Saturday, 21 November 2009

Enjoy! Rain or shine!

Good Afternoon, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We are thankful it is the tid weekend! It is pouring with rain; and methinks best to stay indoors and not have to drive / go anywhere today! That being said, we will be going to some friends' home; as they are hosting an art exhibit 'Open House' for the full day. It is a husband and wife team, who are the artists; and the husband was a good childhood chum of mine. In the summers we would 'play' together (I was a bit of a 'tomboy' in those days); and it will be interesting to see him again, as it has been many many years. I won't say how many! LOL!

We received the gracious tidbitz invitation on Tuesday evening, when we were at the exploratory meeting (as per my bittid post of November 18th). We have been invited to this exciting event, for the last few years; however, we have not been able to attend. I am glad our friends have not given up on us! We are looking forward to getting together with old friends, and also to meeting some new people. Eventhough, we are not in a position to buy any of their artwork today, we will enjoy the gathering, as well as 'filing the info away' for 'future reference', as in acquiring one or some of their unique pieces, when we are able to do so. Methinks it is a better bittidz to attend, than not! It will be a learning experience; and we have been told, it is lots of fun! Good friends, good food, good wine, how can one miss!

Yesterday afternoon found us preparing for next week; as Alan goes into hospital for his operation mid week. As the tidbit expression goes: 'It never rains, but it pours'. We are thankful that finally Alan is having the surgery; as his knee has caused him utmost grief for 27 months. The surgeon is not sure if he can repair the badly torn miniscus etc; but he will at least be able to see 'what is what'. Alan has been told he will need to be off his feet for a week.

Therefore, we will enjoy today and tomorrow; and the rest of the week will take care of itself. Tomorrow, I look forward once again to the wonderful Vision Channel - 'Hour of Power' (Dr. Robert Schuller -; 'Enjoying Everyday Life' (Joyce Meyer -; and 'Living Truth' (Charles Price - This past week has been on the go for us; and we have been distracted with our endeavours. I had hoped to share some tidbits from these three awesome ministries of last Sunday; and I still encourage you, that it is best to check them out for yourselves, to receive the best bittids! You can relate via your own experiences and ephifanies, methinks!

Must go now; but may be back later. It depends. If not, hope you are enjoying a nice R & R weekend. I love the above friendly photo image!

Peace and God Bless.

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