Sunday, 10 November 2013

Seeking God is the beginning of Wisdom!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

This morning, I watched and listened to Dr. Charles Stanley and his message, on 'Wisdom In The Midst of Trials' is absolutely tidbitz right on! My strong suggestion is for those of you are experiencing 'trials and tribulations', and or who know of people who are, 'Pay it forward' to them by tuning into a wonderful 55 minute video. And / or if you are simply curious, Dr. Stanley provides solid teachings of encouragement and comfort. An appreciative 'Thank you!' to him.

This enlightening video, with its tidbits on Wisdom, is 'music to one's ears.' Enjoy a coffee, or whatever tid beverage you choose, and 'drink in' this awesome message to the fullest! It could be life changing!

Tidbit - Dr. Stanley refers to 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4
Verse 3 -"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort;
Verse 4 - who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

There was an interesting email question posed to Dr. Stanley about Heaven; and those who are already there, are they watching and seeing all the bittid 'goings on' of earthly strife and pain? No, there are no tears shed in Heaven; because those who do not make it to Heaven, will not be missed. Therefore, no sadness will be experienced, as there will be no bittidz rememberances of loved ones, who do not end up at that eternal address.
Revelation 21, verse 5 - And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true."

I then also appreciated watching and listening to 'Faith To Live By' by Dr. H.H. Barber. I would also recommend you listen to this program. Plus the music provided by the singers and the pianist, are inspiring! A heartfelt 'Thank you,' Dr. Barber.

Also, our same special friend, in yesterday's post, who passed on the wonderful tidbit video to us about Billy Graham, also wrote a poem; which I will include in today's post. Thank you again, to him!

"To all you people out there who claim there is no God
I’d thought I’d send along a little rhyme
So read and head these words my friend, ‘ere you lay beneath the sod
And learn the Truth that’s yours as well as mine.

I’ve just come from the West Coast where the silver sockeye spawn
They say this run’s the biggest in a century or so!
From where have they all come from to gather in the dawn
And who’s guiding hand has shown them where to go?

Right now upon the prairie, the harvest has begun
Truckloads, Trainloads, Boatloads! an endless sea of seed
From off the golden wheat-fields that have ripened in the sun
A gift to us from He who knows our need.

And soon those empty wheat-fields will be clamouring with geese
Who stop there in their yearly flight down south
In their millions they arrive there- to pause and rest in peace
To find He’s laid a smorgasbord to feed each hungry mouth.

Look up Man! See the stars! By the millions do they glow!
The precision of their orbits to the second we can plot.
Or watch the Northern Lights some time put on their eerie show
Can you believe it all ‘just happened’ without some plan and thought?

Is there art without an artist? Can we build a castle with no plan?
And where would science be without an open mind?
How then can you see these things –a rational thinking man
And yet deny that all creation was by intelligence designed?

Oh Man! How can you stand there and deny the things you know
The beauty and precision that you see with your own eyes?
You say all things came from nothing – enough time’s passed to make it so
Well, you’ve denied the Master Builder. Do you really think that’s wise?"

The title of his poem, is 'To the Agnostic.' Well, methinks that even to those who are not agnostic, should sit up, be aware, and take notice! Very true bittids!

Bitid - As Dr. Stanley shares, Trust and Believe in Christ and Rejoice! Know that your circumstances are 'tests' to purify and build 'character.' Perserverance! Know that God has a Purpose and a good Plan for you.


In closing, Hebrews 13 is an awesome chapter, from start to finish! The bit verse 25: "Grace be with you all." is the way of it!
Christ says: "Love one another, as I have loved you."
The photo image illuminates the powerful message! 'Love Conquers All.'

Peace and God Bless.

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