Thursday 10 May 2007

A wonderful Mother's Day Gift! An evening with my son, Arthur. Thank you Arthur!

Today was a full day; and later in the day, my son picked me up, and out we went for a "Mother's Day Dinner"; and then on to a play afterwards! It was just great; and the play was an impromptu on Shakespeare. Very well done; and the audience was involved as well! My son, Arthur and I enjoyed our dinner first; and then met up with his very good friend and his Mum. So, it was wonderful fun; we are going to do that again! And we won't wait until "Mother's Day" for the four of us to enjoy that again!
Very lovely evening, Arthur. Thank you.

Tidbit - There is always much more to appreciate and treasure, when you spend time with your children; particularly when they are wanting to be in your company and do something "nice!" for you.

With that bit of tid, I am saying Good Night, and God Bless!

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