Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

Was up early this morning; and I love witnessing the dawn, with all its majestic splendours in its heralding of a new day. I felt 'light on my feet'; joyful and thankful! KNOWING He has 'everything in hand'; and to confidently TRUST and ABIDE in Him, according to His Will. The house was wonderfully quiet; and I was totally appreciative of my elixir of coffee! 'Sir' Blue, (we also refer to him at times as his 'royal highness') was curled contentedly around my feet, under the chair.

Where did the last few days go? Sunday morning, I watched 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - on the Vision Channel. I just love these enlightening and invigorating programs; and am like a little child, (with a cup of coffee, yet!), absorbing messages like a sponge! (pen and paper in hand!). I gleefully watch these first two programs; and then Alan and I take in 'Living Truth' together; which is awesome as well! Eventhough I was / am Blessed with more 'ephifanies', methinks, it is best for you, to tune into these special ministeries, to gain your own level of understanding, clarity, and appreciate your own meaningful 'ephifanies'. If you have an inquisitive mind and open heart; wishing to learn more about Christ, ('Seek, and Ye Shall Find'), you will be uplifted by their empowering insights, solid Biblical teachings, genuine encouragement, and helpful resources (books, CDs, tapes etc). For those of you who want to experience Hope, Joy, and Peace, these ministries (plus others!) are of great comfort! Actually it is He, who is of great Comfort! And thanks to these ministries, that provide such inspiration and knowledge.

We continued to appreciate a restful reprieve for the remainder of Sunday. Monday was fully occupied; as our 'recharged batteries' from the R & R weekend, may have generated into overtime; however, there was the tidbitz necessity to do so. Tuesday found us at the hospital in the morning and early afternoon, as Alan is going in next week for a major knee surgery; so he was getting apprised of the bittidz procedures. Thus, we are endeavouring to completing as much as possible prior to his operation; as he will be off his feet for at least a week.

On another matter, we attended a bit of an 'exploratory' tax / trust meeting last night; and before the gathering, we went out for dinner, and it was 'just what the doctor ordered!'. We really enjoyed our simple meal, along with a glass of wine. It has been awhile since we have been out for dinner; and it was, indeed, a special treat!

Today, we have various bittid matters to attend to; and we are hopeful that we are closer to tidbit fruition this week. When I was watching 'Hour of Power', one of the guest speakers, Pastor Bill Butterworth, gave illuminating insights re: 'Victory over our Fears'. It was excellent; and I recommend you read / watch / listen to what he (and all the others too) has to share. Basically Bill Butterworth says that 'God covers all the bases for us'; although, He is not necessarily early in Answering our Prayers. Also, we need to simply FOCUS on Him; the rest will fall into place, as per His Will.

The picture is of the front of our abode; am amazed at all the greenery, at this cooler tid time of year!

Before I forget, here is wishing all of you, who are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, a Happy Thanksgiving! Methinks, each and every day is like a 'mini Thanksgiving'; as we have many plentiful Blessings to be thankful for!

Peace and God Bless.

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