Sunday, 13 May 2007


Just a tidbitz of a blog! Planted all the geraniums this afternoon! In the image you see, the reds and the fuschia pinks are dead on! I have planted, also a lighter pink (a more vibrant pink than the image shown) and, a white geranium; which is a "knockout!" The white contrast is totally awesome with the rest of the colours! The geraniums look wonderful in our balconey planter!

Prior to the geranium planting, I thought it a tid wise to help Alan with the remaining plants, that had yet to be planted into our soil from the pots. HUGE vast improvement to our terraced patio; and particularly, when Alan hosed down the concrete. In that bit way, the task was completed more quickly! The plants and flowers have all been fertilized - Miracle Grow is fabulous!

Tidbit - You feel so good when you have done some gardening; and it is, indeed, good for the soul!

God Bless you all!

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