering with the grandparents (six of us; lucky grandkids! LOL!), other family members, and close friends. I guess there were about 40 to 60 of us there.
Also, in the same park, there is a 'kids water park'; and the fountains are controlled / coordinated by computers; which have their 'set times' for the water fountains to either go off or on. It was a most refreshing spray; and the little boys loved every moment; laughing all the while! The sleeping bags and life jackets will be major for Pasley! Also myself, Candice's mother-in-law, and a friend enjoyed a walk down to the pier or boat launching ramp. The friend and her boyfriend have a 21 footer old boat; that they got it for the 'bargain of the century'. Good on them! Eventually we will be finding a hoat (not under 20 feet); something seaworthy, safe, and reliable; a second hand boat, nothing fancy, but something that will continuously do the job.
Tidbit - 'Potlucks' work! Various dishes, condiments, supplies given by each of us, helps to not only stretch the food and assist the budget, it is just a 'nice' feeling of everyone contributing to such a happy occasion.
Bittid - Clear communication and organization is best. When direction is simple, and tasks are fairly 'delegated', it is true, that 'many hands make light work'. One of the little guys even was throwing the garbage into the garbage bin; Alan and I thought that was a pretty incredible impressive tidbit feat!
Here is wishing you a good weekend and a wonderful week. We leave early tomorrow morning for Pasley; so there are a bittid of things to do! Love the above photo, taken (of us) at Pasley on the deck. We are looking so forward to getting away!
Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Glad it is Friday night!
Good Evening or whatever the best greeting is to you in your part of the world.
Have not written til now; and my apologies for a tidbit brief post tonight. I still have this bittid of a 'headache'; very strange; as it has been 'with me' for 4 days. So, am going to call it an early night.
Tomorrow is the birthday party for my 2 yr young wee grandsons; and, I am a 'young' grandma! We may leave our 'puppy' Blue at home; in the event that it will be a hot summer day. As we are not familiar with the park area, we do not know if there is any shade; and even if we left him in the car, with lots of water and windows down, we do not feel right about that idea either. However, we will make the decision tomorrow. We would love to have our 'doggie' with us; but he might be more 'comfy' at home. The above photo is the picture of our Blue Heeler, Blue; and eventhough the photo is a couple of years old, Blue looks just the same; and as 'playful' as ever! He LOVES it up at Pasley; thinks he is 'king of the homestead'; and he looks so dear with his blue and white bandana!
We are leaving early Sunday morning for Pasley and will be home at the end of the week. We can hardly wait to go! We will just take up the bit basics and make the best of the tid time that we have there.
Tidbit - Treat your animals well. I genuinely believe that if an animal is kindly looked after and loved, it is a 'good animal' and loves back. If the opposite occurs (which sounds horrid to say), then you do not have a well behaved or 'good animal' - due to the person's poor / cruel treatment of that poor animal.
Bittid - Be thankful for each and every day. Praise Him In ALL Things.
We are glad it is Friday evening; beautiful summer skies; a peace.
Good Night and God Bless.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
'Best laid plans of mice and men'
Good Afternoon now!
To share a quick bittidz, we are not going to Pasley; due to terrific wind storms on our coast. Very chaotic seas; and all Pasley boat traffic is in limbo, until there is more of a gentle breeze, less waves, more of a safer calm. The winds are Southeastern and Southwestern; not the ideal times to travel on this ocean. As mentioned earlier today, we are experiencing very strong gusts here; so can relish remaining here, rather than there at this time.
If the winds would subside, (not looking too likely) we could have gone later this afternoon or early evening; however, it is rather 'silly' for us to go up tomorrow, only to return on Saturday am. So, the 'best laid plans of mice and men' is in effect. Also, who knows what the forecast is for tomorrow?
There have been some tidbitz matters that we need to attend to anyway; so this works out for the best. Plus, my 'headache' (which is gradually easing)has slowed things down a wee bit for me. Perhaps a 'Blessing in Disguise'.
Eventhough it is all wonderfully worth it, there is a lot involved with getting to and fro re: Pasley. If we had our own craft (nothing fancy; just seaworthy and reliable), it would be a lot simpler; because there would be less reliance on the ferry system and consequently, another boat ride across to the opposite island. Then you walk for a good 1/4 of a mile, til you reach our place. Fortunately, we have a 'buggy' that enables you to pull all the luggage behind you; and that makes life a whole lot easier. However, once we do arrive there, we are always so appreciative of the beauty of our tid Bohemian spot.
With this change in plan, we can be of more help to my daughter prior to the birthday party, should she need us. We will be taking our Blue (Blue Heeler) with us; along with his fresh water and food supplies; in the event that the celebration goes on into the evening.
Tidbit - Always be 'ready' to roll positively with the punches / changes. There are times, when things work out for the best.
Bittid - Make the most of whatever your situation is; and enjoy the journey / new plans.
'Well' (you can refer to the post of June 13/07, if you wish re: 'well'), am going to go now and get on with various other things that need 'doing'. Am thinking that a barbecue would be great tonight and tomorrow; however, it depends on the severity of the wind. Love the above photo image.
God Bless.
Good Morning!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Must apologize for not writing a tid post yesterday; but I have been fighting a bit of a miserable 'headache' for the last few days; and I never ever get headaches! Perhaps it has been the heat (although I am very careful in the sun); but most likely from all the bittid 'events'. It is not like me to go and lie down in the middle of the day, or nap in the afternoon; but the body was saying 'rest'; and I followed that advice. Feel a tidbit better this am.
We are leaving early afternoon for Pasley; and will return briefly on Sat am; to participate in my twin grandsons' birtday party! They are going to be turning 2 years young! Where does the time fly? We will be returning to Pasley on Sunday and will not be back until next Friday, the 18th; thus, I will be out of blog commission. Am really looking forwad to getting away; there is nothing like 'sea air' to clear one's head and senses. But then, I have always loved the ocean. I think we will just 'chill out' for the first 2 days;(to be rested up for the party! LOL!); and then we will attack some tidbitz tasks during the 5 days we return.
Fortunately, we are not packing up much stuff for our 2 day stint; just the 'essential' bittidz of supplies.
Tidbit - When your body is saying 'rest', listen to your body. I also feel that He has a hand in this; so I just 'Praise Him In ALL Things'.
Bittid - To have a good neighbour is, indeed, a Blessing; but we have quite a few good neighbours; and those are Blessings in Abundance! Our dear neigbour & friend (across the way) has offered to water all our flowers, plants, and herbs, whenever we are away. We have also suggested to her, to help herself anytime to our herbs! So, it is a win / win situation for her and for us. 'Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you' is so true. We also have 6 tidbitical tomato vines; which are starting to show yellow bloom; so she is looking forward to enjoying those! There is nothing like fresh bittidical cherry tomatoes / produce from your own garden! Mmmmmmm.
Here is wishing you all a nice tidbit week. It has been pretty warm here; so the blustery wind is wonderfully refreshing this am. Our bittid patio takes on a lot of heat; which is nice; but there are times when it can be extremely hot.
Must go and attend to 'stuff'; so that we are 'ready' to leave within the next few hours; which will go by all too quickly. Love the above photo image! Very similar ambience to our Bohemian Pasley! The last post shows an actual picture of us on our deck at Pasley; and the 'getting away from it all'.
God Bless.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
A quick tidbit bittid!
A quick bittid tidbit of a P.S.
If you wish, you can refer to my post of June 10/08 re: 'Met 6 years ago today! June 10!' I will include that in as a reference, when I begin to write our 'Answer to Prayer' (which we feel is worthy of a special movie; which would also involve our lives, prior before we met and up to present). All we can say, is that He does ANSWER your Prayers.
The above photo image is of Alan and I at our beloved Bohemian Pasley; and eventhough the picture is a few years old, we pretty much look the same. Maybe even younger! LOL!
Tidbit - The secret to 'youth', is being joyful and happy. Smile and laugh often and have a positive attitude! Our friends can not believe how well we both look! Think being at peace, having a calm confidence, and just being appreciative of everything, helps.
Bittid - The saying, "Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep and you weep alone". My Dad used to tell me that; and it is very true.
God Bless.
Take time to smell the roses and savour fresh coffee
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today is going to be a hot one! It was already 60 + degrees before 6:30 am! Summer is here! Inasmuch too, that our 'puppy' dog, Blue let us know that he needed to 'go out'. When that occurs, we pay prompt attention! Alan took him for his 'constitution'; fed him his breakfast (at this tid point, Blue was WIDE awake), and then brought me a freshly brewed bit cup of coffee! Love the aroma of fresh coffee, first thing in the morning!
Thank you, Alan! Much appreciated! We have been married for 5.6 years; and he still 'treats me like a Queen'. It is a second marriage for both of us; and we are very Blessed to have 'found one another'. I will write about our 'Answer to Prayer'; the fact we both said a powerful Prayer and it was ANSWERED wonderfully by Him. We feel it was / is all 'predestined'; so we are extra thankful! Will refer to my earlier posts, (makes it an easier read for you) when I continue to share 'Our Answer to Prayer'.
Am now up; as it is a beautiful sunny morning. May as well, enjoy the peace that an early summer morning brings! Love the above photo image of the pink Queen Elizabeth Rose. We have these in our garden; and this am, they look all the more lovely, with the morning dew on them.
We have a lot of tidbit projects 'dovetailing'; and remember (in the July 4th post) I mentioned that we had some bittid decisions to make? Well, we still have not made them! Sometimes, 'things just take time'; and because we RELY on Him to Guide us, we are just 'waiting' for His Direction / Solution. Amazing how that happens! I tid you not!
Tidbit - While you 'wait', you may as well enjoy the journey! 'Fear Not', as He says. Thus, we are calmly awaiting His Leadership; as 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'. The upcoming decisions are important ones which will affect our life; so we have FAITH and TRUST in Him to help us with the 'right' choices.
Bittid - Do not rely on your own understandings. 'With Him, everything is possible'. It becomes easier to have complete Dependence on Him, when you 'surrender' totally to Him. Leave it all to Him, to handle.
That is just a bit of bittidz. Will be back with more tidbitz later.
God Bless.
Monday, 7 July 2008
A beautiful summery Monday morning!
Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Woke up early to a beautiful 'summmery' morning! Bright blue skies, sunshine galore! Methinks it is going to be a warm one today!
As I was making coffee, preparing the tea, opening up the blinds (you can refer to my post on 'Blinds - How do you OPEN them?' Mon, Mar 19/07; if you wish; that sums up a few tid things); bit thoughts came to me as to 'what is my favourite time / moments of the day?' Hmmmm. Well,( please see June 13/07 post, on "Well" - Can be a rather "deep" subject! if you wish) that really depends on what 'jumps out at you'; - to be extra appreciative of - be it past, present, or future moments.
For me, presently it is waking up early, there is a wonderful quiet in the house; and particularly on summer mornings, where everything is 'golden', a silent hush, and majestic; as in the awakening dawn / nature. A tidbit, I love my morning cup of coffee! Plus, I am so thankful for where we live, our 'bohemian' funky / antique filled home, and 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Good times with good friends and family mean much to me; be it for a cup of coffee, a glass of champagne, or wine, or a meal / gathering. And then in the evenings, once again in warmer temperatures, enjoying our bittid patio / garden and barbecue! Mmmmmmmmm! Also, Pasley on the ocean. I appreciate the 4 Seasons; it just depends on the time of year. ie In the Fall, love the Autumn colours of the trees / leaves; the crisp cool air, fires. In the winter, snow when you do not have to drive in it! In the Spring, the birth of blooms and revival of life. As an aside, I also enjoy writing my blogs.
Our day is starting to take on a 'life of its own'; we are going with the flow here. Have a number of calls / decisions to make and all being well, we will be going out of town in the next few days, back on Saturday for my daughter's party for the twins, and then returning to Pasley on Sunday til Thursday.
Tidbit - Be appreciative and grateful for your Blessings; whatever they may be!
Bittid - Be of a strong and courageous mindset. Turn any and all negatives into positive solutions; always Relying on Him for His Guidance and Direction. A lot less stress; as He uplifts you and carries your burdens. Just genuinely 'invite' Him into your heart; and He is there to Provide Solutions for you.
Will write some tidbitz at a later bittidz. Love the above refreshing photo image!
God Bless.
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Happy Sunday!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today is Sunday; and it has been a bit of a strange day, weatherwise - rain, sun, clouds, back and forth. We planted a tid of plants; including an asparagus plant! In three years, I understand that the asparagus plant will have a 'life of its own' and can expand to at least 3 feet in height and width etc. I gather it can also be utilized as a 'ground cover'. At the moment, the asparagus plant is in a good sized pot; however, we will have to transplant it, within the next year or two. Imagine enjoying fresh asparagus from your own garden! Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmm!
Our other verggie herbs are thriving wonderfully, despite the bleak and wet June we just experienced. Our climbing roses are really growing; next fall, we will have to cut them back, in order to promote lower blooms; rather than just at the spindly tops! However, the pink Queen Elizabeth and the Yellow Roses are in excellent health! Our bittid patio / garden is alive with life; which is how it should be!
We enjoyed ourselves last night at our neighbour / friend's gathering, and the evening went by too quickly! Delicious tidbit mouth watering hors'd'oeuvres and pleasant tasting wine; as well as fun company set the scene!
This morning I enoyed watching the 3 programs on the Vision Channel, I referred to in yesterday's post. ie in 'The Hour of Power', one of the tidbitz points that reached me, was about a woman by the name of Mandisa, and she was one of the participants in the 'American Idol' Contest. She had a lovely face and a beautiful voice! What a gift He has given her! Mandisa felt that she had a purpose, when she was auditioning in 'American Idol'; and that was to enjoy the power of Him by her song and voice, in reaching others. I gather that one of the judges was not overly 'diplomatic' towards her; and the words were picked up on T.V; but when Mandisa returned to continue the audition, she took a gracious stand and basically forgave the judge in question; eventhough 'others' were suggesting to her she could 'speak her mind'. Well, she rose above the situation and acted with GRACE! Wow! Very powerful! The song she sang on the Vision Channel today, was called 'God Speaking'; and what a fantastic job she did with the song! Even Dr. Robert Schuller Sr commented about her "healthy and positive eyes (and that the 'eyeballs don't wrinkle!' LOL! I like Dr. Schuller's wonderful sense of humour!) The EYE is what you see first; and that is where there is the first sparkle" Also, Mandisa shared that 'regardless of what we do, or if we mess up our lives, God LOVES us'. I can not remember the name of her new book ('Faith, Fat, and Fame')? but good on her!
Next, I watched Joyce ('Enjoying Everyday Life') and she was awesome as well! She is currently in Mumbai (Bombay) India; and not only is she there to teach the Gospel, but to help with the medical needs of the people living there. Her ministry has even set up a 'Transformation Centre'; as in an 'outreach' ('Hand of Hope'); whereby children can now live in a safe environment. ie Two dear little girls had been abandoned by their mother. Joyce's main message she shared over and over again, IS 'Something GOOD is going to happen to me'. Very true. As well as her words of wisdom - "Always expect something GOOD; God is God; He has a hope and a plan for us; to do us GOOD". "AGREE with God, Believe the Bible; and as Jesus says, 'He IS the solid rock on which we can stand; He is the Rock of our Salvation". "FEAR NOT". Joyce is 'right on' with her teachings. is her website; should you wish to further glean genuine gems from her. When you sincerely accept Jesus into your heart, you will begin a new life afresh. She was saying that "God hears your Prayer. He comes to live in your heart; your name will be written in the Lamb of Life". (Book of Life). Photograghed with Joyce, was an old woman who was very close to death; however she turned to Jesus; and all other gods that she had earlier worshipped, were history. She is now written in the Book of life; as she has recognized Jesus to be her Saviour. I thought this bittidz was pretty heartwarming. Also, Joyce is on the Vision Channel, at 8:00 pm during the week.
Last but not least, was Charles Price ('Living Truth')and he is also widely recognized as an International Bible Teacher'. Charles is wonderful! It is best too, that you tune into his messages; be it online or on the Vision Channel; to receive the full impact of his meaningful teachings. What I enjoyed hearing was "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you Richly" (Colossians 3:16). 'Have the HOPE that Christ IS within you, that He Directs and Guides you. Out of our hearts, flow the Life, the Love, the Character; and LOVE IS THE CHARACTER OF GOD'. 'LOVE energizes you; and Jesus Christ wants to be living as Jesus in you and through you'.
Hope the above Tidbits / Bittids are helpful, insightful, and encouraging to you. They certainly are to me.
Here is wishing you an R & R evening; hope those that celebrated the American 'Independence Day' enjoyed a nice long weekend. Love the above photo image. Love Conquers ALL.
Good Night and God Bless.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
I will say "YAHOO!" Quite literally!
This tid morning a lovely friend of ours was over to help me on our computer; and in the bit process, the Babel Fish Translation was lost! Accidentally, was 'deleted'. Hmmmmm. The Babel Fish Translation is to help those from other countries to translate posts into their own language; ie when they read mine or other posts etc. Our friend was assisting me with some other computer bittidual needs; so when he left, I tackled the tidbitual task of tracking down Babel Fish to utilize once again on my blog. Finally after many frustrating bittidz attempts, I was able to add Babel Fish back onto my blogsite; eventhough, it is in a different tidbitz format. So, I can now say "YAHOO!", because I also had to go through 'Yahoo' to enable the translation.
We just returned from our neighbour's home; she had a 'Happy Hour'; and we enjoyed meeting her daughter (our age), some of her daughter's 'childhood' friends, as well as some neighbours, and good friends of our neighbours. She gave a wonderful spread; and we are very fortunate to have her as our neighbour! It is so refreshing to have that type of repoire, isn't it?
Tidbit - 'Persistency' pays off! It really does! ie computer; trying to figure the Babel Fish Translation out; ie adding it to my blogsite. I feel better and relieved because now it is there, for all those who do not speak English, this will help them. Plus, when I read their blogs, I can do the same and translate!!!
Bittid - Be thankful and joyful for generous and genuine hospitality! It makes you feel good; as well as the host / hostess.
Tomorrow morning, I will be watching the Vision Channel, re: 'Hour of Power', 'Enjoying Everyday Life', and 'Living Truth'. Will post my thoughts; eventhough, I know, it is better you check out their meaningful messages for yourselves.
Am going to go and enjoy a bit of summer sunshine on our bittid patio; and share some tidbit chatter with Alan. Love the above beautiful photo image; very similar to our skies tonight.
Good Night and God Bless.
Friday, 4 July 2008
'Seek and Ye Shall Find' & 'When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens'
Good Morning, or whatever the best greeting is to you, in your part of the world!
First of all, Happy July 4th, American Independence Day; to all those who celebrate this eventful and special day. We just appreciated our Canada Day on July 1st.
We had a successful trip yesterday; accomplishng a fair tid. Visited with those we needed to see; and came home with many new ideas / options.
Have you ever reached a point in your life, when your long term envisioned goals, via 'your blood, sweat and tears' are no longer the passionate focus, because there is another, more viable door that has been suddenly opened to you? Most likely you have experienced that scenario. The song, "I think I'll think it over!" comes to mind at this moment. Am relieved it is Friday, that we have a few bit days to evaluate our avenues. We are not fearful; save that we are desirous to ensure a 'win / win' for all those we care about at this time.
Tidbit - 'When one door closes, another door opens'. Very true; particularly if you recognize 'timing'; ie. when you realize there are better choices / decisions to be made for the best.
Bittid - Ask Him to Provide the Solution; KNOW you will be Guided by Him in all regards - ALWAYS.
Will write a tidbit in a bittid, when there is more bittid of tidbit to write!
Once again, Happy July 4th; and may you enjoy your long weekend! My brother's birthday is today as well; so a 'Happy Birthday' to him.
God Bless.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Happy Contented Little Puppies
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
Today has come and gone in a tid, or so it would seem! And, we are just about to call it a night; as we are up and away at 6:30 am tomorrow. We have some business to attend to; and inasmuch as it is a 3.5 hour drive, we will be off to a bit of an 'early bird' start. We will drive home after dinner; and figure if we leave no later than 7:00 pm, we will enjoy most of the drive home in daylight. We will be taking our Blue with us; and as well as enjoying his company, he is a fantastic 'car dog'. A very calm and alert passenger.
We have accomplished a fair tidbitz today; inasmuch as yesterday was a National Holiday; and most bittidz business' were closed, as a result. We have also 'discerned' tidbitical 'gems' of bittidical 'pieces of wisdom', concerning honour, truth, and integrity in various situations.
Tidbit - Do not compromise yourself, if you sense / know 'something' is not right. Have the courage to take a strong stand for what is right; and be 'proactive' at the same time. As He says: "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT". And the TRUTH always set you free!
Bittid - Communication is vital. If you 'missed' a point, or 'something' is not 'clear', best to clarify the scenario immmediately. A lot of 'hassles' can be avoided; just keep everything SIMPLE and forthright; being 'on the same page', so as to blog.
'Well' (you can refer to my tid post of June 13/07, if you wish; as 'well' can be a rather 'deep' subject), am going to enjoy a sound sleep (will watch a bit of a movie first); and looking forward to the full day ahead of us. We saw 'Apollo 13' last night; it was an excellent portrayal of the Apollo 13 Space Launch in 1970, along with a great cast!
In the meantime, 'Praise Him In ALL Things'. Love the above photo image! Happy, contented little puppies, all tuckered out for the night!
Good Night and God Bless.
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Change of Scene!
Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!
We were away at our beloved Pasley and returned yesterday late afternoon. Eventhough it was a wonderful R & R, we were a tid exhausted, when we came face to face with 'reality' again! Methinks, I may have had a bit too much of sun; and after we unpacked, watered our bittid garden, I went for a tidbit nap, waking up some 3 hours later! Perhaps, because I was awake most of the night before; to make sure we were up in time to clean everything up, pack up, and then catch the boat ride, then the ferry. There is no electricity on the bittidz island; and it is a very rustic and tidbitz 'Bohemian' spot. To top if off, earlier today I wished someone 'Have a good weekend'. LOL! Alan and I are pretty laid back; and can genuinely appreciate a 'Bohemian' style of life. And inasmuch as it is 'Canada Day'; I guess it is still like a 'weekend'.
One of nature's simple creations, we immensely enjoyed were the 'Foxglove' flowers. Took pictures of them with our digital camera (still have to figure out how to properly utilize the camera and to correctly put the photos on our computer / blog). The above photo image shows these beautiful mauve / pink and white flowers, sprouting up in wild abundant 'clumps' or 'fields'. Very majestic!
Our 'pup' Blue, is becoming more familiar with the ocean; as he was pursuing sticks and logs, wading / trotting into the water chest high. In the next little bit, he will be swimming; and I understand that 'Blue Heelers' are natural swimmers. Blue is very coordinated, athletic, and agile; so it is extra great to observe his playful gain of confidence in his tid oceanfront surroundings.
We had 'exquisite' tasty meals; amazing what you can assemble together, from 'whatever there is!' The peaceful sound of gentle rolling waves, the constant tides, the spectacular sunsets, millions of stars, the moon shining on the water etc! Enjoyed the mornings, relaxing on the deck, drinking in the sea air with a cup of coffee, and just 'chilling out' for a bit! In a tid, it was a very much appreciated change of scene.
Tidbit - We are thankful for our Blessings; and we 'Praise Him in ALL Things' - always!
Bittid - 'A Change of scene is as good as a rest'; so they say.
Also, Happy Canada Day to all those who celebrate this National Holiday! Wrote a post last year (Happy Canada Day Weekend, July 2nd, if you wish to refer to it); and sadly Alan's Mum passed away in February /08.
We were glad though, that his Mum enjoyed Pasley twice, the second time with her husband in the new Panabode. As a bit of tid, the shower is now installed in the Panabode; and we appreciated a hot shower this past weekend! What a tid of a bit treat!
Mentioned in an earlier blog re: the Court Date, held June 19/08 re: the Judge's Rendering; however, we are hopeful that Alan will be 'allowed' to see his Dad, without any further restraints / restrictions on enjoying an ongoing relationship with his Dad. It would be magnificent too, IF the siblings could enjoy Pasley as a retreat / respite, as this would be a genuine 'healing' for the future. Also, Alan's Dad would LOVE to be up there in the summers, watching the unencumbered eagles, the Blue Heron, the Canada Geese, the ducks, the deer, the seals; and other thriving wild life. The sibling(s) could come up with their Dad; and a fine time would be had by us all!
God Bless.