Friday, 15 May 2009

Uplifting song!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

We have had a full tid day; and have been out for the most part. Am glad now to be home and in for the night! The weather is a 'perfect gardening' temperature; so we plan to 'dig in' tomorrow, after our enthusiastic stint last Sunday.

We will also be going to our favourite Nursery & Produce Farm tomorrow morning, to pick up some fresh produce, as well as seedling geraniums and other colourful hardy flowers for our pots and planters. Plus, we will enjoy selecting our herbed plants for our bit veggie garden - cherry tomatoes, sweet basil, cucumbers, peppers, Boston lettuce etc. My April 21/07 post, 'Fresh Produce!', gives you a bittid of background on this tidbit 'sanctuary', which is like 'a breath of fresh air' to us! Well worth the drive!

The two vibrant pictures were sent to me by a kind friend; she is amazing with her camera and has a glorious array of beautiful flowers in abundance! Love the pinks and greens of her flowering Plum Tree; and the 'Black Tulips'. If you wish, you can refer to my May 5th post, 'Tuesday tulips!'; those are the same as we have! Many appreciative thanks to my friend's 'generosity of spirit!' Also, (hard to believe 2 weeks ago today!) in my May 1st post, 'Double Blooms / Double Blessings!' shows another one of her wonderful photos! There is a good bittidz of tidbitz in that post, as the tidbits and bittids still aptly apply, methinks!

Am listening to an incredibly uplifting song right now, as I write my bittidz post; it was sent to me by a dear friend. A heartfelt thank you to him! The song is full of feeling; and the singer has been Blessed with such an awesome gift, her magnificent voice! Wow! You just need to 'click' on to the title; and it will be encouraging music to your ears! I enjoyed hearing it two days ago; however, really appreciated its 'beauty of its empowering and true message' today!

Also, just received a bit of good news; and once we receive more tid data (next week, as the weekend is now here), I will be better able to tidbitz the tale with you.

We have so much to be thankful for; and we often 'Praise Him In All Things', each and every day. We have received many Blessings today; just shared a few 'special' ones with you. We look to Him for His Guidance, and for Him to Provide us with Understanding, Discernment, and Solution.

Am now enjoying a glass of South African red wine; tastes extra good! Skal! Here is wishing you all a nice evening, and a happy Queen Victoria Day long weekend.

Peace and God Bless.

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