Saturday, 9 May 2009

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

Good Evening, or whatever is the best greeting to you, in your part of the world!

It has been a really relaxing and 'productive' day - errands etc! We had a few appointments this morning; and those went well! Will fill you in, when there is more to know. Leona was not in at the consignment shop; however, we 'ran into her'; and she will give us a call to set up a mutually convenient tid time to meet, to 'discuss the Ladies!'

As we speak, Alan who just went out to pick up a few bit supplies for tomorrow's dinner, is now with Leona, who just called us to let us know that a woman just walked into her store, and 'fell in love' with the one Lady Head Vase we had left her with (the one that everyone says looks like me). Alan has taken in some other 'Ladies' and this may give the customer ( her first visit to the shop) some more options.

Currently, it is a beautiful warm 64 degrees Fahrenheit; am about to enjoy the basking warmth of the sunshine on our bittid patio! Methinks too, a glass of South African Red Wine will hit the bittidz spot, as well. There is nothing nicer than the peace of one's garden; particularly at this tranquil time of night.

Tomorrow is 'Mother's Day'. My son is coming over for a barbecue in the late afternoon / early evening. Here is hoping that he will show us how to use our new barbecue; hence barbecued hamburgers and the delicious tidbitz accompaniments! Also a wonderful dessert of angel food cake, vanilla ice cream, & strawberries will be an added mouth watering touch, methinks! Hoping too, that the weather will be as pleasant, as it is tonight!

My daughter's husband is planning something 'special' for her tomorrow night; so Alan and I will be seeing her, and our wee grandsons on Monday!

The hockey game will be on later tonight; and we are Prayful that the Canucks play 'calm, cool, and collected' and execute the shots necessary to win the game. My Dad always used to say, Calm,'cool (as a cucumber), and collected' is the best way to be. He was also 'slow to boil'; in other words, was not given to losing his cool or temper often. However, when he did become angry, he did; was never lukewarm about anything. He also was never a 'yes man'; even if it made him 'unpopular' with some people. I am very similar in make-up to my Dad's 'Viking' disposition; so I am discovering, even more as the years pass. Also have tidbit 'traits' from my Mum in some other bittid areas. However, enough about me at this time.

Apparently, the woman just LOVES the Lady Head Vase and wants HER; not the others; eventhough, they are lovely as well. We will work towards a positive outcome with her; that will be a beneficial win / win to us all. She may wish to take some Ladies and that being said, she may get a bit of a tid price break for the one she just adores! Life is certainly interesting and full of surprises! Meanwhile, Leona wants to meet with us on Tuesday; as she noticed there was a lot of interest generated towards the 'Ladies' by those who set foot in her store!

Tidbit - Go with the flow! (His Flow). We are in the 'Palm of His Hand'; He will Direct our Path; and according to His Will. This occured today; so, we feel there are NO coincidences! We simply say joyfully, 'Praise Him In ALL Things!' We Thank Him too, for our Blessings; of which there have been many today!

Bittid - KNOW that,'He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Light'.

LOVE the above tidbit photo image of the 'Queen Elizabeth Rose' (You can refer to my posts of April 30/07 & April 30/08, if you wish a bittid of background).

Again,'Happy Mother's Day Weekend' to all mothers, all over the world, of all ages!

Peace and God Bless.

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