Saturday, 14 November 2009

A restful Saturday evening

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world.

We are thoroughly glad it is Saturday. Actually slept in til about 8:30 am! The weather has been dismal and grey; yet we have enjoyed the tidbits of the day!

We are taking a bittid of a rest. Alan did some errands; and I happily cleaned out our fireplace. The ashes had been building for some time; and I thought 'go for it!'. At the same time, I reflected upon our Blessings and calmly thought, He will Help us through this storm. As I said in an earlier post, we received some good news last night; and that is a tidbit feat in itself; one less hassle to overcome. Thanks to Him!

Tidbit - When you are weary, listen to your body, if it is indicating signs of fatigue and saying 'rest' me. I would like to think of it as the Holy Spirit saying 'Rest in Me'. To me, that sounds a lot more uplifting and encouraging to one's ears and peace of mind. To the point, where I prepped our fireplace; which is now ready for a warm and cosy fire! Something 'special' and cheery to look forward to, methinks!

Bittid - Appreciate tranquil moments and the reassuring gentle retreat of your home. The skies are now black with night, and threatening showers any second; as well as a feisty wind, which is rapidly showing up. In the daytime, our skylights in our living room, provide such a bright light! Although, it has been a relatively quiet day, this has also been restful and soothing to the spirits.

Am looking forward to watching the Vision Channel tomorrow morning; primarily 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' ( I know I will appreciate more enlightening ephifanies and empowering teachings from these three insightful International Bible Teachers / ministries.

Also, we had to handle a 'challenging' situation today, that called for 'pruning of the tree', and / or 'separating the wheat from the chaff', if you will. We had a major link; and that has unfolded positively for us, as far I am concerned. A 'Blessing in Disguise'. We had to 'uncover the TRUTH'; and alas, the 'individual' had an usurping agenda all along. I had discerned from the beginning, he was not necessarily our friend; so this afternoon, Alan dealt with that matter. I even suggested, best to 'not let it fester'; particularly since certain bittids appeared not to be accurate. So now, that is one less distraction; perhaps attempting to 'take us away' from what we have been diligently and enthusiastically working towards!

Our Prayers appear to have been not answered as quickly as we would like. That is fine though. Because, I have 'resigned' myself to believing that He does, indeed, have a much BETTER plan for us; - ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, FOR HIS PURPOSE, TO HIS PLAN, AND IN HIS TIME. That the bittidz delays etc that we have been experiencing, are all part of His grand mosiac! I remember Robert Schuller Jr saying that 'when you are down to nothing, you know He is up to something to the good, for you'. Those wise words have stuck in my head and heart. Plus, Dr. Charles Stanley, shares that 'when God is silent, that does not mean He has abandoned you; He is working on your behalf'. Those wonderful words too, have remained steadfast in my heart. Also, you can refer to my recent posts. ie November 3rd - 'The Beauty of Prayer' for further thoughts as to 'Answer to Prayer'.

It would appear too, that we may have been a bit 'set up' in a couple of other scenarios; and I recommended today to Alan, to diplomatically 'call their bluff' sooner, rather than later. He did; and it would appear, that they have 'disappeared' into the woodwork, as strongly and as quickly as they 'appeared'. Hmmmmmm.

We are continuing to maintain our tidbitz course; regardless of interuptions, disruptions, confusions, doubts, fears etc. ie. 'Naysayers', greed, and those with ulterior M.O.'s etc. We know that He has Guided us thus far; albeit definitely on a 'road less travelled'; yet,'something' says 'Stick with it, do not give up!'

The day has unravelled in a very interesting fashion. Alan and I have cast it all upon Him to Direct our Path; and we are simply Seeking Refuge in Him to Provide Solution.

I love the above photo tid image; have enjoyed utilizing it in a number of past posts. Thank you, to whomever took this friendly picture!

Here is wishing you a nice R & R Saturday evening, as well as a restful Sunday.

Peace and God Bless.

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