Wednesday 30 May 2007

"Through the Ringer"

Have you ever been put "through the ringer?" Most likely, quite a tid of you have been through the bit at various times in your lives! And, you may have asked, "where is it all coming from?" as in 'out of left field?' Totally totally, 'assword backwards!'

Dealing with principalities that set you up, make you look like the 'bad' or 'guilty guy' - the works. As mentioned in an earlier post, have been reading the book, "The Bondage Breaker" by Dr. Neil T. Anderson. Well, it is possible, highly possible, that hmmmm various forces are mightily at work. That does happen; hmmmmm.
Today, was "one of those days". Perhaps, I will just leave it at that; and follow my own bit of tidbit!

Tidbit - Out of adversity and "B.S.", be enlightened and encouraged; - 'turn it around" - into something GOOD. Stand up for the Truth and for what is Right; because "He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light". Pray and Thank Him; and "Praise Him in All Things"; everyday. However, today, the "Armour of God" is that much more vital! Never let down your guard; be ever vigilant, and always be ready to be in His Service.

God Bless you all, who read this blog.

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