Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Surgery was successful!

Good Evening,

Yahoo! The surgery appears to have been successful; or at least that is what the top surgeon has said. I think I was in a 'worse state' than Alan. Even our Blue was despondent about his 'Dad'. LOL! After I dropped him off at the hospital (only patients allowed in the pre op centre), I was a bittid of a 'nervous wreck'. I knew the operation was going to work out; however, I felt a tid at loose ends. I ended up going to get a few groceries (soups, crackers, light food) and ran into a few friends. They were not feeling their best; and when I left them, they were in better spirits, mehopes. Then I came home; and it was as if I was being Guided to REST; so I did, gratefully.

Basically, Alan and I are in a 'waiting' mode re: our projects. So there was nothing more that could have been accomplished by me today; save 'resting and abiding in Him'. That to me, was also what the 'doctor ordered'; and I am glad I 'heeded' His tidbit advice. When I received the phone call from the hospital to pick Alan up, I was refreshed and optimistic! He does not require crutches; and he is able to limp about, even without the use of a cane. Mind you, the freezing is still in. Now, the tidbitz trick is, to make sure that he does not do too much, let alone, too soon. So, I feel as if I might have to be a bit of a 'sargent drill major', to enforce him to stay off his feet and to keep his foot propped up. LOL! A bittidz of exercise is good; but not too much for these next five to seven days.

We are going to enjoy some pea soup tonight; to me, pea soup hits the spot; particularly when one is weary or a tid run down. Just as well as the operation was today; as opposed to tomorrow; as this gives us the next two days to follow up with any loose ends. The other day, we went to Costco; so our larder is relatively full!

We have much to be thankful for! Glad now it is the evening and we can rest! Love the above photo image! Perhaps I am just a tid worn down; and the 'rest' will certainly be a wonderful respite. As I mentioned in today's earlier bit post, we seek Refuge and Strength in Him; and, we are leaving everything to Him to work out, in Accordance with His Will, His Purpose, and His Plan.

My son just popped in for a bittid visit (and a sandwich - made by Alan); he and I are both surprised at how well Alan is handling his post operative surgery. Once again, a bit of the freezing is still in; so it may be a different story later tonight and / or tomorrow. However, he is armed with some pain tidbit killers, if need be.

Good Night, Peace, and God Bless.

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