Sunday, 3 November 2013

Seeking Wisdom and Understanding

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have been given an extra hour today. (turning back of the clocks). An hour to enjoy an extra bit of rest! No rushing about etc. Just calmly and peacefully going 'with the flow.' It is a beautiful sunny day! Appreciatively enjoyed my two morning cups of coffee, that Alan always makes for me.

In the morning I tuned into the Joy10 T.V. and watched 'In Touch Ministries.' Dr. Stanley's message: "In Search of Wisdom" is so impactful! (Plus I really enjoyed the choir singing 'All Is well, with my soul.' What a great song to begin the day!).

There are no coincidences! ie. In yesterday's post, The Power of Prayer! Have the Faith to Keep on Praying! re: wisdom etc.

Today, Dr. Stanley shares a number of verses re: Wisdom.
Proverbs 2: 1-7; Proverbs 8:17; Proverbs 4: 10 & 11; Proverbs 5:1; Proverbs 9:10;
James 1:5; Proverbs 6:6; Proverbs 12:15; Proverbs 15:31; Porverbs 19:20; Proverbs 13:30; Ecclesiastes 8:1; Ecclesiastes 2:26; Ecclesiastes 10:10; and Matthew 28:19.

Methinks, for those of you, who are are Seeking Christ and Seeking Wisdom and Understanding, best to take the tidbit iniative to read those powerful verses! They are all illuminating and awesome! They all 'speak' to me! I am going to reread Proverbs;, as well as other Bible passages; as there is always so much to learn!

Tidbit - Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

Bittid - Ecclesiastes 8:1 - "Who is like the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a matter? A man's wisdom illuminates him and causes his stern face to beam." I love that 'shining' and enlightening verse!

Dr. Stanley also shares his appreciative enthusiasm and love for nature and animals; as well as his enjoyment of photography. He marvels in God's wonderful creations! Also, his stories about the mother eagle, as well the mother red cardinal, is heartwarming! My suggestion is to check out his website! .
Thank you, Dr. Stanley, for your solid teachings!

Alan and I just took Shadow out for a walk (his second walk today!) as it is such a lovely day and the autumn air is so tidbitz fresh! Quite the contrast from yesterday! However, I was appreciative for the rain, as it provided a bittidz of refreshment and rest.

When we were out with Shadow, I joyfully kept thinking about Proverbs 10:10 - "If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success."

Just took two tid photos. One of our tree in its red majestic beauty! (Most of the trees surrounding us, are relatively bare). The second picture is of our ever thriving Braveheart plants, that have sprung up from bittid scattered seeds! So, we are all the more appreciative of these wonderful Blessings of His Creation!

Peace and God Bless.

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