Friday, 27 November 2009

Tranquil and reflective moments

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Yesterday was a full day. Eventhough it would appear that Alan's surgery went well, he is in a great deal of pain; now that the freezing has worn off. His knee was very painful yesterday; even with the prescribed pain killers etc. However, he did manage to have his leg raised for most of the day; in between tid exercises that he has been suggested to do. Alan will be seeing the doctor next week; and then physio will begin shortly thereafter.

Other bit matters were attended to yesterday, to determine what takes place today and over the next few days. There have been more bittidz challenges; and one has to wonder whether, 'Is this all worth it?' However, we will know more in a short while; and then a major tidbitz decision will have to be made. We would like to think we will receive positive news; and then we will run with it! And then, yes, it will be all worth it! However, we do have other options to pursue, if need be.

Tidbit - When everything is 'overwhelming', just step back, take a deep breath, Thank Him for your Blessings, cast your burdens upon Him, and Ask Him to Guide your path, as 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'. You do feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your heart. Rest and Abide in Him.

Bittid - When things appear to be at a 'standstill', just 'wait' - patiently, with a calm confidence, knowing He has a better plan for you. Continue to hope, trust, and be of good thankful cheer!

Eventhough our Prayers have not been answered as quickly etc as we would like, we believe with all our heart, body, mind, and soul, that He has an even better Plan for us. It may be that all the hoops we have gone through (and there have been many), have prepared us for something far greater. Alan and I take stock in those tidbit thoughts, knowing He will Provide a Solution, According to His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

Before I got up this morning, I had a quiet 'Prayer Dialogue' with Him; 'Praised Him in All Things', and Asked for the Holy Spirit to indwell within Alan and I; and to use us, According to His Will. I also joyfully Asked with grateful anticipation, for good things to happen today! Again, all According to His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan. That last sentence, is a major ephifany to me; as it IS According to His Will, NOT ours.

Earlier, took our 'pup', Blue for his morning walk. It is cold and crisp (frost on the roof tops); but a beautiful clear day, nonetheless. It felt wonderfully good to breathe in the fresh air and a enjoy brisk walk; and now I am appreciating my elixir of coffee, as well as bringing you up to date a bittid. Alan is still in bed; best place for him at the tid moment. Methinks, 'rest' is best for him. My Dad used to say, that 'sleep is the best' way to encourage recovery and healing.

For those of you, who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, hope you all had a gracious one. We treat each and every day, as a 'mini thanksgiving'; as there are many Blessings to be Thankful for!

The picture is from my November 3rd post, 'The Beauty of Prayer'. Am glad I took the fleeting moments to photograph the glorious foliage, as now our little tree is bare. Will keep you posted, when I have a bit more to share.

Peace and God Bless.

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