Saturday, 9 November 2013

Take 30 minutes! This could be the most life changing minutes for you!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It is a very overcast day; but I am thankful that it is Saturday and that it is the Rememberance Day Long Weekend. We are thankful to all those, who fought and died for our Freedom. We will take time to remember all those who gave of their lves to provide us with the lives we have now.

We have had a couple of interesting days; and Blessings have been comng forth, NON STOP!! Hurrah! "Praise Him in ALL Things!" Also, as of bittidz late, when I seem to be thinking of something, all of a sudden it happens!!! To the good! One of them, was a video from a wonderful friend and a BIG THANK YOU to him. He knows who he is; and he is a very special person!

To give you a bit of tidbitz.

I have a favourte program I normally watch (when I can). ie. 'Murder She Wrote' starring Angela Lansbury. Well, on Thursday and Friday aftenoon, the program was not on the Vision Channel. Instead, it was Billy Graham.

To recap a bittid. On Thursday, for some reason, I had been thinking about great people who have made a huge impact / difference in the world. Well, the name that came immediately to me, was Billy Graham! I had been wondering about him; and did not even know whether he was still living UNTIL I saw him on the TV - right then and there, at that very tid moment! I believe the program carried through to yesterday; as it may have been a repeat / continuation from Thursday. I never really knew much about Billy Graham and had 'all of a sudden' a need to know! There are no coincidences! All I could and still say, is WOW!

Early this morning, was when we received the video from our kind friend. Well worth the 30 minutes! Wish it was longer; as the tidbit minutes flew by! I really enjoyed and appreciated the video, and I teared up as I watched it. Did not need a refill for my coffee. The tears were enough!

Loved the setting; ie. Billy Graham's wonderfully warm home, beautiful lush green scenery etc. A calm and peaceful feeling came over me and has not left. Am going to include the video. 'The Cross' in this post. May thee be some like me, who will be uplifted and encouraged to 'keep on trekking' everyday in Faith and Trust in Christ. A major heartfelt THANK YOU to Billy Graham for his awesome insights and empowering messages!

Billy Graham has touched my heart and understanding. Wow! As our friend shares, 'Billy Graham is 95 years old now. A tremendous man of God.'

Tidbit - Please MAKE the time to watch the inspiring video, 'The Cross.' If you do, you have nothing to lose; but all to gain! You will find your life changes, for the better! Invite Christ into your heart! Know that He LOVES you!

Bittid - "Ask and Ye shall receive." "Seek and Ye shall find." "Knock and a door shall be opened unto you." This is all true!!!! When you invite Christ into your heart, He never leaves you and you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit!

Peace And God Bless.

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