Friday, 20 November 2009

Be of 'good cheer!'

Good Morning, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

First of all, 'Happy Thanksgiving' could be our behaviour and attitude each and every day; as in being thankful for all our daily Blessings that He Gives us. Greeting and treating each day as if it is a 'mini thanksgiving!'. However, the actual American Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November; for some reason, I thought it was the third Thursday.

Yesterday, just 'zoomed zoomed zoomed' by us; and we appreciatively fell into our bed last night! We overcame some challenges; and today and the next few days, we still have some more hurdles to work through. Alan and I have simply turned 'everything' over to Him; as He IS the best Overcomer of all!

We want to have as many bittidz things 'ship shape', before Alan has his knee surgery next week. Confirmation of verbal and written communication, is so important; as it could have been so easily 'missed' in some of the bittid details yesterday. Plus, Alan and I are a tidbitz weary; and it would have been our error, had we not spotted their error. 'Best to nip things in the bud', as the tidbit expression goes.

In the middle of the night, I received my 'second wind'. Apart from being in 'Prayer dialogue' with Him, I was 'Guided' to 'get up' out of our bed, to read certain ' directed' passages from the Bible.
ie. Isaiah 45 about how 'God uses Cyrus'. Prior to reading that chapter in full (verses 1 to 7), I had Asked Him to 'Use me, According to His Will'. This particular Bible belonged to Alan's Mum; so it is all the more special and dear to my heart. Also, a small piece of paper, 'happened to fall out' from one of the pages. On there, were her handwritten thoughts; and she was suggesting that one should read Isaiah 45:3. I thought, 'Wow!' To me, that is an enlightening ephifany; thus, I took further Comfort and Refuge in the message. No coincidences, here folks!

After I read this encouraging story, I was yet again 'led' to read what Paul writes in Philippians 4 - 'Think of Excellence', verses 1 - 9. ie. In verse 4 - 'Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice!' In verse 6 - 'Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God'. Also, more bittids to help you seek Solace in 'God's Provisions', as Paul illuminates in verses 10 - 23. The teachings in this chapter are further tidbits of endorsement!

The Bible remains to be the top seller of books in the world. If more people read the Bible and followed its teachings, there would be a greater level of Understanding, Civility, and Grace amongst fellow men. What is written in the Bible, is very applicable today!

Tidbit - 'Do unto others, as you would have them, do unto you'.

Bittid - Appreciate the tidbits of insights and lessons learned each day; knowing that He does Answer our Prayers; albeit not as quickly as we would like at times. 'He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT'. He always has your best interests at heart.

Took these pictures of our hearthside, and of Alan and 'pup' Blue last night; as they are also upbeat 'lights in my life!'

Have to go for now; however, wanted to share a few bittids of hope and encouragement with you.

Peace and God Bless.

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