Thursday, 12 November 2009

The beauty of homemade soups!

Good Evening.

It has been a full tidbitz of a day thus far! Very interesting how dynamics fluctuate, as in a see-saw movement, going up, then down, and so forth. As in our aspirations towards fruition of our projects. We know there is a Solution; an even better Plan than we can even envision! We have reconciled ourselves to being 'patient'; as in simply 'waiting upon the Lord'. He has helped us be 'overcomers' in the past; hence our resolve more than ever, IS to continue being steadfast in Him; as, "He IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT".

In the earlier afternoon, we enjoyed a long walk in the sunshine with our 'pup' Blue; wonderful fresh air to clear away any and all cobwebs! LOL! The colours of autumn are still vibrantly magnificent! We ran into a few of our neighbours; and we all agreed it would be fun to get together, before too long. There are NO coincidences, here folks!

As I had mentioned earlier, it is, indeed, a tidbit Blessing to have 'good neighbours'. Alan's 'famous' soup has been gently simmering on our stove (intoxicating smell, Mmmmm!); and within the next short bittid, we will take a large bowl of soup, over to one of our neighbours, who has yet to taste Alan's homemade creation. 'Norm's' wife is in a care facility; so it has been a difficult time for him. We will invite him over for dinner in the near future.

Tidbit - Give to others! You feel so much better! 'Better to give, than to receive'; as the tid expression goes! "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!"

Bittid - 'Keep things simple', as the saying goes. Even a bittidz of soup, goes a long way; and can be stretched into many many meals. Very economical and healthy!

I like the above photo images of the hearty homemade soups! Alan is preparing a large cauldron of the delicious beef / vegetable mix; which is what we will be appreciating tonight. The other photo image is of a thick tomato soup; very similar to a savoury homemade soup that I have made many a time. Also, the piece of toast looks most appetizing as well! Perhaps you can tell, I am a bit hungry! LOL!

It is now dark; and Alan just brought me a glass of South African Red wine. To you, I joyfully say 'Skal'; as well as raising my glass - 'To Absent Friends'. Perhaps some of you, from time to time, may raise your glasses to 'Absent Friends'. There is a tidbitz of comfort in raising your glass. You can refer to today's earlier post, if you wish some tidbits and bittids of background.

Hope this gives you a bittidz of good cheer and encouragement; particularly during these tougher times.

Peace and God Bless.

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