Tuesday, 15 May 2007

"Bohemian" Night!

We spent the evening, sitting outside on our wee lovely tid of a patio! We have planted quite the colorful garden over the last few days! And tonight, the sunset is just awesome; much like this image photo! ie of the skies, and the trees!

We drank "Skal" in to our senses, a delicious "rum and coke"; and immediately, my mind took flight to the Caribbean, and to our beloved Zihuatanejo, Mexico! LOL! Because we enjoyed rums and cokes on our honeymoon cruise, in the Caribbean, this brought back many fun memories. (the rum was so cheap to buy; and the coke and ice machine was located beside our room - most handy!).

It is the second marriage for us both; and we went to the Caribbean in January / 03. Our state room was right beside a bit of a deck; which was quite private; so there we would sit, night after night, with our rums and cokes and watch the sun and moon go down! When we were in the Barbados, the sunset and sun was practically orange! Unreal! I wore my ivory silk pyjamas; with long cream coloured silk / wool scarf, and it was as if the secluded tid deck was all "ours!" All very elegant; with the rays of the moon upon us and the sea, and its wake, whilst our ship was sailing yet again, for another port. We would stay up for hours; into the wee bit of the early am!

Same wonderful experience in "Zihua" - we would sit outside under the stars on our hacienda deck; and it was so "bohemian!" - so good for the soul!

Tidbit - There is "something" very reassuring and alive, when you are enjoying a nice evening outdoors; particularly with an outstanding sunset, and a beautiful moon! Be it in your own patio / garden, on a cruise ship, in the Caribbean, in Zihua, or wherever your heart takes you; don't you think?

Bittid - Cherish the joys of happy and tender memories! They can last a lifetime!

We are "in" for the night; the planet, Jupiter, is right outside our skylight! Remarkably close; and incredibly bright!

Hope you have a good night's rest! God Bless.

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