Thursday, 24 May 2007

A Tidbit of a Tidbit

My apologies for this late posting in the day! It is going to be a tid short, so that this can be done before midnight!

Hope the comments are now easier to access, for those that wish to leave comments. I do not understand either what happened. I know recently, there have been a few tid changes with the blogging format / settings etc; perhaps that may have contributed a wee bit to the situation; and, it is a tid possible, that I may have made a few bit errors in the process!

Tidbit - Perservere! Do not ever give up! - whatever it is! And even if you make an error, better to try, than to have not! Always have the Faith!

In my case, I bittidzed about, to "put right" the comment section to enable the tidbitz of any and all comments. I am no computer guru; however, I am going to keep learning the computer technology; tid by tid, and bit by bit!

Thanks for reading my tidbits; and I always look forward to your comments!

Has been another full day; and am definitely going to have a good, solid, sound sleep tonight!

Good Night and God Bless you all.

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